Hair Growth

10 popular proven drugs to activate hair growth


Many people associate the sweet smell of cinnamon with the Christmas holidays, home-made fragrant pastries and coziness. Due to its spicy smell, cinnamon is actively used both in cooking and in perfumery. Few people think about the fact that the spice contains unique substances that can stimulate hair growth. In addition, it strengthens the hair and tends to lighten the hairstyle for several tones. How to apply cinnamon for hair growth, read further in the article.

Cinnamon powder is obtained by drying and grinding the bark of the laurel tree. The most comfortable climate for its growth is a tropical climate. The earliest chronological references to cinnamon date back to the second millennium BC. China and India are traditionally considered the birthplace of spices. Nowadays it is cultivated in many countries and states.

As part of this wonderful spice is a number of useful substances:

  • phosphorus,
  • potassium,
  • calcium,
  • zinc,
  • magnesium,
  • iron,
  • cellulose,
  • vitamin C,
  • various types of B vitamins,
  • vitamin A,
  • tannins,
  • essential oils.

Note, Since ancient times, cinnamon has been a part of therapeutic agents. Spice was widely used for both outdoor and indoor use.

This spice has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. Essential oils that are included in its composition, have a nourishing effect on the site of application of the substance.

We recommend to read: causes of poor hair growth, what to do if the hair does not grow.

Problems that can fix

Masks with sweet seasoning eliminate many problems associated with the scalp and hair. Cinnamon in the composition of masks strengthens and nourishes thin and weak hairs, making them stronger and stronger.

Periodically used recipes for masks with this spice can relieve a person of dandruff by eliminating dryness on the scalp. Split ends - quite solvable problem. Cinnamon in combination with essential oils solders the damaged areas of the hair and makes its structure smooth. Due to the warming properties, the substances in the seasoning composition stimulate hair growth, increasing blood flow to the hair follicles.

In which form to use

Cinnamon is widely available in three forms:

  • powder,
  • whole in tubules,
  • butter.

When buying spices in the form of tubes, that is, pieces of whole dried bark of the tree, you have to spend time on its grinding. In the composition for application to the hair seasoning should be a homogeneous mass with all other components. To do this, you will need to grind the tubes in a coffee grinder.

In chopsticks, its cost is about 300 rubles per pack. Prices may vary depending on the quality of the product and the country where the spice is produced.

Cinnamon powder is a very convenient and cheapest option. Already prepared powder dissolves quickly and costs no more than 10 rubles for a standard powder package.

The price of cinnamon oil does not exceed one hundred rubles per pack. It does not require any preparation for use and can be applied without additional ingredients.


  1. One of the contraindications to the use of spices in hair care is an allergic reaction or individual intolerance.which is extremely rare. To check whether a person is allergic to spice, you need to apply a mask, in the composition of which it is present, in a small amount on the skin. If within an hour there are no redness and irritation, then you can safely apply the composition to the hair.
  2. You should not apply a mask with oriental spice in the presence of wounds or damage to the scalp. It is better to postpone the procedure and wait for their healing. Otherwise, there may be many discomfort.
  3. With frequent headaches and problems with blood vessels. It is not recommended to use warming masks for the scalp. This can cause overheating and unwanted vascular spasms.

Basic rules of application

With all the seeming harmlessness of my favorite seasoning, cinnamon is a potent agent. Putting it in unlimited quantities faces unpleasant consequences.. Given some important points, you can save yourself from unexpected side effects.

  1. Be sure to test for allergies. Fold the elbow and wrist - very sensitive places. Putting a little mask on them, you can accurately determine whether there is an allergy to any component in its composition. It usually becomes clear within 30 minutes whether a mask can be used.
  2. Girls with blond hair, when using cinnamon to grow or strengthen hair, are waiting for a nice bonus in the form of lightening the color by several tones. A dark-haired ladies should not keep the composition on the head for too long. Especially with frequent use, hair color can change significantly. Read more about cinnamon brightening hair on our website.
  3. The procedure will become more effective if the mask is slightly warmed up before applying. Oils that go well with cinnamon, begin to act more efficiently in the form of heat.
  4. Means for activating hair growth should not fall into the eyes and on other mucous membranes of the body. If this has already happened, then you need to rinse with clean water the place where the mask components fell.

Important! Do not use cinnamon too often to stimulate hair growth. Enough one or two times a week for a month. After a monthly course you need to take a short break.

Application Methods

There are several ways to use spice. Each of the methods is quite effective if used in combination with other means.

  1. Head massage. Massage is a very pleasant and effective way to strengthen the hair. You can have a massage at home. To do this, the eastern seasoning is mixed with oil, for example, olive oil and gently rubbing the mixture into the scalp. The oil should be warm to make it more effective.
  2. Aromatic therapy and combing. Aromatherapy is a new and interesting hair care method. Drops of oil are applied to the roots, after which the scalp is carefully combed.
  3. Warm masks. In addition to the main substance, in the mask add vegetable and essential oils, honey and other components. After applying the composition you need to wrap your head with a cling film or a towel. At least 40 minutes will require that all components be absorbed into the skin and hair.

Oil application

Oil - the most convenient form of release of east spice for application in the cosmetic purposes. In addition to massage, masks that improve blood flow, oil can be added to the shampoo and rinse when washing the head. It is possible to carry out massage and aromatherapy using oil, because the consistency of powder and seasoning in the tubes is not suitable for these purposes.

Cinnamon oil can be mixed with other essential oils. For aromatic scrubbing, you can experiment by adding citrus oil or any other to the massage mixture. It is important to consider when choosing additional oils your hair type.

Council To avoid fat on the head after using oils, they usually resort to rinsing the hair with acetic water. This allows you to remove the resulting greasy layer from the hair.

Mask Recipes


  • honey liquid consistency 2-3 tablespoons,
  • spice powder 2-3 tablespoons,
  • coconut oil - 1 tsp,
  • Cinnamon oil - 4-5 drops.

To activate growth

  • Olive oil - 5 tbsp. lt
  • Liquid honey - the third part of the glass,
  • Eastern spice powder - 1 tsp.,
  • Clove powder - 1 tsp.,
  • Red pepper - a third of a teaspoon.

To lighten

  • Balm-conditioner for hair - 100 ml.,
  • Liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • Cinnamon seasoning powder - 20 g.

For volume

  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.,
  • Warm kefir - 200 ml.,
  • Cinnamon powder - 1 tsp.

Important! With what specifically to combine this miracle cure you need to decide, given your type of hair and skin. For oily hair, citrus oils are suitable, which are a little dry and eliminate excess fat. For dry hair, it is better to add olive or coconut oil to the main composition. They are more suitable for brittle and split ends.

The ingredients of the masks can be varied. Instead of kefir sour cream or sour milk is perfect. A wide choice of essential oils also allows not to stop at the choice of one additional means to the main composition. It is important to observe the specified proportions of basic ingredients that enhance each other’s properties (honey and cinnamon powder). Not following the recommendations, you can harm the health of your hair.

Cinnamon is an easily available and inexpensive means to activate hair growth. Unlike many other products similarly acting on the hair, this spice has a pleasant smell and does not cause irritation on the scalp. It can significantly increase the speed of hair growth. A common and well-loved seasoning is in its effect capable of replacing expensive salon procedures.

You can learn more about hair growth thanks to the following articles:

  • how hair grows, phases and stages of growth,
  • we make a diet correctly: products for rapid hair growth,
  • what hormones are responsible for hair growth,
  • hair growth during pregnancy, how not to say goodbye to curls after childbirth,
  • how to restore hair after chemotherapy,
  • how to grow long hair for men, hair growth products.

List of best drugs

Among the best drugs to accelerate growth are the following:

  1. Minoxidil.
  2. Finasteridine.
  3. Rosemary ether.
  4. Potassium carbonate.
  5. Solicea.
  6. Nioxin.
  7. DPCP
  8. Licorice Extract
  9. Sage decoction.
  10. Cortisone.

Cortisone is available in the form of a solution for injection or tablets. To accelerate the recovery of hair is recommended to use in tablet form. The solution for injection can be used as a liquid for rubbing into the scalp, diluting with various decoctions of herbs. Cortisone is also available in topical ointment form. But still the most effective are pills, they can be found in almost any pharmacy, they are easy to use.

Minoxidil is a good remedy for baldness, as well as to stimulate recovery. It contains a substance that strengthens the follicle, which helps even in the most severe cases.

To see the result, Minoxidil must be taken for several months with different dosages. But the substance has a significant disadvantage. After discontinuation, the problem may come back again, as Minoxidil is temporary.

Finasteridin tablets are growth stimulants, shown even in the most advanced cases, with significant baldness in the occiput or crown.

Rosemary ether is a natural compound for the treatment of baldness or prevention. Oil should be evenly distributed on the curls, rubbing into the scalp. The active components of the oil will stimulate blood flow to the follicles, which provokes a quick update.

Potassium carbonate or soda does not quite belong to medicinal substances, but this does not exclude use for therapeutic purposes with significant baldness or for the prevention of hair loss. The powder not only accelerates the regeneration, but also moisturizes and normalizes the structure. Apply soda for medicinal purposes only after consulting a doctor.

Homeopathic medicine Silicea is also used for problems with hair. The composition contains nutrients that enter the bulb, filling it with essential substances, thereby activating the recovery. Buy Solicey can be in the form of ampoules or pellets.

The drug Nioxin contains vitamins and minerals that compensate for the lack of nutrients in the curls and the bulb itself. You can buy in the form of a lotion, conditioner or regular shampoo. Nioxin helps to improve the quality of the bulb, prevent baldness.

DPCP is a very effective medicine, but at the same time difficult to access, you can not find it in every pharmacy. It is produced in the form of a solution, from which mixtures for masks or rinsing are already being prepared.

Natural ingredients

Licorice extract is widely known as an effective folk remedy that is used in the treatment or prevention of many diseases. Proved as a benefit for hair loss. Licorice extract can be purchased in the form of a solution, used for rubbing into the hair, scalp.

Sage decoction also applies to alternative medicine. A decoction of the medicinal plant helps to prevent loss, while strengthening the structure. It is very easy to find in any pharmacy. Sage decoction can be used as a rinse.

Medicinal decoctions of herbs or esters can be attributed to cheap means to solve the problem with curls, but it is better to use them for prevention. More expensive drugs will already have a direct effect on the cause, respectively, to give more results.

In severe cases, the problem can be treated individually. The doctor should conduct research, identify possible internal causes that led to the problem. Hormone medications may be prescribed when others have shown their ineffectiveness.

But the best pills are those that will work directly on the bulb, only by fully restoring it, you can solve the problem with baldness. But its structure may suffer from various causes, which is necessarily taken into account in the process of treatment or prevention.

Beneficial features

Vitamins and antioxidants in the composition of the famous spices strengthen the hair follicles and accelerate hair growth.

Sweet-smelling spice is an excellent source of fiber, iron, potassium and manganese. It contains vitamins A, C, B1.

It is characterized by versatility and solves not only the problem of growth:

  • Cinnamon helps smooth the rough surface of each hair from root to tip. They become elastic and shiny,
  • able to stop the unpleasant process of hair loss,
  • improves blood flow to the scalp, filling hair with energy,
  • relieves dandruff and moisturizes the scalp,
  • increases elasticity and protects hair from external influences - from wind, frost, from ultraviolet radiation.

Besides the fact that the use of spices is an affordable prophylactic for the care of hair, it also able to lighten. Cinnamon will help make natural light strands or change color in several tones.

How often to apply

Keep in mind that cinnamon masks can have a burning effect. Therefore, they are washed off sometimes 2-3 times in a row. How much to keep the product on the hair is calculated individually. Usually this time is 15-30 minutes.

For effectiveness, repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week. For prevention, one time is enough.

If the mask bakes unbearably hard, it should be washed off, avoiding contact with eyes.

About efficiency

Hair mask with cinnamon for hair growth after its application will give noticeable effect after the second or third procedure.

Hair will shine, and split ends will be less. For a month, the hair will be extended by 2-2.5 cm.

After a simple mask with cinnamon hair will become stronger and will grow faster. You can prepare them using additional ingredients or at least once a week add cinnamon to regular shampoo.

In addition to health, hair masks with cinnamon for growth thanks to this oriental spice will be presented with a delicate scent that will accompany you and your hair style for a long time.

Useful materials

Read our other articles on hair regrowth:

  • Tips on how to grow curls after a square or another short haircut, return the natural color after staining, speed up growth after chemotherapy.
  • Lunar calendar haircuts and how often do you need to cut your hair while growing?
  • The main reasons why strands grow poorly, what hormones are responsible for their growth and what foods affect good growth?
  • How to quickly grow hair in a year or even a month?
  • Means that can help you grow: effective serums for hair growth, in particular the Andrea brand, Estelle and Alerana products, pameric water and various lotions, shampoo and oil of the Horse Power brand, as well as other growth shampoos, in particular, activator shampoo Gold silk.
  • For opponents of traditional means we can offer folk: mummy, various herbs, tips on using mustard and apple cider vinegar, as well as recipes for making homemade shampoo.
  • Vitamins are very important for the health of the hair: read the review of the best pharmacy complexes, in particular the drugs Aevit and Pentovit. Learn about the features of the use of vitamins of group B, in particular B6 and B12.
  • Learn about the various preparations for enhancing growth in ampoules and tablets.
  • Did you know that means in the form of sprays have a beneficial effect on the growth of curls? We offer you a review of effective sprays, as well as instructions for cooking at home.

Watch a useful video about using cinnamon for hair growth:

Mask for hair growth with cinnamon: what problems can be eliminated, the use of cinnamon oil, basic recipes

Many people associate the sweet smell of cinnamon with the Christmas holidays, home-made fragrant pastries and coziness. Due to its spicy smell, cinnamon is actively used both in cooking and in perfumery. Few people think about the fact that the spice contains unique substances that can stimulate hair growth. In addition, it strengthens the hair and tends to lighten the hairstyle for several tones. How to apply cinnamon for hair growth, read further in the article.

Cinnamon powder is obtained by drying and grinding the bark of the laurel tree. The most comfortable climate for its growth is a tropical climate. The earliest chronological references to cinnamon date back to the second millennium BC. China and India are traditionally considered the birthplace of spices. Nowadays it is cultivated in many countries and states.

As part of this wonderful spice is a number of useful substances:

  • phosphorus,
  • potassium,
  • calcium,
  • zinc,
  • magnesium,
  • iron,
  • cellulose,
  • vitamin C,
  • various types of B vitamins,
  • vitamin A,
  • tannins,
  • essential oils.

Note, Since ancient times, cinnamon has been a part of therapeutic agents. Spice was widely used for both outdoor and indoor use.

This spice has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. Essential oils that are included in its composition, have a nourishing effect on the site of application of the substance.

We recommend to read: causes of poor hair growth, what to do if the hair does not grow.

Useful videos

Mask for hair growth with cinnamon.

Hair mask made of cinnamon with honey.

The mask is applied to wet clean hair. Rinse it off after half an hour, preferably without shampoo. This recipe has not only a strengthening effect, but also provides additional energy for hair growth. Mask of cinnamon with clay.

Cinnamon for hair: recipes for strengthening and lightening hair

Cinnamon - known and often used in cooking spice. It is a twisted bark of young shoots of a cinnamon tree. For ease of use, the tubes are ground into powder.

Cinnamon has a strong characteristic aroma and astringent sweetish taste, turning into a burning bitterness.

The effect of cinnamon on the body

Exotic spice is widely used not only for culinary purposes. Cinnamon contains antioxidants, vitamins and tannins. It helps treat colds, normalizes the work of the digestive organs and strengthens resistance to diseases. Spice warms and tones the body, gives strength and energy.

Cinnamon for hair restoration

Official cosmetology has long used the ability of cinnamon for the manufacture of hair care products.

Spice strengthens the bulbs directly, activates their growth and contributes to the rapid recovery of damaged hair follicles.

Cinnamon contains vitamins A and B, which are so necessary for hair growth, and also potassium and iron, which are useful for strengthening them.

Various cosmetic procedures with the use of spices can be effectively implemented with your own hands. Most often, cinnamon hair is used in the form of powder, some recipes for homemade masks and shampoos are prepared with the addition of essential oil of cinnamon tree. Cinnamon has a positive effect on the hair roots due to its warming effect. The blood circulation of the scalp increases, hair regrowth occurs, and regenerative processes begin in the damaged follicles.

Massage oil with cinnamon

Another simple recipe is cinnamon massage oil. For its preparation it is necessary to mix such ingredients:

  • two tablespoons of burdock or olive oil,
  • five drops of cinnamon essential oil.

The mixture is taken with the tips of your fingers and gently rubbed into the scalp with light massaging movements. Oil can be applied to a massage comb and carefully comb hair, starting from the roots.

Kefir, yolk and cinnamon

Kefir hair mask with cinnamon is also very easy to prepare. In one container mix up to homogeneous mass:

  • a glass of kefir,
  • one egg yolk,
  • tablespoon of cinnamon.

The mask is applied to wet clean hair. Rinse it off after half an hour, preferably without shampoo. This recipe has not only a strengthening effect, but also provides additional energy for hair growth.

Why is cinnamon good for hair?

Cinnamon, without a doubt, can be called a unique product that has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Regularly adding it to food can reduce weight, improve brain function, get rid of depression, and improve digestion. When used externally, it will help eliminate cellulite, make the skin smooth and velvety, as well as reduce all kinds of inflammation on it. No less useful is cinnamon for hair. It strengthens the bulbs, thereby preventing hair loss, relieves dandruff and heals the scalp. With the help of this spice you can significantly enhance hair growth, make strands more healthy, shiny, lush and beautiful. In addition, cinnamon has another remarkable property - if used properly, it can lighten curls for about a couple of tones.

Use cinnamon hair

For hair, you can use cinnamon essential oil or cinnamon powder. The oil is most often used for massaging the scalp. But in order not to harm the skin and hair in its pure form, this product should not be applied. It is recommended to be diluted with any vegetable oil, for example, olive, castor or burdock oil, in proportion: 2 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of base oil. Massages can be carried out with your fingertips or a soft hair brush. It is very useful to apply this oil composition also on the tips of the hair, this will prevent their drying and section.

Cinnamon powder is almost always used for the manufacture of various masks for hair. But since cinnamon itself is a fairly aggressive component, it must be applied, following some rules.

Types and advantages

An activator is not a mask or a balm, it is a specialized tool with a narrow profile of action. It is used exclusively for express restoration of curls and solving certain hair problems. There are various activators: for obedient spinning, shine, strength, protection against dandruff and loss.

Growth activators contain active plant, nutritional, or mineral components that penetrate deep into the bulb, strengthen it, and make sleeping roots work. The formula of this tool may include the following components:

  1. Castor, burdock, peach oil,
  2. Pepper, onion or garlic extract, hop extract, nettle,
  3. Various vitamin complexes,
  4. Trace elements that contribute to the growth and strengthening of the bulbs.

A remarkable feature of the products of this line is their versatility. They are suitable for normal, dry, brittle and even damaged hair. Available in various forms: balsams, sprays, tonics, serums, masks. Their effectiveness does not depend on the form. It is worth remembering that this cosmetic does not replace the conditioner for split or unruly hair, so before or after using the product (depending on the instructions), you need to put on the curls in addition and balm after washing.

Advantages of activators:

  1. This cosmetics is often very strong compounds that deeply and quickly affect the roots. Traditional medicine offers completely natural treatment options for hair loss or alopecia, but still, popular recipes have a cumulative effect. Results after activators will become noticeable after a couple of uses.
  2. Ease of use. It is extremely easy to apply activators: apply before or after washing. No need to withstand a certain time or prepare the mixture yourself,
  3. Availability. You can buy activators for hair growth in any cosmetic store in any city (Almaty, Samara, St. Petersburg and others).

Video: Capixyl lotion for active hair growth

Cinnamon mask with clay

A rather complicated recipe for a mask with cinnamon and cosmetic clay will be a real salvation for hair that is weakened after pregnancy, childbirth or illness. Required components:

  • 4 teaspoons of blue clay diluted with a small amount of warm water
  • two teaspoons cinnamon powder,
  • yolk,
  • two tablespoons of burdock, olive or castor oil,
  • red pepper on the tip of the knife to enhance the warming effect,
  • tea tree or rosemary essential oil (added with dry hair),
  • lemon juice (with oily scalp).

Instead of blue clay, you can use green. Then the mask will fight dandruff and reduce the fat content of the scalp. The tool is applied to washed hair and roll up the head with a towel. Rinse need 15-30 minutes depending on the length of the strands and the individual degree of sensitivity to the components of the mask.

Oil, Honey and Cinnamon

Lifeless, dull and brittle hair can make this recipe a nourishing and moisturizing mask. Components:

  • three tablespoons of base oil as a base. Ideally, coconut, but also castor, burdock or olive,
  • tablespoon of liquid honey,
  • tablespoon of cinnamon.

After thorough mixing, the mask is applied to the hair and aged for 30 minutes. Rinse it off with shampoo.

Honey, coconut oil, essential oil

To restore the damaged hair structure, you can use a mask recipe with cinnamon essential oil. Cinnamon hair helps to strengthen their ends and makes the hair thicker. Necessary components:

  • three teaspoons of honey
  • a teaspoon of coconut oil,
  • five drops of cinnamon tree essential oil,
  • a teaspoon of macadamia oil.

Honey and coconut oil are preheated in a water bath. The resulting mixture in the form of heat applied to dry strands. A plastic cap is put on the head and a towel is tied up. This mask is very useful for dry or often heat-treated hair.

Ground cloves, cinnamon, pepper, honey and olive oil

To accelerate hair growth is useful to apply a mask from a mixture of spices. The recipe for this tool may vary slightly depending on the type of scalp. In the tank mix:

  • a teaspoon of ground cloves,
  • two teaspoons of cinnamon powder,
  • a pinch of red hot pepper,
  • 4 tablespoons of honey
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil.

Oil and honey should be pre-heated in a water bath and gradually add spices to them. The resulting mask is aged 10-15 minutes under the hood. Apply it to dry strands, wash off after an hour. It is desirable to wrap the head.

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Brighten hair with cinnamon

Cinnamon is suitable not only to strengthen the hair, but also to change its color. Lightening hair with cinnamon is a great way to dye without the harmful chemical components of regular dye. . The simplest recipe for a mask that changes the color of the strands includes only three components:

  • 4 tablespoons cinnamon,
  • a glass of honey
  • three tablespoons of olive oil.

The ingredients are mixed and diluted slightly with water.

The lightening mask should have a uniform consistency. It is important to monitor its density, so that the coloring composition does not flow from the head. To make the mask thicker, you can add some more honey. Natural paint is applied to clean hair and carefully combed. To lighten the hair with cinnamon gave a visible effect, the mask is aged for 4 hours. After that, the mixture is washed off and get not only lightening hair, but also strengthened and moisturized hair.

Another recipe means lighten hair color, supplemented with lemon, which serves as an oxidizer. The ingredients are mixed in such quantity:

  • 250 ml of moisturizing balm,
  • 250 ml of honey
  • two tablespoons of cinnamon,
  • a teaspoon of natural lemon juice.

In order for clarification to go well, you need to follow a few rules. Do not use metal tools or utensils for preparing and applying the coloring composition. Iron will react with cinnamon in an oxidative reaction, and the hair will turn green as a result. Paint after mixing should stand for about an hour.

Of course, radically changing hair color with cinnamon in one procedure will fail. But it is quite possible to lighten the hair for a couple of tones. Owners of dark hair coloring cinnamon will give a more saturated color, like glowing from the inside. Very blonde blondes should think, before lightening their hair with cinnamon, because the spice can give a surprise in the form of a red shade.

Cinnamon and honey are natural peroxide variants. When combined, they are able to remove chemical or natural dyes from the hair and change the color of the colored strands. Therefore, for dark colored hair, the time of procedures with masks containing honey and cinnamon powder should be reduced. The amount of spice used depends on the length of the hair, three tablespoons are enough for an average length. The color will change with each application of the ink mask.

be careful

Before you carry out the clarification of hair with cinnamon, it is recommended to make a test for the absence of allergic reactions. It is enough to put a little mix or just powder of spice on a wrist or an elbow bend of a hand. If redness and itching are absent, then you can safely carry out lightening or cinnamon hair treatment.

It should be attentive to those who do not plan to change the color of their hair. In this case, the mask with cinnamon powder should be on the head for no longer than an hour.With a strong burning sensation, itching or other discomfort during the procedures, you should quickly wash off the cosmetic with spice.

Cinnamon is widely known in culinary practice as a spice with excellent organoleptic properties. The unique combination of useful components does not limit its use in one area. Also cinnamon is widely used in cosmetology.

Hair mask with cinnamon: useful properties for growth and reviews

Cinnamon is widely known in culinary practice as a spice with excellent organoleptic properties. The unique combination of useful components does not limit its use in one area. Also cinnamon is widely used in cosmetology. One of the options for the use of cinnamon in this area - the preparation of a mask for the hair, which strengthens the structure of the hair shaft, stimulates growth and gives a unique shine.

What is good spice

Cinnamon can have its unique properties in terms of maintaining healthy hair growth only through a unique set of beneficial ingredients. Vitamins, antioxidant substances, oils - all this is part of the mask for hair with cinnamon. Most mask contains the following substances:

  • Nicotinic acid - improves gloss curl.
  • Choline - has a moisturizing effect on the skin of the head.
  • Phylloquinone - strengthens skin vessels.
  • Tocopherols - improve the regenerative properties of tissues.
  • Carotene - prevents fallout.
  • Retinol - restores split ends.
  • Thiamine - reduces skin irritation.
  • Riboflavin - causes an increase in blood circulation in the hair follicles, activates their functional activity.
  • Folic acid - provides hair with beneficial protective properties against the ultraviolet spectrum of light and against heat.
  • Pyridoxine - prevents dandruff.
  • Vitamin C - enhances hair shine.
  • Eugenol - has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

The cinnamon hair mask is indicated for brittleness, dullness, as well as for hair loss, but it can be used as a useful preventive measure. Only regular use of the mask will show the desired result. The time spent on performing one procedure depends on the recipe.

How to cook and use

Currently, cosmetology has dozens of ways to prepare masks for hair based on cinnamon. The main difference is what additional ingredients are used in the preparation. The most popular supplements are honey, olive or burdock oil, aloe, garlic and more. Cinnamon itself can be used in the form of both powder and oil. The biological activity of the components of the spice in the first and second method is not fundamentally different. We'll tell you more about some of the most popular mask making recipes.

To strengthen the hair shaft, make it soft and improve growth, you can use a mask based on cinnamon, honey and olive oil. It is noteworthy that honey provides the effect of clarification due to the content of the enzyme in it, which plays a certain role in the formation of hydrogen peroxide. But do not worry, the enzyme is present only in very low concentrations. Also, honey and olive oil moisturize hair and prevent hair loss, contain many vitamins and minerals. But it is cinnamon that has a major trophic effect, beneficial for hair growth.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • Honey - 2-3 tbsp. l (depends on the length of the curls).
  • Olive oil - one and a half Art. l
  • Cinnamon powder - half tsp.

All the listed ingredients are mixed, and the resulting agent evenly coat the hair. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to wrap the head with a towel. Exposure time - no more than 20 minutes. Then you need to thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo.

Mask with cinnamon for hair growth can be prepared with the addition of olive oil, honey and aloe juice. Cinnamon in combination with aloe juice for hair growth is one of the best remedies in traditional medicine. Aloe contains nutrients, is useful for moisturizing hair structures. For cooking you will need (the amount indicated in teaspoons):

  • Cinnamon powder - 2.
  • Aloe juice - 1.
  • Honey - 1.
  • Olive or burdock oil - 1.

All components are neatly mixed. Preparing a water bath, where the mixture is brought to a warm state, stirring constantly. Next you need to lubricate the hair (they should be a little wet). Head wrapped with a towel. After 2 hours, it is necessary to wash it off, and if you experience discomfort (itching, burning) before.

If it is required that the cinnamon hair growth mask produces stronger results, then additional components with powerful action are used. For such purposes, use garlic, red onions, which have useful properties - increase blood flow in the area of ​​the hair follicles of the skin. Ingredients needed:

  • Cinnamon powder - 2 tsp.
  • Red onion (if not available, use white) - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.
  • Honey - 1 tsp.

Garlic and onions must be thoroughly chopped. For these purposes it is best to use a blender. Then add the remaining components, and the mixture should be mixed. The mask can be stored in a sealed container, it is enough to perform about four procedures. For 30 minutes, gruel is rubbed into the roots of the hair, while waiting to hold the head under a thick towel. Then wash the hair, which optionally complement the rinsing decoction of nettle. Preparing a decoction as follows: per liter of boiled water - 4 tbsp. l dry grass, cook on low heat for 15 minutes, then cool.


Mask, prepared on the basis of cinnamon with the addition of other active ingredients, has a lot of useful properties, is a great way to improve hair growth, increase their smoothness and silkiness, enhance shine - all this at home with minimal time and money. But to achieve a result from the use of the mask can only be after a long systematic use. Usually the term is at least 3 months. The frequency of execution on average is 1 every 4 days.

Abuse of the mask is excluded, as this may irritate the skin. To prevent the development of allergies from the mask before the first use, visit the doctor, he will conduct the necessary tests. Diagnostics can be done at home, but it will be inconvenient. To do this, apply a small amount of the mask on the skin of the forearm and not clean up during the day. If there is no irritation, itching, redness or other effects, then feel free to use a mask without worrying about the negative consequences.


Watch the video: Real Questions - Can you stimulate facial hair growth? (July 2024).