
Hair remover - how to make at home, video


Every blonde secretly dreams of becoming a brunette. And some do not dream, and do! Only here the result is often different from the one that was drawn in the head, because the color type of natural blondes does not imply coloring the hair in a rich dark color. We will tell you how to make a wash at home with black hair, so that it would not be painfully painful to look in the mirror in the morning.

What is decaping

Decaping - removal of colored pigment from the hair. Simply put - wash. Now about her did not hear just lazy, however, use not everyone had to. The wash is performed by professional means or natural products from the refrigerator. Let's talk more about both ways.

Professional wash

Facilities for professional washes are implemented in stores cosmetics for hair: you can not buy them in a regular supermarket. The wash was produced by various manufacturers, however the essence of the action composition is always the same - it is called take offlayer paint with hair. It is necessary to understand: washing is not a panacea for failed staining, but only an auxiliary element, which is at best will help lighten hair a few tones.

To take advantage of professional tool, do the following instruction:

  1. Purchase set for washing in a professional store. is he contains several items: catalyst, reducing agent, neutralizer.
  2. Prepare hair: rinse cleansing shampoo. If there is no such shampoo, make salt scrub or wash your hair with oily hair. It is necessary that a little to dry hair - so decapitation has more Effect.
  3. Open the wash set, we mix reducing agent and catalyst. Follow Actions strictly according to the instructions, do not allow amateur. An exception - you are a professional stylist.
  4. Apply composition on the hair, wait a specified time. Wash off. If from the first time the result is not satisfied, do decoupling re, but do not get carried away - a day allowed carry out no more than three procedures.
  5. To find out if there is any dye on the hair, apply a neutralizer. Attention: neutralizer applied just one small strand, otherwise you are risking become bright light green.
  6. After process washing out the pigments from the hair is finished, wash head with clean water. Do not use balms: the best solution will be rinsing decoction of herbs.

Important: all components must be mixed in plastic containers. When decapitating applied brush with a plastic housing.

Folk remedies for washing with black hair

Unsuccessful staining there have always been, therefore, the baggage of knowledge about the black wash at home has accumulated rather big. None folkmeans not capable wash off color completely, applying any of the products, you can achieve only a minor lightening.

Laundry soap

Economic soap - a unique product that can work wonders in various areas of economic activity. Can notforget about him and in the beauty zone. If the need arises to make wash the black hair, do the following instruction:

  1. Wet hair.
  2. Take the laundry soap and rub they strand alternately. Gather the strands together, make a kul.
  3. Cover head with polyethylene, wrap with a towel. After half an hour, rinse.
  4. Apply to hair balm or a restoring mask. Wash off and dry up hair naturally.

Economic soap allows you to remove 1-2 tones. Use it can be no more than 6 times in two weeks: further hair is needed relaxation.

Kefir - Awesome folk clarifier. With it you can to remove black, red, purple pigment, and result will be visible after the first time.

Important: kefir does not dry out the hair, but acts on them beneficially, strengthening the bulbs and nourishing them.

To take advantage of kefir for washing, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Wet head water.
  2. Apply to the strands of heated kefir and evenly to arrange composition on the hair.
  3. Cover by head with polyethylene and a towel, take off in 40 minutes.
  4. Rinse hair herbal decoction, dry naturally.

Wash oils are considered the most benign. Performed by analogy with kefir. Type used oils unimportant: suitable burdock, flaxseed, olive and even regular sunflower.

Important: do not abuse the oil washes, as you risk increasing the natural fat content of the hair.

Honey mask acts like the previous two, however, is the most expensive option. Moreover, honey in large quantities overdries hair therefore use the method is needed with great care.
Honey washing is considered one of the longest - Keep on the head pure honey you need 9 hours.

Folk recipes for washing the paint with black hair at home

To a little lighten up black hair, you can use masks for, allowing to achieve slight leaching of pigment. Application Masks twice a week gives a clarification of 1 tone for a month.

If you wish you to achieve just such a result, use recipes:

  • Heat 100 gr honey in plastic ware. Add half lemon. Apply the mixture to dry hair for 20 minutes.
  • In 500 gr. kefir Pour in 2 tablespoons of olive oils and add 50 gr. salt. Keep composition under a towel 50 minutes.
  • Dilute 20 gr. soda in 1 l. warm water. Carefully rinse hair mixture and without washing with clean water hide under a warm cap. Wash off in an hour.
  • Add 1 scoop of hydrogen peroxide to chamomile decoction. Use as a rinse after washing hair.
  • Make a oil mixture: olive, castor, sunflower, sesame. Add 10 gr. lemon juice, face cream. Hold the mixture on the head 40 minutes, occasionally heated with a hairdryer.

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We hope that the article was useful, and you chose a way to make a homemade wash with black hair.

How does the hair remover

Decapitation is a special procedure that is designed to extract pigment dyes from the hair shaft. The action of the wash is exactly the opposite of the process that occurs during the painting. To achieve the result, it is necessary to wash off the hair several times. They will become lighter with each procedure. The principle of operation of the washing is concluded in the fact that:

  • chemical agents penetrate into the order, break the connection between them and the paint,
  • then the compound ingredients block the pigment released substances by “taking” them out of the structure.

Types of washes

There are three types of decoupling:

  1. Natural remover does not contain chemical additives. Its action is slower, but the application will not harm the hair. The advantage of washing is to strengthen the strands. The natural paint flushing procedure is ideal for self use at home.
  2. The acidic procedure does not contain perhydrol or ammonia. The use of this type of substance will not harm the hair. The tool helps to wash off large volumes of paint and is used when accurate color correction is needed. Plus acid decapsing - the procedure removes the artificial pigment, while not spoiling the natural hair color. The downside is an unpleasant smell.
  3. Bleaching remover can have a noticeable effect. The procedure is able to get rid of paint, even when the hair has an uneven tone. On average, this one-use decapsing brightens the strands by four tones. The components of the wash are harmful, so it is best to entrust the task to a professional.

How to wash the paint from the hair

A bad staining process is an unexpected situation. Ladies are looking for different means to quickly get rid of the remnants of paint. Not every woman has the opportunity to visit a beauty salon for a series of procedures. Many are looking for how to wash your hair at home. There are several options for gentle or fast dumping for straight strands and curls.

Professional tools

Now in many shops and on the market there is a huge range of various products. The most popular are:

  • Color-off from Farmen. According to the instructions, this tool contains fruit acids. You can use Color-off for flushing black paint.
  • Estel Color Off. This is a professional inexpensive tool used to restore the natural color. The drug from Estelle does not contain peroxide and ammonia. Helps to lighten curls by 3 tones.
  • Kapous Decoxo allows you to carefully and safely remove the artificial pigment. The drug is used for partial color correction or after unsuccessful highlighting. Kapus Decoxo is able to gently wash off the cosmetic shade.

The most gentle and effective natural remedy for the restoration of hair color is oil. For the procedure, wash any suitable oil: olive, burdock and even butter. For example, you can take 3 yolks, grind them with 4 tbsp. l castor oil. Massage the mixture should be applied to the hair along the entire length. Next, rub the composition into the scalp, wrap a towel. It is necessary to wash off the oil composition after 2 hours using a mild shampoo. Oil, besides, that perfectly washes away the paint, protects and nourishes the hair.

Folk remedies

There are many proven folk recipes of how you can perform a wash for hair at home. The most popular is kefir mask. Ingredients required for valuable ingredients:

  • Take kefir maximum fat.
  • To enhance the effect, add soda to it.
  • Apply the mixture over the entire length of the hair, wrap the strands in a towel and leave them for 2 hours.
  • Wash off the mask with shampoo.

Another well-known and oldest method of washing is considered a recipe with honey. Ingredients:

  • Before applying honey strands must be washed. After that, you should rinse your hair with a weak soda solution (2 liters of soda per liter of water).
  • Then evenly distribute the honey in the hair.
  • We leave it for a period of 2-3 to 10 hours (for example, at night).
  • Wrap your head is not necessary.
  • Wash off the mask with shampoo.

Reviews wash the old paint

Recently, the favorite color is dark chestnut. Paint took another firm. The color is almost black. I wanted to go to the hairdresser right away, but my mother advised first to try folk remedies. Wash off the black hair color helped me burdock oil. I warmed it up a bit and put it on for 3 hours. It became noticeably better.

I've been dying for several years already, first I took mahogany, then cognac, but I got tired of it, and I decided to paint it all brown. Bought Palette chestnut, stained. I was shocked: I became red! I thought I would immediately wash everything off, but the usual shampoo did not help. I read on the Internet that the washing of old paint is carried out by kefir. It helped.

I already have gray strands, so I often paint them in light brown. After the home procedure, she noticed that her hair had become pink. I decided to wash off the unsuccessful staining, well, that was Estel's bottle. It helped only 2 times.

Professional hair washes: Estel, Brelil Professional, PAUL MITCHEL, L'Oreal Professionnel and others

The store wash for hair at home can be used thanks to a gentle formula with the addition of various nutritional and restorative components.

Many well-known manufacturers of products for hair care offer their own line of tools to get rid of paint. Such products do not contain ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and other aggressive substances; they can wash away dark paint from the hair in several steps.

The action is limited to destruction with the subsequent removal of artificial coloring pigment, the natural color remains the same.

Here are some examples of cosmetic decolorants found on the shelves of specialty stores:

  1. Emulsion for removing resistant paints COLOR OFF. Estelle hair remover gently removes paint particles, is used to correct color after dyeing,
  2. The Paul Mitchel BACKTRACK system is represented by a set of 3 products that allow you to wash the dye from your hair at home, almost without harming their health,
  3. COLOR REVERSE from the manufacturer Salerm destroys the coloring matter of non-plant origin. Harmless to the structure of the hair and scalp
  4. L'Oreal Professionnel's Efassor delicately removes stubborn paint from curls without affecting natural color.

There are other tools with similar characteristics. Despite the relative safety of use advocated by manufacturers in advertising, professional hair remover requires adherence to a number of rules that you should be aware of before the procedure:

  • Washing is best done on unwashed curls, as well as staining,
  • When one application was not enough, you need to wait two weeks before the next time. If the resulting shade does not look too attractive, the washed hair dye will save the situation,
  • It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions attached to the decolorants in order to avoid sad consequences for the hair,
  • Decapitated strands need special attention and extra care,

  • Dyeing hair from hair is used mainly in winter, when the sun is not so active. About thermal styling tools, too, will have to be forgotten for a while.

The cost of dekolorantov in comparison with the services of hairdressers low, which makes this method of washing public and convenient.

How to make an effective wash with the help of folk remedies

For those who do not trust the bright labels of purchased miracle products, good recipes can be found in non-traditional cosmetology. In terms of speed of impact and the result obtained, they are a great lose to factory counterparts, but in no way affect the external and internal state of the curls.

Moreover, washing the hair dye from natural ingredients can improve the health of the hair weakened by regular dyeing.

Mask remover for hair at home with kefir or yogurt

The composition of this tool can be changed in accordance with the type of hair: for dry strands with split ends, you can add a spoonful of any vegetable oil to the mask, for too greasy - add the same mustard powder.

To wash off the paint at home, the mixture with kefir, yogurt or other sour-milk drink is applied to slightly damp clean hair, tightly wrapped with cling film. Leave the hair in this form to obtain a visible effect should be for two hours.

After the exposure time, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

This gentle hair remover can be used at least every other day at any time of the year - there will be no harm.

100 ml of juice of one lemon, two eggs, a quarter cup of vodka and two large spoons of regular shampoo can increase the effectiveness of the mask's effect on kefir. The principle of application remains the same, but the exposure time is extended to 8 hours.

Washing of dark hair with soda and soap

Wash off the black paint from the hair is quite a difficult task, some masks can not cope with it. Therefore, in the course is to put alkali.Natural high-quality soap for the time of the fight against artificial dyes can replace your favorite head wash.

In addition to its decoloring properties, this product makes curls thick, creating an invisible protective film around each hair shaft. They can be used to wash off the ammonia-free paint from the hair as well as temporary.

A more effective means of getting rid of traces of artificial colors can be considered soda shampoo. For its preparation, you must take the usual store shampoo and sodium salt in equal proportions, mix them thoroughly and wash your hair with a ready-made composition.

Wash off the paint from the hair with soda, if you mix 5 tablespoons of powder with half a teaspoon of table salt and pour all over with a glass of boiling water. Means to distribute on strands and withstand about an hour. Rinse the dried mixture thoroughly with plenty of water and shampoo.

After the procedure, a nourishing mask should be applied to the hair. This will prevent dehydration of curls.

Gentle henna remover from hair

Henna is a natural natural dye. Unlike resistant chemical dyes, it is harmless to hair and has a beneficial effect on their structure.

It is much more difficult to get rid of a reddish hue, since not every tool can destroy the pigments of natural origin. Washing homemade hair dye Estel is perfect for this purpose.

Causes of unsuccessful painting and means of dealing with the problem

Why is hair color so important for women? The answer is obvious - the paint contributes to dull hair to add shine, paints over gray hair and radically changes the image. But, experimenting with color, frustration often happens.

In the end result, we get a little bit different from what we originally dreamed of. And, this happens regardless of the choice of the place of painting, because not only at home we ourselves, but also in the salons experienced colorists are often mistaken.

  • Most sure that after dyeing - the result should be like the model from the box - this is the first mistake.
  • The second mistake is to think that everyone who knows how to do hair, can also dye.

Note! In fact, there are not so many good colorists, for this is, to a greater extent, a natural talent, like that of an artist.

For such unsuccessful cases, there are tools for washing the paint from the hair.

If we talk about acid washes, then it will not be possible to do this with them at once, the old color is displayed in several steps, each time approximately 2 tones are taken.

Bleaching agents are very tough and aggressive to the hair, and washing with professional tools does not cause deep harm to the hair and this drug can be easily purchased at a cosmetic store and used independently.

Modern hair dye remover has no ammonia and bleaching components, which helps to remove color delicately, without disturbing the natural pigment of the hair and cuticle.

Such washes do not lighten hair as bleaching agents, but pull them out synthetically - a coloring pigment. This occurs as a consequence of the rupture of the ligament between the dye molecules and the hair structure. During which the drug molecules take the dye and wash it.

Ways to correct unsuccessful staining

Women love experiment with staining, considering that any mistakes are easily corrected with the help of cosmetics.

But sooner or later there comes a time when it became impossible to achieve the desired shade. Hair acquired unattractive color, become porous and dry.

Do not hope that folk remedies at once will allow to find the desired shade. This is impossible to achieve even through the use of professional tools.

To remove the dark pigments will need to spend about 10 washes. In some cases, the result may please in a couple of procedures. it depends on the durability of the pigment and the condition of the hair.

Professional emulsions for washing the hair, not only wash out the pigment effectively, but also care for the hair. They contain nutrients that provide extra care.

To wash the hair with professional products Need to wear gloves in a ventilated room. Apply the composition immediately after mixing.

The most popular wash COLOR OFF from Estel. It is kept on the hair for half an hour. On average, you need to spend at least three washes.

You can also select washings from manufacturers Brelil Professionaland L’Orealwhich are highly efficient.

Procedure dumping can not be called completely safe. Hair after it can become dry and brittle.

Carry out the wash should be at least several times. After washing it is necessary to do hair restoration.

We invite you to pay attention to the most safe pigment washing options that do not require large financial investments.

Overview of popular recipes for the home

Hair dye penetrates deeply into the structure of the curls, but with the right approach, it is still possible, if not completely, then at least partially get rid of the undesirable shade. It is worth starting with available improvised means, which are based on food.

1. Oily mixtures.

Vegetable oil helps to wash strands quickly and efficiently. It has a sparing action and works after painting in any tone. In the vegetable base must add creamy fats, guided by the following recipe:

  • The wash is made from a glass of vegetable oil available at home and 20-30 grams of lard, margarine, lard, or a creamy product. Both components are combined in an enamel saucepan and heated, ensuring complete dissolution of the solid fatty substance. It is important that the final temperature is comfortable for the scalp. The washing mixture is applied evenly, the head is covered with cellophane and a warm towel. The duration of exposure is about 2.5 hours, but you can leave the mask for the entire period of a night's sleep. Quickly wash the curls can, using shampoo for greasy hair. Lathering is carried out repeatedly, seeking cleanliness of the strands.

As the reviews show, the following compositions also help to wash away non-addicted paint:

  • A mixture of equal amounts of sunflower, olive and castor oil.
  • Based on castor oil (4 tablespoons) and 3 egg yolks.

Conducting such procedures at home, you can count on a bonus in the form of enhancing nutrition and protecting curls, enhancing their silkiness and shine. Another obvious plus is a noticeable ease of styling. If there are no additional components, it will work out to do with one olive oil, washing off any shade.

2. Sour-milk therapy.

Hair dye successfully washed off and after treatment with the usual kefir, acting on the principle of professional acidic washes. It is thanks to the acid that chemical compounds are destroyed and they are washed away from the strand structure.

To hide the results of an unsuccessful painting, they apply fat yogurt or kefir (one liter) along the entire length, wrap the hair well and maintain the mask for one and a half hours. Wash curls helps regular shampoo. If the effect is not impressive from the first time, it is worth re-processing. Already at the end of the second session, it is possible to effectively remove the dye, getting clarification of 1-2 tones.

Enhances the effect of washing off the mask:

  • vegetable oil added to kefir - 100 grams of an additional component are taken per liter of fermented milk product,
  • soda - a couple of tablespoons,
  • Vodka - 50 g

If the latter is used, a couple of tablespoons of soda are added to two glasses of kefir. Before applying slightly warm. The duration of the mask is no more than two hours, the result is one and a half tone clarification. The only caveat concerns the appearance of a tingling process, but in the case of proper observance of proportions, discomfort persists for long.

3. Soda sessions.

Baking soda also helps to restore natural hair color at home. To quickly remove the dye, the slurry is made by dissolving a glass of the main product in warm water. The resulting mixture covers all the curls, using a comb with frequent teeth or a brush. At the end of the application, cover with cellophane and a warm towel, leaving the mask for 40 minutes. The maximum duration is about an hour. Soda is easily washed off with plain water, but for the best effect, it is desirable to additionally rinse with shampoo.

High-quality wash strands helps composition based on a strong soda solution. To prepare it, dilute 5 tablespoons in a liter of water, moisten with the mixture and leave for 40-60 minutes. If there is a tendency to dandruff or dryness, this method is better to exclude.

If you can not beautifully painted and curls while prone to dryness, thinned, weakened, it turns out to be the most preferred option. Putting honey on wet hair at home, you can get an effect similar to the effects of hydrogen peroxide, but with maximum safety. The result is a light golden shade, so this technique is recommended when you want to wash off not too dark strands.

Wash off the paint at home quickly and in accordance with the expectations succeed subject to the following tips:

  • hair is pre-washed well and rinsed with a weak solution of baking soda. For its preparation in a liter of water diluted with a couple of teaspoons of the product,
  • evenly distributing honey, the mask is left to affect for 9 hours, it is better to carry out the procedure before going to bed at night,
  • there is no need for a strong weatherization of the head; simply enough to close the strands with dense polyethylene.

In just a couple of sessions, it is possible not only to lighten the hair, but also to restore their health.

5. Lemon wash.

Lemon is a wonderful natural brightener, so it is used if you are unable to dye your hair in a suitable shade of light brown or blond. You should not expect a quick result when choosing such a method, but with proper perseverance the paint successfully disappears within a few weeks. The recipe is simple - after each washing of the head, the ringlets are rinsed with a liter of water with the juice of one lemon diluted in it.

A product based on vegetable oil, egg yolks and acid is the best solution when you need to wash off black paint or adjust any other shade. It is important that before applying the mayonnaise acquired room temperature, after which it is thickly applied to the strands, warmed the head and after 3 hours washed with shampoo for hair prone to fat.

In addition to the effect of removing the dye mayonnaise mask provides increased silkiness, ease of styling and stunning shine.

7. Laundry soap.

To correct unsuccessful staining is widely used as household and tar soap. After thorough lathering with any of the products, the mask is left for half an hour, then the strands are washed well. In view of the strong drying effect of the soap, it is advisable to end the session by feeding the hairstyle with a moisturizing mask or balm. The only contraindication to the use of such a wash is the natural dryness of the hair and scalp.

Means for washing paint at home

There are many ways that allow you to wash hair at home. You should not pin on them high hopes, but you do not need to abandon them.

With the help of chamomile, kefir and vegetable oils, you can bring your hair closer to the desired shade and further strengthen them.

Washing with professional formulations

When it is necessary to wash off the paint in one day with the maximum result, resort to professional help. We are talking about the use of branded washes. True, it is advisable to use them only under the supervision of the master in the cabin, so as not to harm the strands. Well-proven products brands Estel, Vitalitys.

Professional formulations help launder hair without causing them significant harm if a sensitivity test is performed in advance and a possible allergic reaction is excluded. The action is typical for mixtures that contain ammonia, so they pay attention to them last. As for the features of the application, applied to the strands as a conventional coloring composition.

At the discretion of the hairdresser, a special wash can be replaced with a high-quality bleaching or brightening paint. Such products are represented by a multitude of options, due to which it turns out to choose an optimal in composition means depending on the type of curls. Even the darkest pigments can be corrected.

The key to success in the restoration of hair color - the understanding that the procedure must be carried out repeatedly. Sometimes the duration of application of the compositions to correct the results of the color increases to several weeks, but the final effect is worth it, especially when natural masks are in priority.

Popular washers

The most popular washers:

  • "Color off" - Estel
  • "Art Color Off" - Vitalitys
  • "Remake Color" - Hair Light
  • "Backtrack" - Paul Mitchel
  • "Colorianne Color System" - Brelil.

To achieve the desired result - you need to strictly follow the instructions on the package.

So, for example, if you need a wash of black hair, take "Color off", and, according to the instructions, mix the reducing agent with a catalyst.

All this is applied to the hair, then put a hat on and keep the time indicated on the package.

Most likely, such a procedure will need to be done several times, with repeated preparation of the reducing catalyst.

After achieving the desired result, the neutralizer should be applied to the hair and rinsed with shampoo three times.

An hour later, you can re-dye your hair or stop at the result. Usually after black you get a yellowish-reddish tint.

Keep in mindthat after washing this color, the hair will soon be colored, so keep the paint less or get a tone lighter.

Honey mask

Very useful, lightening and leveling hair color - hair mask with honey. Before her, first, wash your hair with shampoo and soda, rinse (do not apply the balm), dry with a towel and apply plain honey.

Wrap your head in a film and tie a kerchief. Keep 8 hours. Do not over-warm, because honey will lighten when the temperature is high.

Lightening is due to the fact that honey produces a bleaching component related to hydrogen peroxide.

Paint washes with kefir

Along with persistent cosmetic products with dyeing or washing, the washing of dye from kefir with hair is no less popular, because it is an effective, easy to use and very safe.

Washing the hair at home with kefir will also strengthen the roots well, repair damaged areas and heal microcracks with the help of lactic acid.

In one liter of kefir high-fat, add a tablespoon of any (rapeseed, olive, sunflower) oil and salt. Apply to dry hair, put a hat on and walk like that for an hour.

To repeat the procedure, wash the mask with shampoo and repeat. You can do it twice a day and twice a month.

    Option Two

    Mix two glasses of kefir with two tablespoons of soda and three - vodka. Heat slightly and apply to hair. Shake your head in cellophane and walk for two hours.

Know! With the help of such means you lighten hair and a half tone.

Advantages and disadvantages of washable paints

If you decide to paint for the first time, or a lover of frequent transformations, we recommend using washable paint. After all, washable hair dye does not contain oxidizing agents and is famous for its gentle effect.

But, please note - saturated tonic will not make it, it is better to use it in case you want to add extra shine or refresh your hair. Also, to achieve a blond with a dark brown color, you naturally will not succeed.

There are many flushing colors, they hold about 6-8 head washes. Most popular from Pallet, Garnier, Loreal.

But, if you want to paint over for one evening, use paint-spray (washed off the first time), and the palette consists of even the brightest colors: pink, crimson, purple, blue, etc.

And, if you are not familiar with paints, it is better to entrust such coloring to a professional.

Remember! Whatever washing of paint from hair you would not prefer, whether it be a cosmetic or a folk method - just following the instructions clearly - will give a positive result.

How to remove the pigment with chamomile?

Chamomile decoction advise rinse blonde hair. If for several weeks to rinse the hair with chamomile, they will lighten up a couple of tones.

Chamomile affects the hair very gently, and will not be able to remove the black pigment. It is best used when needed. lightening blond tones.

  • 50 g chamomile,
  • 200 g rhubarb,
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of tea.

Brew the specified composition of 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. Strain out and add the same amount of water. Gently wash hair and wrap them with a towel. An hour later, wash the hair.

Causes and treatment of papillomas on the face. More in our material.

Ultrasonic face peeling - what is it like learn from our article.

  • 2 tbsp. chamomile spoons
  • 200 ml of boiling water.

Brew chamomile in a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, add the decoction in a bowl of water (it should be enough to fully immerse the hair). After that, dry hair. No need to flush.

  • 100 g chamomile,
  • 200 ml of water
  • 40 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide.

We make a decoction of chamomile and insist it for half an hour. Then we add hydrogen peroxide into it and carefully apply it on the hair. Keep the need to 30 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

Pigment wash with soap

The composition of laundry soap includes alkali, which is capable of removing artificial pigment from the hair. Also she dries hair and scalp.

If you already have dry hair - from this remedy worth refusing. To wash the dye with soap is quite simple.

Apply soap on wet hair and wash them in the usual way. Very well, if you soak soap on your hair within 5 minutes. After this, rinse the hair and apply the conditioner.

Soda - effective, but not safe method of washing

Soda-based flush recipes are very many. She fits for greasy hair and is a great scrub. But if you have brittle and dry hair, their condition can only worsen.

  • 10 art. spoons of soda,
  • 200 ml of warm water
  • a teaspoon of salt.

The composition is applied to dry hair with a cotton pad or brush. Try as much as possible to rub soda solution into dyed hair. Then tie the hair in small bunches, and soak the clarifier for half an hour. It is necessary to wash off this structure within 10 minutes, then rinse hair with shampoo and apply conditioner.

Mix soda with warm but not hot water. Apply the solution to the hair. Keep the soda solution for half an hour.

For effective methods of treating facial keratosis, read our article.

A comprehensive solution to many skin problems - strawberry face mask.

Kefir hair remover at home

Kefir is not only effectively brightens hair, but also strengthens them. For masks, it is best to choose kefir with the highest fat content. If the hair is too dry, add to the mask vegetable or olive oil, if oily - mustard powder.

  • 1 l of kefir,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of butter,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.

We mix all the ingredients and apply them to the hair. Keep the resulting composition is necessary for 40 minutes.

  • 3 tbsp. spoons of vodka or alcohol,
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of soda,
  • 2.5 cups of kefir.

Mask need heat up to 45 degreesthen apply on hair for two hours. The mask lightens hair by one tone.

Peroxide for lightening hair

Black pigment It is best to remove using hydrogen peroxide.

To wash black hair at home, take an equal amount of water and 9% hydrogen peroxide. Apply the composition to the hair, put on a plastic cap.

Soak peroxide on hair for half an hour, then rinse hair with shampoo and Be sure to apply balm.

Vegetable oils for washing hair at home

Masks based on vegetable masks care for your hair and are great. deriving artificial pigment.

They are recommended for girls with thin and brittle hair

By making herbal masks, you can not only remove the pigment, but also restore hair. Even henna and basma can be washed off with oils.

The most popular burdock, olive and sunflower oil.

  • 200 ml of any oil,
  • 40 g margarine.

Heat the composition to a temperature that will be comfortable for your scalp. With a brush we put on hair. Withstand half an hour and wash off.

Mix oils and heat them up to 30 degrees. Apply with a brush on the hair. Keep one hour and wash off with shampoo for greasy hair.

How easy it is to make an original recipe for washing hair with kefir at home, look at the video:


Watch the video: How to Remove Facial Hair PERMANENTLY. 100% NATURAL Home Remedy (July 2024).