
Causes of red spots on the head and effective treatments


The appearance of red spots on the head under the hair can be triggered by many reasons and, accordingly, require a different approach to treatment. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by unpleasant itching, scabies, abundant dandruff, peeling of the skin and other visual factors. The guarantor of recovery is not only timely treatment to the doctor, but also the correct diagnosis of the disease. An erroneous diagnosis can lead to serious complications, therefore, at the first suspicions that some kind of malfunction has started in the body, one should immediately go to a dermatologist or trichologist.

The most common "pathogens" of red spots on the scalp are:

  • seborrheic dermatitis,
  • psoriasis,
  • fungal infections (versicolor, eczema),
  • allergy.

Seborrheic dermatitis

The signal for a visit to the office of trichologist is the appearance of excessive dandruff. This is how the disease manifests itself at the initial stage of development. But since most people do not get dandruff (except external aesthetics), the best time to develop a treatment strategy is often missed. Further, the problem is aggravated by other symptoms:

  • constant itching in certain parts of the head or throughout the volume,
  • pink spots on the skin,
  • excessive skin greasiness
  • hair loss.

Growing spots actively itch, flaky along the edges, cause a burning sensation. In severe cases, bacterial infections also join the main pathology. Nervous stress, an unhealthy lifestyle, a disorder of the immune system, etc. can push the disease down.

Complex treatment helps to defeat seborrhea. The first stage: the use of antifungal preparations in the form of emulsions, shampoos, lotions. Good effect is given by such means as Nizoral, Sulsena, Sebason, which are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The second stage: taking antibacterial drugs made on the basis of zinc. Auxiliary can be appointed peeling means of trademarks Siberik, Biolage, Kapous.

During the period of treatment, it is recommended to abandon the styling hair stylers and foams, minimize the hair coloring, the use of irons and curtains, as well as various cosmetic procedures: perm, lamination.

Psoriasis is one of the most common dermatological diseases of non-infectious origin. The difficulty of its occurrence lies in the chronic predisposition and regularly recurring relapses. Identifying the source of pathology is very difficult, but it is believed that the following factors can contribute to the development of the inflammatory process of the scalp:

  • weakened immunity
  • genetic heredity,
  • alcohol, drugs, smoking,
  • nerve strain
  • suffered head injuries.

Psoriasis is not contagious to others and also carries no direct threat to the health of the wearer, but outwardly, to put it mildly, it is not aesthetically pleasing. In the mild form is characterized by the appearance of small eruptions on certain areas of the skin, in more severe - large red patches, gradually covering the entire skin of the head. A person feels a constant itching, burning, which causes the desire to scratch a sore spot. Combing rashes leads to the formation of wounds and cracks, which can become crusted and then ooze the ichor.

It is impossible to fully recover from psoriasis, but to translate it into a “quiet” phase is quite realistic. Therapy is usually carried out in a complex. Taking medications is accompanied by local treatment of the affected skin areas containing tar and ketoconazole. For preventive purposes, sanitary and resort treatment is recommended, as well as various physiotherapeutic procedures.

If an associated bacterial infection is detected, antibiotics may be prescribed. Against the background of developing depressive states and nervous exhaustion, the patient is additionally prescribed psychotropic drugs that help relieve tension, get rid of insomnia, and adapt to society.

Sign up with a mycologist

"To earn" yourself a pityriasis versicolor is possible if you do not observe the rules of personal hygiene, as well as after close contact with an already sick person. Using other people's things in public places (swimming pools, saunas, changing rooms on the beach) increases the risk of infection several times. The cause of deprivation may be excessive sweating, hereditary predisposition.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • scaly patches of brownish tinge, covering the scalp segmentally,
  • there may be whitish outlines, small bubbles and crusts on the edges of the inflamed halos,
  • sensation of itching and burning,
  • hair gets a dull shade and starts to break,
  • there is persistent hair loss in the infected areas, balding areas.

With late treatment, the lichen is able to grow in other parts of the head: beard, mustache, ears, and even nasolabial folds.

To identify the causative agent of the disease, hair diagnostics is performed under the Wood's lamp, an expanded blood test is administered, and bacteriological cultures are taken. After the study, a treatment regimen is being developed that includes the use of drugs for external and internal exposure.

In particular, Clotrimazon, Miconazole, Stop-Active, Tinedol ointments effectively show themselves in practice. The components that make up the preparations, cleanse the skin from infection, destroying the membranes of the affected cells, have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, stop the peeling and itching. Ointment / cream / gel is applied to the skin covered with a lichen several times a day. Salicylic and sulfuric ointments, as well as medical shampoos such as Nizoral and Sebasol, are actively used in the fight against lichen.

Allergic manifestations

It is possible to cause an allergic reaction on the scalp through improperly selected shampoo, hair dye, using combs made of plastic and other synthetic materials, due to the intake of various food additives, etc. Antihistamines help to get rid of skin irritations: Claritin, Alergodil, Tsetrin. However, it should be remembered, in any case, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Other reasons

When skin sensitivity is increased, ordinary household factors can provoke the formation of irritation centers, to which most people in everyday life do not even pay attention. For example, excessively hard water used for washing hair, a humid climate, insufficient content of certain vitamins and minerals in the body, etc.

In this case, you need to pay attention to your diet, review the scheme of hygiene procedures, make friends with sports and try to always positive emotions over negative ones.

General recommendations

Any non-infectious skin disease is, above all, a mirror image of the nervous system. To put your body in order, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  • 2 times a year to drink vitamin-mineral complexes. Classical selection: Alphabet, Vitrum, Centrum.
  • Try to wash your head with boiled water.
  • Do not be nervous over trifles.
  • If possible, take courses of therapeutic massage for the head and the corresponding cosmetic procedures (cryomassage, mesotherapy).

And the main thing to remember, the sooner the problem is diagnosed and put on medical control, the faster and easier it can be solved.

Allergic reaction

Red spots on the scalp due to an allergic reactionThey are caused by the increased sensitivity of the dermis to the effects of certain stimuli:

  • citrus and other products
  • chemicals included in shampoos and other personal care products,
  • animal hair, pollen,
  • with active sweating on the head.

Allergic form of dermatosis on the head develops due to hereditary predisposition, endocrine pathologies, dysfunction of the digestive tract or severe stress.

An allergic reaction usually occurs almost immediately after contact with an irritant. In this case, the following phenomena are observed in men and women:

  • intense itching
  • redness of the scalp,
  • peeling of the skin.

Important! Allergic reactions often occur as a seborrheic dermatitis. Therefore, treatment is started only after identifying the causative factor.

At the beginning of treatment of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to eliminate the effect of the irritant. The scheme of treatment is selected based on the cause of the appearance of red spots on the head.

  1. When the first signs of an allergic reaction appear, antihistamine medication is recommended: Claritin, Zodak, Erius, and others.
  2. For the symptomatic treatment of allergies used ointments that suppress the inflammatory process: tar, ichthyol and naphthalene.
  3. In severe cases, skin treatments are based on corticosteroids.
  4. As a supplement to drug therapy, entero-sorbents are used. These drugs contribute to the elimination of toxins from the body, thereby reducing the intensity of the allergic reaction.
  5. The treatment of a pathological condition is recommended to be supplemented with a specialized diet, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive organs in adults and children.

Useful videos

What is seborrhea of ​​the scalp?

How to get rid of seborrhea on the head.

Causes of red spots on the head

All systems of internal organs in the human body are connected, if one of them starts to work incorrectly, then this will certainly affect the rest of the body. If there are red spots on the head under the hair, you must find the cause. The development of skin manifestations is the result of serious systemic pathologies - for example:

  • seborrheic dermatitis,
  • allergic reaction
  • depriving
  • fungal infection
  • psoriasis.

All these diseases require long-term and comprehensive treatment. Symptoms of ailments are similar, but different approaches to therapy, so it is important to determine what caused red spots on the head. There are other factors that can trigger similar symptoms:

  1. Burns chemical, solar type. The latter occur during prolonged exposure to direct rays without a headdress. Chemical damage often occurs when used in the garden or in the garden of fertilizers. Dispersed dust falls on the scalp and causes burns.
  2. Vascular formations of congenital nature. These areas of the skin are also called "birthmarks", they may appear over time, change shape and color.
  3. The deformation of the skin, its color, composition occurs when the dermis is dried out. Such damage occurs with frequent use of paints, hair dryers, drying shampoos, masks for skin and hair.
  4. Pediculosis. When lice bite on the scalp, red spots appear that cause severe itching. A lesion can go to the neck and affect any hairy part of the body.

Red scaly patches on the head - one of the manifestations of pathology. The first sign that should signal to you to visit the trichologist will be excessive dandruff. The symptom causes only aesthetic discomfort, the person does not experience other discomfort, therefore, often ignores the fact of its appearance. The sooner the doctor manages to diagnose the disease, the more effective the treatment will be, therefore often the best time to develop a therapeutic strategy is missed. Seborrhea has the following characteristic symptoms:

  • excessive greasiness of the skin,
  • the appearance of pink spots on the head,
  • hair loss,
  • itching throughout or in parts of the head.

Places of damage increase, itch much, flaking around the edges, there is a burning sensation. In case of severe pathology, bacterial infections can join the main disease. An unhealthy lifestyle, stress, impairment or weakening of the body's immune defenses can be a provoking factor for complications. For the treatment of pathology using an integrated approach. Therapy consists of two main stages:

  1. Topical treatment with anti-fungal medications: lotions, shampoos, emulsions. In the opinion of doctors and patients, a good result was after using Sibazon, Sulsena, Nizoral, which are dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription.
  2. Acceptance of zinc-based antibacterial agents. They can additionally be given the means to enhance exfoliation, for example, the products of firms Kapous, Biolage, Natura Siberik. At the time of treatment it is forbidden to use irons for hair, perm, carry out dyeing.

The most common non-infectious disease of the dermatological type is psoriasis. The main difficulty in its course is the predisposition to transition to the chronic form with a high probability of relapse. It is difficult for doctors to identify the source that provoked the development of pathology, but it is believed that the inflammatory process on the skin contributes to its development. Red plaques on the head may appear for the following reasons:

  • genetic heredity,
  • weakened immunity
  • nerve strain
  • abuse of smoking, drugs, alcohol,
  • suffered head injuries.

The disease is not contagious to others, does not pose a threat to the patient’s health, but it looks extremely unaesthetic. Accompanied by the following symptoms and appearances:

  1. small areas appear in some parts of the head, which form in severe form into red plaques over the entire area,
  2. a person experiences severe itching, burning,
  3. when scratching the lesions, cracks and wounds appear that become covered with a crust and sometimes ooze with a ichorum.

It is impossible to cure the disease completely, but you can stop the symptoms and translate the illness into a “silent” phase. Complex therapy is being carried out, it is necessary to take systemic preparations and treat the affected skin with local means. The composition of medicines, as a rule, includes tar and ketoconazole. Physiotherapeutic procedures, sanitary and resort treatment are well suited for prevention.

If the diagnosis was detected concomitant bacterial infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. To prevent the development of depression, nervous exhaustion, the patient is prescribed additional psychotropic medications that help:

  • relieve stress, stress,
  • adapt to society,
  • cope with insomnia.

Diseases of the skin

This is an unpleasant reason, but it is easy to diagnose. Each disease has several specific symptoms:

  1. If upon examination of the hair and skin under them it was found that the hair at the roots is very oily, and when combing a lot of dandruff is flying, then it can be seborrhea.
  2. If, in addition to dandruff and reddening of the skin, there are inflammations, white spots, or worse, purulent acne - this is a skin disease (psoriasis, dermatitis, versicolor).
  3. If itching is the only symptom, then it is probably a matter of scoliosis or subcutaneous mites.If you can determine the presence of lice by yourself, by combing the hair with a comb, then only a trichologist can see ticks, since it is impossible to see them with the naked eye.

If there are spots under the hair

How to help yourself in this situation:

  • Spots appeared after changing hygiene just need to rinse your head with the usual shampoo, rinse well and apply a mask of burdock oil for 1 hour. This preparation well moisturizes, nourishes and soothes the scalp, while making hair healthy along the entire length.
  • Spots are accompanied by itching and appear after staining. - allergic to coloring matter. In this situation, it is enough to drink the tablet Suprastin or Diazolin and smear the head with ointment Bepanten, which removes redness and itching.
  • The cause of redness was a stressful situation, consult a doctor, or drink a sedative on your own. It can be a decoction of valerian, or licorice extract. As soon as your nervous system calms down, redness disappears by itself.

See a photo of how the spots look under the hair:

If the scalp is itchy

The reason for this may be seborrheic dermatitis, the first signs of which most people ignore. As a result, the moment is missed, and the disease proceeds to the next stage with aggravating symptoms:

  • Severe itching in some places of the head under the hair, and throughout the volume.
  • The appearance of red spots.
  • The scalp becomes oily.
  • The hair loss begins.

Spots quickly grow, with an unbearable itching and burning sensation. In severe cases, an infectious disease joins seborrhea. This problem starts to bring discomfort to a person - a stressful situation appears that aggravates the course of the disease.

What to do?

Seborrhea can only be cured comprehensively.

  • The first stage - the use of antifungal shampoos, sprays, lotions (Sulsena, Nizoral, Sebason) - sold in a pharmacy, the recipe is not needed.
  • The second stage - taking drugs with zinc.
  • Auxiliary treatment can be peeling compositions.

If you fall out

This problem may have several causes:

  1. Stress - from the nervous shocks the scalp may turn red and start to lose hair heavily. Treatment begins with the intake of drugs containing magnesium and vitamin B6, with the need to daily massage the scalp.
  2. If the head itches because parasites or infections, then therapy, which will destroy the causative agent of the disease, can help from complete hair loss. You need to go to a doctor who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment with antifungal, antiseptic and antibacterial drugs. In addition, gels and ointments are prescribed for external use.
  3. Often the cause of hair loss and redness can be microtraumas. In this case, prescribe soothing massages, masks with aromatic oils, rinsing with herbal infusions that will remove irritation on the skin. For more information about the methods of treatment and the causes of irritation of the scalp, you can find out here
  4. If there is focal alopecia - it can be ringworm. Without the help of a specialist in this case is not enough. Treatment will be complex and long.

Many consider the redness under the hair and the itch to be not such a serious problem and try to cope with the disease on their own, while losing the moment when it is possible to cure the illness with a small effort.

There are unpleasant symptoms, you need to consult a doctor trichologist or a dermatologist.Only they will be able to correctly assess the situation and prescribe proper treatment.

As we mentioned earlier, the initiative in place of treatment will not be useful, but may also provoke an allergic response from the body.

Preventive measures

With the medical treatment of redness on the scalp under the hair should not forget about preventive measures.

Even if the disease has already begun to progress, and therapeutic treatment is prescribed, preventive measures will help to quickly achieve a positive result:

  • Balance your diet by incorporating foods rich in vitamins and trace elements. Avoid fatty and spicy foods, discard semi-finished products.
  • Start using natural hair care products. Try not to use styling foams, sprays and varnishes - they can irritate the scalp.
  • Reduce the load on the body, try to avoid stressful situations, look at the world with a smile.
  • Start spending more time in nature, exercise in the fresh air.
  • When dyeing hair, use gentle compositions, it is better if they are natural.

These tips will not get rid of the disease, but will help speed up recovery time.


Red spots under the hair on the scalp can be the result of a fungal disease, stress and an allergic reaction. Correctly diagnose the disease can only specialist, which should be addressed at the first signs of redness. In some cases, can be effective and folk remedies, but only under the condition of the correct diagnosis.

Provocateurs malaise

More than 80% of pathologies are caused by various disruptions in the internal systems of the body, fungal pathogens (lipophilic yeast fungus, mold fungi, dermatophytes) or inflammations.

The leading factors causing redness of the scalp, can be considered dysfunction of the secretion of the sebaceous glands due to the failure of the nervous and hormonal regulation, as well as non-infectious dermatosis.

Chronic seborrheic dermatitis is triggered by the multiplication of yeast fungi. On the head and in places covered with hair, there are many yellowish plates of dying off skin cells, the head itches a lot. Fatty type of malaise is characterized by excessive sebaceous glands.

Dry seborrhea is accompanied by dandruff and acne. The catalyst of the disease are disorders of the immune system, psycho-emotional overload, the influence of low temperatures. The affected areas may partially lose hair. Bacterial damage may be associated with seborrhea.

Manifestations of psoriatic disease are often noticed in a neglected form, when the scalp is already covered with rashes, plaques. They itch and exfoliate. The cells of the epidermis divide much faster than normal, not having time to die out. This disease covers all age groups.

A large proportion of cases are caused by genes, but there is also an opinion that chronic overloads, lack of organization in terms of rest and diet, and alcohol abuse lead to violations. The constant influence of low atmospheric temperatures exacerbates an already unpleasant state. This pathology usually does not lead to hair loss. Psoriasis can be stopped cyclically and reappear. This disease is not contagious on contact.

Other sources of blemishes on the head

The versicolor versicolor also has a fungal origin. Epidermis affects brownish or whitish scaly lesions. The disease is inherited, it is typical for people living in a warm climate. It is possible to get infected through contact with the carrier’s things of the fungus, or directly with it. Sharpens the course of the disease hyperhidrosis.

Infection with mold microorganisms leads to dermatophytosis. Contact with an infected fungus is contagious. Follow the sanitary and hygienic rules in everyday life, if you have found similar symptoms in yourself or in your close family member.

Such an infection as ringworm, battles hair follicles. Hair just break off, leaving a smooth redness with dots from the roots. This is the most unpleasant fungal infection. To exclude complications, be sure to go to the hospital if you suspect this ailment.

Symptoms of eczema give redness in the affected areas. To it are added small pimples on the head, turning into itchy blisters, which, painfully bursting, form wounds. A progressive disease can cause a jump in temperature. With remission, the epidermis is dried.

A hormonal imbalance, more likely after fifty years, can trigger the appearance of red spots on the head. Meteorological factors, such as air humidity, precipitation, frost, and excess sunlight, also directly affect the skin and scalp of the head. In addition, experiencing a stressful situation and psycho-emotional upheavals can affect the well-being of the hair and epidermis.

A fairly common cause of red skin on the head is the body's allergic response. It is necessary to look at the environment, whether there are such potential allergens in it, such as wool of favorite pets, pollen of flowers, household chemicals and cosmetic means, certain foods.

There may be a reaction after painting the hair, from water with an excess of salts in the composition. A deficiency of certain vitamins leads to redness of the outer skin layers and baldness. The doctor will help you find the right medication with vitamins and microelements.

The appearance of spots in children

Parents are very worried when they notice red spots on the head of a child. Their anxieties are quite understandable. The baby may have similar symptoms after being stung by some insect, in the form of an allergic attack.

Mom should carefully make your diet, excluding possible allergens. Prickly heat occurs in the same way as a result of hypersecretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Red head can be observed due to viral infection of the body or due to an acute inflammatory reaction to some external stimulus. Spotted rashes can also indicate chickenpox, measles or deprive.

Redness under the hairs in the occipital region can be caused by a traumatic process of childbirth. With such manifestations in crumbs, it is vitally important to quickly appear to the pediatrician.

Therapeutic measures

The pathologist will help determine the pathology after the examination and, if the need arises, clarifying examinations. This may be a blood test, an allergy test, or the study of a sample of cells from the site of injury. Additionally, you may need to receive a number of other doctors.

Only a qualified doctor can prescribe competent treatment. In some cases, periodic visits to specialized medical care centers are indicated. Do not aggravate your position by trying to heal yourself.

Depending on the reason for which red spots appeared on the scalp, the treatment tactics will be chosen. If they are caused by allergies, antihistamines will help. In parallel, it is important to adhere to a special diet without provoking reaction products.

Eczema is treated with ointments, creams, oral medications, injections. For very dry skin, it is moistened with special means.

Coping with seborrhea

Treatment for seborrheic dermatitis also includes restricting yourself in fats, sugars, and spicy foods. Enrich your menu with vegetables and fruits, greens. In principle, this is an occasion to think about your mode, nutrition, and give up harmful components. Try to make your life more harmonious and positive, learn to cope with stressful situations, play sports so that the stress hormone leaves the body in a timely manner.

To get rid of oily dandruff, use antimycotic shampoos, emulsions and preparations with binary inorganic compound selenium and sulfur, zinc in the composition. Salicylic alcohol effectively removes inflamed dying cells from the skin, normalizes secretion. Cosmetics are useful for skin, which include birch tar and ichtammol.

In the chronic course of the disease, it is necessary to drink courses with antifungal pills, use peeling blends. Only your doctor can pick them up. During the treatment period, you should not dye or laminate hair. Dermatitis often accumulates on asthma.

In the load it is useful to take vitamins. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy, immunomodulators may be needed. Do not walk bareheaded in the cold season, use hats made of natural materials.

Psoriasis treatment

To overcome psoriasis, synthetic steroid hormones, similar to those produced by the adrenal cortex, are used externally in problem areas. Helps to cope with this ailment by boosting immunity and the endocrine system with physiotherapeutic procedures using cold, for example, cryosauna. The ultraviolet rays work well with a rash and spots on the skin.

Selective use of the laser accelerates blood flow and metabolism, acts as an antiseptic. Climate factors have a beneficial effect: mud, sun or thermal baths. Intradermal or subcutaneous injections with drugs, vitamins or combined beneficial substances help eliminate redness on the head.

Psychotropic drugs are prescribed in combination with the rest of the therapy if the course of the illness is aggravated by depressive episodes, the inability to communicate with people.

Folk ways

As we mentioned earlier, the initiative in place of treatment will not be useful, but may also provoke an allergic response from the body.

So the use of the described methods of traditional medicine against redness on the head of a different etiology is possible only as additional measures to the main treatment.

Dried flowers of marigold and plantain insist on boiled water, wipe head with liquid, do not wash off.

Also fresh foliage and stem of a blooming celandine are ground, squeezed. Juice from 300 g of raw material is mixed with 30 g of red dry wine. The mixture is smeared with irritated places before going to bed and kept for a quarter of an hour.

The condition of the integuments facilitates the application of gauze dipped in salvia tincture (ten grams of leaflets per 300 ml of boiled water, then add honey).

Olive oil is good for dry skin. It is rubbed into the head and covered with it. An hour later, wash your hair with a moisturizer.

Effective in the fight against redness of the head are tinctures from the rhizomes of burdock and yellow, Hypericum.

The following recipes can also bring relief:

  • mask from castor oil, alcohol and tea, from fatty kefir half an hour before washing,
  • wiping the skin with apple cider vinegar 1 hour before washing,
  • 1 tbsp. l honey, sour cream, brandy and yolk eggs are mixed and kept on the hair under the film for a couple of hours,
  • white and blue clay soothes sebaceous glands,
  • all kinds of essential oils,
  • well removes dead cells sea salt,
  • makes hair soft and softens skin mustard.


A healthy regime of activity and rest, a balanced diet and maintaining cleanliness will in many ways serve as a guarantee of blooming skin and hair. Choose correctly cosmetic products and items for care. Do not overload the hair with chemistry, hair dryer, frequent staining.

Healing wraps help to maintain lipid balance. Do not spend long periods in the open sun in the hottest part of the day. Wear panama hats, heat caps and hats in the damp and cold. Feed your body in transitional periods of the year complexes of vitamins and minerals.

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Treatment methods

If there are spots on the head, especially multiple ones, if they do not go away for several days, you should consult a dermatologist.

The fact is that various diseases can provoke both psoriasis and seborrhea, for example: disturbances in the balance of hormones of estrogen and androgins, testicular tumor, encephalitis, Parkinson's disease, vitamin H hypovitaminosis and others.

The specialist will conduct research such as:

  • Blood test for biochemistry,
  • Blood test for hormones
  • Examines the condition of the skin and scalp,
  • If necessary, send an additional ultrasound of the thyroid gland, pelvic organs.

All ways to cure red spots on the head, with seborrhea and psoriasis, are aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of the problem. Additionally, tools are used that strengthen the human immune system, improve metabolic processes and increase the protective abilities of the skin.

Treatment of seborrhea is made with the help of special medicines and shampoos. Also, to get rid of the red scaly spots on the head, the treatment can be supplemented with folk remedies, for example:

  1. Gentle exfoliation of dead cells from the scalp using sea salt peeling. A small amount of salt is applied to clean skin and gently massaged for one or two minutes, then washed off. In addition to additional cleansing of the head, salt has an easy disinfecting effect, red spots on the head gradually turn white. Sea salt treatment stimulates microblood circulation.
  2. Also, seborrhea can be treated with rinsing from 6% apple cider vinegar, 4 tablespoons of which are diluted in a liter of water. After the main wash, the head is rinsed with this solution, after a few minutes you need to rinse your head with clean water.
  3. Masks with the addition of vinegar from red spots on the head have a good effect. The treatment is carried out once or twice a week, the mask must be kept for 10 minutes and washed off. 2 tablespoons of 6% vinegar is dissolved in 200 ml of water (about 1 cup), you can add a spoonful of burdock and castor oil. The head is wrapped with plastic and wrapped with a towel for better action.

The treatment of psoriasis is carried out on the basis of the treatment regimen selected by the doctor, which should be comprehensive: local treatment of red spots, elimination of the underlying cause that caused the disease and increase of the body's defenses:

  • Compliance with a special diet,
  • External use of pharmaceutical ointments with grease or tar,
  • Phototherapy or spa treatment,
  • Apply hormonal ointments if necessary.

Usually, in combination with the treatment of the underlying disease by a dermatologist, the use of these tools brings positive results. In some cases, after full recovery, the red spots on the head remain. In this case, there are many ways to clarify head spots how to remove them without harm to health.


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