Useful tips

Features hair growth and 3 popular myths about it


All of us, to one degree or another, are victims of advertising. You must admit that even despite the good habit, everything is critically interpreted, sometimes you just want to believe the beautiful promises and buy the next useless nonsense. Especially when it comes to products for beauty and health - the golden core of marketing. Well, how to get past the shampoo, which promises to make your hair 85% stronger or reduce their loss by 66%? In order not to be carried out on tempting slogans and not to spend money on endless "dummies", do not forget about the popular myths about hair care. After all, so many advertising campaigns are built around them.

Anyone who cares about their hair and is in the eternal search for the ideal means to care for them, probably faced with the myths from the list below. Sometimes it is not an easy task to distinguish useful advice from harmful ones. But we will try to help you avoid unnecessary purchases under the influence of loud promises of manufacturers.

How hair grows and at what speed: quickly and slowly - what determines

Scientists say that the fastest growing elements of the body is just the same hair. Their growth occurs by dividing the lower part of the follicle. It consists of special cells that are very active and practically do not depend on the time of day or other factors. Thanks to the bulb and grow hair in certain areas of the body.

Women are interested in how much hair grows out in a month? This figure ranges from 1-1.5 centimeters. Therefore, the statement that you can grow long hair by 15-20 centimeters in just 30 days - these are just myths.

At the same time, a 1-1.5 cm indicator with which hair grows over a month is an average value, and it is different for all people. Hair growth is different at different times a day (faster in the afternoon), it also grows faster in the summer season.

The rate at which hair develops depends on the ancestors, gender, health, age, food in the diet, and the characteristics of the nerve cells. Therefore, it is advised to approach the procedure for accelerating growth in a complex way, making a scalp massage, choosing the optimal diet, etc.

Vegetation on the pubis and armpits - extra?

It should be understood that the hair of this part of the body is responsible for adjusting the heat transfer. But as scientists say, this is not the only benefit from them. Studies show that in the groin and armpits there are special sweat glands that secrete pheromone.

These are molecules that have an amazing function to attract the attention of the opposite sex. And it is the vegetation that performs the task of spreading these pheromones. The phases of hair growth in these parts of the body, if there are no deviations, perform only their role, and you should not get rid of them radically or change them.

It should be borne in mind that such procedures as photo depilation or hair removal with the use of electricity - badly affect the sweat glands that produce attractive molecules. As a result, the number of pheromones is reduced.

Thus, it turns out that a person increases visual appeal due to clean and well-groomed skin, but here the attraction of the opposite sex attention at the biochemical level suffers greatly. And it does not suit people. Of course, one should take into account that the times of the Middle Ages have passed, and it is not worth running too much hair in intimate areas, it is better to use simpler and harmless methods of epilation.

Popular myths about bad and good hair growth in children and adults

  • Shaving frequency = growth rate.

Also, according to people, the shade and thickness of hairs depends on the regularity of this process. If you look at the procedure from the logical side, it is only cutting the outer part of the vegetation. The color, thickness and growth rate depend on the inside, which forms all this in advance. Therefore, if you quickly grow hair on your head in the area of ​​the temples, mustache and beard - then it does not depend on shaving.

Hair: the story of the disappearance

Anthropologists still can not find the exact reason why hair has disappeared from the human body. It is believed that in this way a person got rid of parasites. Perhaps smooth skin saved us from hyperthermia. One thing is clear, with the evolution of the need for hairline has disappeared, so people began to lose hair. However, modern Homo sapiens have as many hair follicles as monkeys.

Hair growth cycle

There are three phases of hair growth:

  • Anagen phase, also known as growth phase. Hair spend at this active stage about 2-6 years. Hair growth rate is about 1.25 cm every 28 days.
  • Phase catagen. At this transitional stage, hair growth slows down, and the hair follicle shrinks. Usually this stage lasts 10 days, but 3% of hair is always at this stage.
  • Phase telogen. In telogen or rest phase, which lasts 3 months, hair growth stops. Old hair is pushed out and detached from the hair follicle. New hair is starting to grow.

The average hair growth rate is from 0.3 to 0.4 mm per day., although this value may vary from one person to another. The melanin produced by the hair follicle is the pigment responsible for hair color. With age, the pigment cells die, so the hair becomes gray.

One of the most interesting facts about hair is that all its follicles (about 5 million) develop in a human fetus in the womb for 22 weeks. This means that during our life we ​​do not have a single new follicle.

How to strengthen and maintain healthy hair?

When it comes to strengthening and maintaining healthy hair, tips from all sides can easily confuse. Moms and grandmothers are usually advised to lubricate hair with oil, while your hairdresser is likely to recommend a new fashionable means to strengthen and reconstruct the hair. Before you make your choice, consider a few things. The first step in hair care is your diet, and the two most essential elements in your diet are iron and protein. Hair cells are the fastest growing cells in the body, but they are the first to suffer if you eat the wrong diet.

Try to include foods rich in iron, such as leafy vegetables, fish, pumpkin seeds, beans, chickpeas, soybeans and cereals. Doctors recommend daily consume about 12 mg of iron. You also need protein, because it is it that strengthens the hair. Ideal proteins rich in amino acids, for example, cheese, milk, soybeans, lentils, peas, quinoa and yogurt.

Here are some more tips to help make your hair healthy:

  • Absolutely normal to lose from 100 to 150 hairs per dayso do not panic if you see a small tangle moving on a tiled floor.
  • Comb wet hair with extreme care, because they are fragile and prone to breaking. Take a wide toothed comb and run it from the roots to the tips of the hair as gently as possible.
  • Cut about 0.6 cm of hair every 6-8 weeks to improve their growth..
  • Do not wash your hair every day, and whenever you do, do not forget to put the conditioner on the ends. Try using shampoo and conditioner of the same brand.
  • Read shampoo labels. In the past few years, special attention has been paid to sulphate. What are sulfates? This is the reason why your shampoo foams so much. They clean the scalp and hair, removing dirt, but some researchers also claim that they negatively affect the condition of the hair. In addition, it is because of sulfates eyes begin to pinch if the shampoo falls on the face. If you feel any irritation on the scalp, after washing your head, try to buy shampoo without sulfate.
  • If you have dry hair, it is better to avoid dyeing. However, if you still want to lighten your hair a little, use lemon, chamomile tea or honey, since they work as excellent hair lightening agents. You can add lemon juice to water and spray it on your hair, or rinse your hair with chamomile tea after shampooing, or add honey to the water you use to wash your hair.

Oil - universal assistant

Air conditioning can work wonders, but oil nourishes your hair with minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids, which not only strengthens the roots, but also improves the overall condition of your hair. Most often, experts recommend coconut oil, it is able to protect your hair from sunlight, dandruff, and remove the accumulation of sebum from the hair follicles, accelerating hair growth. You can also boil some curry leaves in coconut oil, strain the oil and apply it on your hair. Another option - the flowers of Chinese hibiscus.

If you suffer from hair loss, you better use olive oil. It can be combined with many other ingredients, such as honey and cinnamon powder.

Common hair myths

Every year, both women and men spend impressive sums to maintain the health of their hair. But isn't it a waste? Before you buy another product to strengthen the hair, read about hair-related myths.

The more you cut your hair, the better they grow.

The world famous hairdresser and salon owner in New York, Los Angeles and Miami, Rossano Ferretti says that cutting the hair does not guarantee that they will become stronger, healthier and grow faster. Trim ends is worth it, but only to get rid of the split ends, which eventually break.

How hair grows and at what speed: quickly and slowly - what determines

Scientists say that the fastest growing elements of the body is just the same hair. Their growth occurs by dividing the lower part of the follicle. It consists of special cells that are very active and practically do not depend on the time of day or other factors. Thanks to the bulb and grow hair in certain areas of the body.

Women are interested in how much hair grows out in a month? This figure ranges from 1-1.5 centimeters. Therefore, the statement that you can grow long hair by 15-20 centimeters in just 30 days - these are just myths.

At the same time, a 1-1.5 cm indicator with which hair grows over a month is an average value, and it is different for all people. Hair growth is different at different times a day (faster in the afternoon), it also grows faster in the summer season.

The rate at which hair develops depends on the ancestors, gender, health, age, food in the diet, and the characteristics of the nerve cells. Therefore, it is advised to approach the procedure for accelerating growth in a complex way, making a scalp massage, choosing the optimal diet, etc.

Vegetation on the pubis and armpits - extra?

It should be understood that the hair of this part of the body is responsible for adjusting the heat transfer. But as scientists say, this is not the only benefit from them. Studies show that in the groin and armpits there are special sweat glands that secrete pheromone.

These are molecules that have an amazing function to attract the attention of the opposite sex. And it is the vegetation that performs the task of spreading these pheromones. The phases of hair growth in these parts of the body, if there are no deviations, perform only their role, and you should not get rid of them radically or change them.

It should be borne in mind that such procedures as photo depilation or hair removal with the use of electricity - badly affect the sweat glands that produce attractive molecules. As a result, the number of pheromones is reduced.

Thus, it turns out that a person increases visual appeal due to clean and well-groomed skin, but here the attraction of the opposite sex attention at the biochemical level suffers greatly. And it does not suit people. Of course, one should take into account that the times of the Middle Ages have passed, and it is not worth running too much hair in intimate areas, it is better to use simpler and harmless methods of epilation.

Deviations from the norm

When on the body of a female individual appear coarse and dark hairs that are characteristic of men, this indicates deviations.

In medicine, there are two concepts that describe this process:

    Hirsutism. When the hair on the head quickly grows in the form of hard and dark vegetation, this indicates the presence of such a deviation. This is characterized by excessive hair on the chin, back, abdomen and chest. If the scalp appears on the limbs, near the nipples or lower parts of the back and abdomen - then everything is fine, and there are no health problems.

Hair should be in moderation

  • Hypertrichosis. This phenomenon is accompanied by excessive vegetation in those places where the hair should be a bit. It will be easier to figure out simple examples. So, the hair on the hands of an adult female is the norm, and a girl of 8 years has a deviation.
  • If hair grows slowly on the head, then different abnormalities are also possible. In such situations it is better not to waste time, but to immediately consult a doctor.

    Myth number 1: comb your hair as often as possible!

    Preferably, at least 100 brush strokes every day. Misconception, popular among millions of women around the world. Just as among the manufacturers of "revolutionary" comb. Yes, it is far from useless to stimulate the blood circulation of the scalp. After all, this way the hair follicles get more oxygen and nutrients, which can positively affect their growth. But better to prefer light massage with fingertipsthan even the most expensive brush. After all, with frequent and intensive combing, you inevitably damage, “break” healthy hair and tear out those that could still grow and grow. So know the measure and brush your hair extremely gently, starting from the tips and without sudden movements.

    Myth number 2: blonde hair is weak, and brunettes have strong hair.

    Popular "folk" myth. In fact, black hair, especially dyed, is also susceptible to fragility. And if you are naturally a curly brunette, then any blondy can “envy” the fragility of your precious curls. So do not believe all the promises on the bottles of shampoos, masks and balms: often this whole division into lines for “blondes” and “brunettes” has purely commercial goals.

    Myth number 4: if the baby shave his head, it stimulates hair growth and in the future will save about baldness

    Millions of babies are becoming victims of this most popular myth among people, especially males. It is good that they are still deeply indifferent to the aesthetic aspects of this procedure. And yet, mothers, do not rush to drastically change the "image" of the little boy: this will not affect the future state of his hair. The mechanism of baldness is practically only genetically explainable.. Want to know about the prospects - take a look at the father and grandfather on the maternal side: if they both started losing vegetation at an early age, this sign, unfortunately, is most likely to be inherited. And no expensive masks, talkers and, even more so, shaving at a tender age, alas, will not help.

    Truth: from long-term experiences you can turn gray

    More precisely, from prolonged stress. Studies have shown that increased production of the stress hormone adrenaline can affect DNA structure. Namely, to damage the genes that regulate the production of melanin - the pigment responsible for the color of hair, skin and eyes. Want to look young longer? Avoid stress.

    Truth: Hair Falls Out Of Stress

    Hair follicles are either in the "growth" stage or in the "rest" stage. Both are natural processes of the life cycle of our hair. But severe stress can disrupt the usual schedule and cause them to hibernate prematurely. As a result, the hair will begin to fall out significantly, and the growth of new ones will slow down. What is most unpleasant, usually so unpleasant consequences are delayed in time: the “molt” can begin three months after the stress provocateur. So after strong experiences, do not forget to take some time and take care of your hair.

    True: hair grows faster in summer

    In the cold, our body takes care to increase blood flow to the internal organs and thereby maintain normal body temperature. As a result, the scalp gets much less nutrients and oxygen - unchanged "passengers" of blood cells. What affects the condition and speed of hair growth. In the summer, the situation is reversed: increased blood circulation stimulates follicle activity. So curls grow 10-15% faster. That is why masks with an active warming effect can be very effective in winter, but almost useless in the hot months.

    Features hair growth and 3 popular myths about it

    For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
    Read more here ...

    Long and lush hairstyles - this is one of the main factors of femininity. But some of the fair sex hair grows at the speed of a turtle, and you have to actively look for methods to accelerate this process. There are really useful ways, but there are also popular myths that you shouldn’t believe.

    I wonder how fast hair grow

    • How hair grows and at what speed: quickly and slowly - what determines
    • Vegetation on the pubis and armpits - extra?
    • Popular myths about bad and good hair growth in children and adults
    • Deviations from the norm

    First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the biological side of the process; this will help to understand why hairs do not grow equally fast, and how much new hair grows on a head and other parts of the body per day.

    Diet, accelerating hair growth

    The development and growth of female hair is completely dependent on the diet, and therefore it must be complete and varied. At your table are required to attend such products:

    • Eggs, fish, seafood, bran - rich in protein,
    • Bread with bran, seeds, vegetable oils (unrefined) are the main sources of keratin,
    • Dairy products contain calcium,
    • Yeast, nuts and oatmeal - a storehouse of biotin, a special substance that helps the strands grow faster.

    But spicy, salty and sweet must be abandoned, however, as well as food from McDonald's and pizzerias. This food will not benefit either you or your strands.

    If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to the shampoos and balms that you use. A frightening figure - in 96% of popular brands of shampoos are components that poison our body. The main substances, due to which all the troubles, are labeled on the labels as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These chemical components destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products in which this chemistry is located.

    Recently, the experts of our editorial office analyzed the sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by the funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

    Scalp massage is the best way to accelerate the growth of strands.

    Regular massage of the head provides a full flow of blood and promotes good nutrition of the follicle. It is necessary to do this massage very carefully - lightly stroke, twitch and rub both the strands themselves and the skin. To complete it you will need no more than 10 minutes a day.

    To enhance the effect, use esters of rosemary, bergamot, clove, geranium, lemon balm, fir, eucalyptus, burdock, lavender, tea tree, cinnamon, jojoba or mint during the session.

    Burr oil

    One of the cheapest and most effective means for accelerated growth of strands. Warm it up in a water bath, massage it onto the epidermis and leave for about an hour. Wash off such a mask with shampoo. If desired, combine burdock oil with lemon juice and egg yolk. Those who want to get a very fast result, we recommend to buy burdock oil with pepper content.

    Another useful and effective mask:

    Mustard mask

    • Yolk - 2 pcs.,
    • Mustard (powder) - 1 tbsp. l.,
    • Kefir - 1 tbsp. l

    1. Mix all ingredients.
    2. Lubricate the root zone with the mixture.
    3. Wash off the mask in an hour.
    4. Repeat once a week.

    8 best mustard hair growth masks

    Effective masks to strengthen and grow hair

    Pepper mask

    For tincture of red pepper, you can go to the pharmacy, and you can make it in your own kitchen.

    • Red pepper - 1 pod,
    • Vodka or oil - 250-300 gr.

    1. Put the pepper in a container with oil or vodka.
    2. Insist 2-3 weeks in a darkened closet.
    3. Use to lubricate the scalp (time depends on your feelings and skin sensitivity) or add to different masks. In the latter case, 1 tbsp. A spoon of pepper vodka can be combined with sunflower oil (2 tbsp. L) and vitamins E and A.
    4. The product can be diluted (1 tablespoon) with kefir (2 tablespoons) or with plain water (2 tablespoons).
    5. Apply the mask to the skin with a cotton sponge.

    Read more about red pepper tincture in this article.

    Experts recommend starting your acquaintance with a pepper mask with more gentle proportions, gradually adapting them for yourself. A slight burning sensation is not only perfectly acceptable, but also necessary to accelerate the growth of the strands. But sensations should not cause very strong discomfort, so listen carefully to your body.

    Cinnamon mask

    Cinnamon does not burn the epidermis so much, but it has a wonderful effect. In addition, this spice gives strands of all its flavor.

    • Cinnamon - 1 part,
    • Water - about 3-4 tbsp. l.,
    • Colorless henna - 1 part.

    1. Mix cinnamon and henna.
    2. Diluted with water to the state of thick cream.
    3. Lubricate the skin.
    4. We distribute it over the entire length.
    5. Wash off after 40 minutes.

    Ginger Mask

    Deciding to accelerate hair growth with the participation of this useful tool, it is worth remembering that dried ginger bakes more than a fresh counterpart. As for ginger powder, it often causes skin irritation. That is why it should be used very carefully - no more than 0.5 tsp. Per half cup of water, kefir or oil. Ginger is allowed to combine with yolks and onions.

    For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
    Read more here ...

    If you choose fresh ginger, chop it in a blender or in a meat grinder and filter through gauze. Lubricate this juice with the scalp and wait 30 minutes. Make sure that it does not get in your eyes.

    Some more tips

    To grow a long braid can each of you, if, of course, listen to the useful advice of experts:

    • From time to time you apply egg protein foam to your strands - it is rich in vitamins that will bring great benefits to hair,
    • Wash your head with rosemary water - fill a glass of dried rosemary with 200 ml of boiled water and mix the liquid with shampoo,
    • Increase the amount of fluid (juices and water) to 2 liters per day,
    • Comb two or three times a day,
    • Limit the use of a hair dryer, because from the hot air strands are split,
    • Learn not to be nervous about trifles. Stress affects the entire body, not just strands. Moreover, with regular "hassle" hair can stop growth at all,
    • Regularly engage in sports and physical education,
    • Give up on smoking and alcohol - bad habits are incompatible with luxurious braid,
    • Rub nicotinic acid (niacin, vitamin PP, nicotinamide) into the root zone, which expands blood vessels, improves blood circulation, strengthens follicles and accelerates the growth of strands. The benefits of vitamin PP include its ability to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, which will certainly appreciate the owners of the fat type. The course of nicotine rubbing is 1 month. It has no aromas and is no different from ordinary water, so you can not wash it off.
    • Peeling is another important step in the care of hair. Closed and polluted pores do not receive enough oxygen, and therefore there can be no good hair growth here. Fix this problem easily! It is enough to gently massage the scalp once a week with a mixture of soda, ground sea salt and coconut oil. After peeling, it is advisable not to use a hair dryer.
    • Sip a course of pharmaceutical yeast, multivitamins ("Alphabet", "Mertz Dragee") or yeast with sulfur.

    See also: 3 videos where the most effective tips are collected

    With a certain share of effort, you will be able to accelerate hair growth in the home and realize your dream of long braids. Good luck to you in this difficult task!

    Myth 1: Wash your hair better with hot water.

    Hair has a fragile structure that is easily damaged. Washing with hot water will warm the skin and increase the activity of the sebaceous glands, and therefore the locks will be contaminated earlier than usual.

    It is best to wet the hair with warm water and after using the shampoo rinsed under a cool (but not cold) stream. The scales on the hair will close and the curls will become more shiny. Such an approach would prevent brittleness and clearly benefit.

    Myth 2: Ammonia-free paints provide safe staining

    Ammonia is added to the paint so that the outer layer (cuticle) of each hair can open, and the pigment can penetrate into the hair structure and consolidate. The absence of ammonia does not guarantee complete safety for the structure of the hair: analogs with an alkaline basis are added to impart resistance to such dyes.

    Only high-quality tonics can be considered safe (without ammonia). Many of them even provide hair care, but do not have features such as ordinary dye.

    Myth 3: Universal care products are suitable for everyone.

    Both the scalp and the hair itself may suffer from an improperly selected shampoo. Select cosmetic products should be tailored to the individual characteristics of the organism.

    Universal tools designed for everyone, and at the same time, not for anyone. They can dry hair or make them greasy, while not having a positive effect. In addition, this kind of products are often produced in large containers. In this case, the probability of the multiplication of bacteria in each bank increases at times due to too long storage.

    Myth 4: Massaging the skin while washing your head will make the hair better

    Many hairdressers resort to various tricks to attract visitors. For example, massage the scalp to its customers when applying shampoo. It gives a pleasant feeling, thanks to which people want to return to repeat the procedure! In addition, women often do this massage themselves, rubbing shampoo into the hair roots.

    In fact, this kind of manipulation during shampooing contributes to the weakening of the hair follicles and provokes excessive sebum production. The scalp will say "thank you" if you do the same after you wash the product, or on dry roots.

    Myth 5: Cosmetics must be changed every 3 months.

    Hair care with the help of your favorite cosmetic products is not necessary to cancel (if we are not talking about the use of medicinal shampoos with potent components in the composition). If everything suits - why change?

    It is advisable to change funds only if they have ceased to have the desired effect. However, contrary to popular belief, such a need is not connected at all with addiction to cosmetics used before, but with changes in the body itself. In the body there are constant fluctuations, hormonal surges. In addition, external factors affect the body. And the hair is transformed and changed with us.

    Myth 7: You should comb at least 100 times a day.

    This error came from the depths of the centuries, when the shampooing was not performed as often as now, and the only way to remove dust and dirt from the curls was to comb it. Of course, massage the scalp is useful at all times, because it helps to restore normal blood circulation. But what prevents to do the same hands? A better to comb no more than 30 times both in the morning and in the evening, so as not to violate the integrity of the hair.

    Myth 8: Shampoo should be applied twice when washing your hair.

    It is important to understand that care for each person must be individualized. If the hair is dry and immediately before washing is not very dirty, apply the tool once. Another thing is when the curls are greasy, dirty, or soaked with styling varnish - in such cases a “double” wash would be appropriate.

    Myth 9: Picking up hair in a tight tail contributes to baldness.

    This statement is only partly true. Tight hairstyles contribute not to hair loss, but hair loss. These are different things.

    To lose too much hair, you must be a fan of African braids or wear a bunch of a la ballerina daily. Therefore, you should not panic if you wore a panty “tail” all day, and then removed the gum and were horrified. During the day, an average of 50 to 100 hairs fall out. Gum delays them, and the fallout becomes noticeable. If this figure is within the normal range, there will be no great harm and there will be no thinning of the hair.

    Myth 10: You can turn gray from strong fear

    Fear does not affect the color change of curls. But, as you know, prolonged stress is extremely negative for the body. Under stress, melatonin decreases, resulting in graying. Hair is often the first to respond to changes in the body. In sick people, they often fall out, become faded and lifeless. But the early appearance of gray hair is largely due to the hereditary factor.

    Myth 11: Hair grows at any time of the year with the same speed.

    Surprisingly, in summer the hair grows much faster than in winter. This is due to the fact that in the cold season, our body first of all takes care of maintaining the optimum temperature of the internal organs. In the summer, the number of factors that can lead to impaired blood circulation and limit the intake of nutrients is much less, so the body stops working in such an "economical" mode.

    Myth 13: All shampoos are actually the same.

    If we talk about cheap analogues of low quality, then such an idea can be allowed. However, good professional-grade tools can vary considerably in composition and focus. Inorganic shampoos will give locks a dazzling shine and volume, but will not have a therapeutic effect. And natural - will take care of the hair and restore their structure, but a well-groomed and healthy look will return gradually.

    The sun is the best way to brighten hair

    Yes, the sun can make your hair lighter, but it’s definitely not the healthiest way to do it. The sun burns both the hair and the scalp. It is best to lighten hair with a non-ammonia lightening cream that does not hurt the hair.


    Watch the video: 10 Hair Care Myths You Should Stop Believing (May 2024).