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Overview of shampoos brand Vichy hair loss


Shampoo "Vichy" has a lot of fans for the reason that this product really has a high quality. Moreover, the price of a cosmetic can not be called transcendental. The abundance of commodity items in the presented assortment makes it possible to choose exactly what is necessary for each specific consumer. And in order to better understand these shampoos, they should be considered in more detail by type.

Firming shampoo "Vichy" Dercos against hair loss

Hair loss is a problem that has befallen many people. Aminexil Vichy Derkos shampoo, created specifically to address this issue, has received many good reviews from consumers and experts. As noted by professionals, the tool is equipped with a special substance, the formula of which allows you to effectively care for the scalp, strengthening it and struggling with loss. The mechanism of action of the active components of the shampoo is simple. They strengthen the core in the follicle. Thus, it is possible to interfere with the process of collagen hardening. Hair, thanks to this, retain elasticity and flexibility even at the very roots. In addition to aminexil, there are vitamins PP, B5 and B6. These substances in a complex can not only improve the structure of the hair, but also help to ensure that their protective properties are top notch.

According to consumers, with the regular use of shampoo, the process of falling out significantly slows down. In addition, it improves the appearance of the hair. Research confirms that the vast majority of people who regularly wash their hair with hair do not spray at all. The number of subjects for whom this trend was noted reaches more than ninety percent. Therefore, it will be fair to say that in the Vichy lineup shampoo for hair density is first of all Derkos.

As for the method of application, it is necessary for two minutes to put it on the wetted strands, then rinse. Vishy Derkos shampoo foams well, and therefore with its help it will be very easy to wash your head with high quality and from the first time. Those who decide to purchase the tool should understand that a positive result will not appear immediately, but only after a month or more.

Soft shampoo with minerals

For those who are looking for a good version of a universal product for washing hair for every day, there is a wonderful “Vichy” shampoo called “Gentle Minerals”, which is enriched with trace elements of “Vichy SPA” thermal water. Describing its composition, it is necessary to dwell on the presence of such useful substances as:

  • Iron. Delivering oxygen to the cells, it provides reliable nutrition to the hair.
  • Magnesium. It is a powerful stimulator of the process of cellular regeneration.
  • Manganese. Possessing antioxidant properties, the element reduces the harmful effects of free radicals that cause the aging process of tissues.
  • Silicon. The substance helps to restore chitin.
  • Calcium. It protects the hair, having a tonic effect.

The shampoo does not contain parabens, as well as other harmful components of synthetic origin. This feature makes it hypoallergenic. Means "Vichy" for hair with soft minerals very gently cleanses from dirt. Due to this, there is a process of rapid recovery, split ends disappear and brilliance appears.

Dandruff Shampoo

Almost every brand that produces shampoos, has in its line of anti-dandruff products. Some brands are limited to one product item, while others create many specialized options for different hair types.

The second category is the Vichy brand, whose specialists have developed complexes for dry, oily and combination skin. Such consideration of the individual characteristics of the hair coat allows the agent to operate as efficiently as possible, while fighting dandruff.

Anti-Dandruff Regulating Shampoo for Oily Scalp

This option refers not so much to cosmetic as to medical remedies, since it not only eliminates the manifestations of dandruff that are presently present, but also prevents its recurrence in the future. Improving the overall condition of the scalp, the product makes the hair softer. However, one should not expect an instant effect from it, since a significant result will appear only after four weeks of regular use.

Reducing the amount of dandruff is noted after the first wash. In consumer circles, reviews of this product are mostly good. At the same time, a four-week period is a complete cure for dandruff. Not so long, is it? But the result must be fixed. To do this, you must use Anti-Dandruff Regulating for at least 2 months.

Anti-Dandruff Nourishing Shampoo for Dry Scalp

Anti-Dandruff Nourishing Anti-Dandruff Vichy Shampoo has been specially developed by brand professionals for dry scalp. This tool not only effectively solves the problem, but also provides a gentle and nourishing care for the hair. Relieves such unpleasant sensations as itching and irritation. As for dandruff, the tool eliminates not only the manifestations, but also the underlying causes.

Since Anti-Dandruff Nourishing is a medication, it is necessary to mention here the duration of the course of treatment. It lasts four weeks. Using the tool, be sure to avoid contact with eyes, as well as any contact with the skin, which has open wounds. This can lead to an exacerbation of the inflammatory process.

"Vichy Neoshenik" - shampoo to strengthen hair

Anyone who is interested in strengthening hair in a shampoo should pay attention to such heading as “Vichy Neojenik”. This tool contains stemoxidin, which is a powerful firming element. The substance penetrates deep into the bulb and has a striking healing effect. It does not create additional load and does not cause any discomfort. Because so many women choose the means of "Vichy" for hair. Reviews, shampoo and its mechanism of action characterizing, indicate a high level of product quality. It really helps strengthen the hair.

That is why many will be interested in such a commodity position from the range of the brand, as a means of "Vichy Neozhenik." Shampoo has a very positive effect on the condition of the hair and scalp.

Speaking about the prices for Vichy shampoo, it is important to understand that they are determined primarily by quality. And therefore you should not expect that good medical cosmetics will be cheap. Although, of course, Vishy shampoo cannot be called unnecessarily expensive and inaccessible. 0.2 l Dercos will cost about 500 rubles, the “Neo-jenic” treatment set of 28 ampoules and the dispenser - 4000 rubles, the Anti-Dandruff series - 800 rubles. for a tube.

Beware of fakes

If possible, purchase Vichy shampoos in specialized stores or pharmacies. Otherwise, it is worth looking for very reliable outlets that do not sell fakes. Reviews of those consumers who come across fake Vichy shampoos, unpleasantly affect and make more closely look at what product is purchased.

Unnatural products caused itchy scalp, dandruff and other negative manifestations in humans. Such symptoms are very painful for consumers, who already face hair loss. That is why it is worth looking at the product very well and, if in doubt, demanding a quality certificate from sellers if it is not initially possible to purchase it at company stores.

How to choose a shampoo?

The choice of shampoo is a serious and responsible matter, which should not be taken too lightly. Especially it concerns those cases when it is a question of the product of medical appointment. If you can not consult with a beautician, consider all the individual characteristics of the body.

Often, various stocks become overwhelming temptation, prompting to buy goods, though a good brand, but unsuitable. In this case, the credibility of the brand and the discount becomes the motivation. In the end, this leads to discontent and frustration. Speaking of hair shampoos "Vichy", it is important to note that the therapeutic agents are developed strictly taking into account the properties of the scalp for which they are intended. Using the wrong option will not only not lead to the expected results, but also cause a lot of problems. This is at best, and at worst - will have to undergo a course of restorative procedures.

What does the use of shampoo?

As the reviews show, it is distinguished by a unique composition, due to which there is a simultaneous activation of the hair follicles, the awakening of dormant bulbs, their subsequent nourishment and growth. The result - stop the process of hair loss.

Under the influence of the patented amineksil molecule, which is an innovative discovery of Vichy, it is possible to influence directly the cause of the loss of curls, ensuring their effective restoration and strengthening. As a result of regular use of Vichy shampoo, collagen does not undergo hardening in the mouth of the hair follicles, which is the key to proper blood supply to the roots.

Composition and action

The composition of the Vichy shampoo is quite diverse. Able to fight baldness contains:

  • Thermal water developed by the Vichy brand.
  • Improving foaming sodium laureth sulfate.
  • Aminexyl stops hair loss, thanks to which follicle atrophy is prevented.
  • Citric acid, which promotes mild cleansing of curls, restoring acid balance.
  • Mild surfactant in the form of disodium cocoamphodiacetate. Due to its presence, the primary substances of the composition act less aggressively, acquiring the consistency of a thick gel.
  • Salt (sodium chloride), which gives the desired shampoo tonic density.
  • Vitamins B5, B6, nicotinic acid, the lack of which is one of the main reasons for the onset of baldness.
  • Natural ammonia or ammonium hydroxide to regulate pH and improve the penetration of beneficial components in the roots of curls.

The composition of the remedy is supplemented with substances that add shine, preventing the accumulation of strands of static electricity, which contribute to the moistening of curls. Also in the shampoo for hair loss are sodium benzoate, salicylic acid, which act as preservatives, eliminate inflammation of the skin, and stop the development of pathogenic flora.

The principal in Vichy Dercos is amineksil, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by two patents.

Terms of use of shampoo against hair loss

According to reviews, it is used as a regular shampoo as the curls are contaminated. Present in the network review of the imported product recommends applying such a medicine to the hair not from time to time, but constantly until a visible positive effect is obtained. To enhance its effect, it is desirable to supplement it with Vichy ampoules designed to combat baldness.

Toning shampoo is applied to pre-moistened hair, lightly foamed and carry out a neat massage. A minute after the end of the massage movements, the Vichy product is rinsed with a sufficient amount of water. The tendency to improve the state of the curls is observed after 3-4 shampoos. As for the complete halting of baldness, judging by the opinions of specialists, such a result is possible after two or three months of rehabilitation therapy with Vichy products.

The cost of Vichy Dercos varies in the range of 600-900 rubles. As shown by numerous reviews, the price is quite consistent with the quality, so you can not be afraid that the money will be thrown to the wind. The main thing - carefully study the description and follow the advice of professionals.

Advantages and disadvantages of shampoo

Vichy Dercos shampoo against hair loss can be used by both women and men. Especially the product is recommended for use by holders of thinned thin curls.

There are the following positive points:

  • The ability to quickly eliminate the manifestations of avitaminosis or seasonal alopecia.
  • The absence of components that provoke allergic reactions, dermatitis, violation of the structure of curls.
  • Effective prevention of early baldness.
  • Impact directly on the hair roots.
  • Lack of addiction to the composition of Vichy.
  • The possibility of frequent use even against the background of noticeable loss of strands.

Among the minuses of Vichy, the presence of Sodium laureth sulfate, to which there is an individual intolerance, is noted. Usually such a reaction manifests itself in the form of drying the hair. If there is a similar result, it is worth considering the option of complex use of shampoo for hair loss, along with balms and masks representing a similar series.

Feedback on use

“When I saw the advertisement for Vichy, I decided to immediately try a shampoo and conditioner that eliminates baldness, despite the high cost. I can not say that I am completely satisfied with the result. Hair falls out less, but the process was not completely stopped. The most noticeable effect was manifested in the form of exceptional softness of curls, their brilliance. Perhaps a long-term care with the help of Vichy will allow you to leave a completely positive feedback. "

“My experience with using Vichy for hair loss was sad enough. After washing the head, an unbearable burning sensation appeared on the skin. As the curls dried out, she noted that they had become too lifeless. Perhaps there is an individual intolerance to the components. "

“My feedback is positive. Vishy stopping baldness gave the expected result, so the hair became noticeably thicker. True, originally used shampoo with the same ampoules. For myself, I noted another plus of this treatment - the long-term preservation by the locks of the pleasant, delicate aroma characteristic of the Vichy treatment series. ”

“Strong hair loss began with the birth of a child. After numerous experiments with folk recipes, Vichy decided to purchase, which costs several times less than many similar cosmetic products. The experience of use is about two months, my head every two days. I am completely satisfied with the result, in the future I plan to supplement the care of the Vichy masks of the same name for baldness ”.

Elena, Nizhny Novgorod.

“The cause of baldness was unbalanced nutrition and constant stress. Hair began to pour in the eyes, which only added negative emotions. After correcting the nutrition, I noticed some minor improvements, but decided not to let go of the situation and switched to professional care for curls with Vichy, namely, the line from hair loss. After the first application, she noted the unusual shine of the strands. When the first bottle is over, the hairstyle has restored its volume, now there are no more than a pair of hairs on the comb. ”

Vichy stopping baldness products can count on a positive outcome of therapy and restoration of curls. Such treatment is especially effective if the prolapse is diagnosed at an early stage. With strict adherence to the instructions on the package, it is possible to change the state of the hairstyle for the better within a few months.

You should not consider the Vichy line as a panacea for the loss of curls.If the baldness process is sufficiently intensive, the maximum result is possible only with the addition of cosmetic care with nutrition correction, organization of a full-fledged balanced diet, getting rid of bad habits and minimal response to stressful situations.

For greasy hair

Shampoo dercos contains a complex consisting of four surface - active substances, which regulates not only excess sebum, but also eliminates dandruff. Whether for you it will be the best shampoo for oily hair or not is unknown, but you need to try to find out!

It refers rather to medical remedies for getting rid of seborrhea. This shampoo improves the condition of the scalp and makes the hair soft, but instant effect should not be expected.

The accumulative effect is peculiar to him - the result will become noticeable after a month of regular use of the product.

After that, dandruff can be forgotten for a long time, oily shine and greasy hair will remain in the past. The only thing worth fixing is treatment. To do this, use shampoo for at least another month.
This shampoo is worth 600 rubles.

Read in our article about children's shampoos without sulfates and parabens.

Reviews of various ways to remove pigment spots on the face in this article.


Basically, every cosmetic brand that produces hair products has shampoos in its line for eliminating dandruff.

Vichy was not an exception, but its development was not limited to only one product.
This company has divided them and made separate drugs for oily hair, and for dry.

There is a special shampoo Kalmoxin ™ technology, which provides gentle skin and hair care. Already after the first application, the feeling of itching will disappear, and the strands will become larger and more obedient.

This tool can be purchased for 550 rubles.

From falling out

This is the scourge of many people, and for everyone it proceeds differently: one person drops straight whole strands, the other locks are lost invisibly.

In any case, the hair becomes smaller and this can be stopped only by using special tools.

Particularly effective Vichy shampoo with amineksilom is considered.

Its formula is capable of productively strengthening the hair shaft in the follicle. This prevents collagen from hardening and curls stop falling out, becoming elastic and flexible from the very roots.

Included in the shampoo vitamins act in a complex on the structure of the hair and provide them with reliable protection from negative environmental factors. With regular use, the strand drops out.

Shampoo should be applied to the hair for two minutes, then the hair is washed in the usual way. For an obvious result, you must use shampoo for a month, suitable for both women and men.

The price of a remedy is 850 rubles. Pick up the best mask against hair loss.

Strengthening curls and giving them volume - the main indicators of action shampoo with stemoxicin. It is included in the ranking of the best shampoos for hair.

This molecule is able to enhance five properties of hair: thickness, strength, shape, volume and resistance to external influences.

Its ultra - sealing technology is capable of making even thin strands thicker without weighting.

The therapeutic substance in the product penetrates the bulbs and has an effect on the hair there.

After applying this shampoo hair becomes noticeably thicker, curls cast a healthy shine and become more docile in styling. How to use jojoba oil for hair growth.
Issue price is 750 rubles.

For density

Suitable shampoo "Gentle Minerals".

It has thermal water with valuable minerals, each of which has a specific effect on the hair:

  • manganese acts as an antioxidant
  • magnesium stimulates cell regeneration
  • iron serves as a conductor for oxygen, and also provides saturation of curls with it,
  • calcium protects hair
  • silicon restores chitin.

The listed components promote fast and healthy hair growth. Read how to make a mask for the hair with cedar oil.
The cost of funds is 780 rubles.

The best effect from the use of shampoos can be achieved in combination with balms and masks of the corresponding effects.

Hair ampoules from Vichy

They are designed to eliminate hair loss.

The manufacturer has thought over the full course, single dose and composition in such a way that even at home, with regular use of this tool, you can quickly achieve noticeable results.

The effect of the composition of the capsules on the hair is as follows:

  • blood circulation improves,
  • acid-base is normalized,
  • hair protection is restored,
  • strengthened follicle,
  • acquired shine and elasticity.

When used in combination with other hair loss products of the same company, 100% result is guaranteed.

The composition of the capsules

There are ampoules for both men and women.

Common components in them are:

  • 5% Stemeoxidine. It acts on stem cells and restores their normal operation, stimulates the growth of new curls. Awakens asleep hair and releases it from the layer of hardened collagen,
  • SP 94 responsible for the healthy look of the strands. Gives them strength over the entire length,
  • amenixyl softens the collagen around the hair follicle and makes the curl itself more elastic and resilient,
  • arginine stimulates blood microcirculation in the scalp and nourishes the follicle itself,
  • vitamins of group B and PP additionally nourish and are responsible for the beauty of the hair.

Each set of medical ampoules has a soft applicator with a special tip made of white bronze. Thanks to him, you can carry out a head massage, it is directed to influence the skin areas, eliminating hair loss and stimulating hair growth.

A medical kit consisting of 12 capsules for women costs 2500 rubles, and for men - 2300 r. Details on how much you need lavender oil for hair in shampoo.

Instructions for use

It is recommended for use with intensive hair loss. one ampoule per day.

If it is not possible to do this so often, then it is necessary to apply this remedy at least three times a week.

The course of treatment is 6 weeks.

Need to take upright applicator and turn it all the way, then hold the lock, locking it.

Now they can distribute the therapeutic composition of sections across the head of hair, while rubbing massage movements.

Do not rinse after application. Common use principle for men and women.

Watch the Vichy hair growth activator video review.

Michael, 52 years old For a long time I use ampoules for hair loss from Vichi. My wife gave for some holiday.

At first I had bald patches on my temples, and then hair on the back of my head began to fall out. I put the contents of one ampoule on the whole head and all. He did it every day after washing his head and without it.

I think this tool is effective. My hair stopped falling out and the hair now does not thin.

Tatiana, 24 years old I am delighted with the healing shampoo for hair loss. After the birth, they just began to climb with me and I was afraid to stay with rare lifeless strands.

I don’t really trust the advertisement, but I don’t have time to ask the pharmacy about each individual drug, but with a small child it’s not convenient. Therefore, she came and immediately bought it at the nearest pharmacy.

After two weeks of shampooing, the hair stopped shredding. I was delighted with the result and continued using the shampoo for another three weeks. But now, in order to avoid addiction, I alternate its use with another tool. And they both really like me.

I advise shampoo from Vichy to all moms to restore the strength of the hair and prevent their loss.

Elvira, 43 years old Ampoules for hair Vichi really help from hair loss. And eliminate the inconvenience. How many can remember, constantly suffered from this problem.

I have it associated with the bend of the gallbladder. Hair loss is one of its side effects. I did not sit with folded arms, and often used various means.

But the action of the capsules is truly amazing. After a month of use, my curls stopped losing, and the new ones began to grow rapidly. This is especially noticeable when doing hair. Old strands easily fit, and new short hairs bristling. And the hair becomes noticeably softer, and my nature is tough.

Therefore, I am very pleased with the result.. Recomend for everybody!

Hair is a gift of nature and decoration. When choosing products to care for them, you need to focus on proven brands.
For 70 years of its existence, the company "Vichi" has established itself as a responsible manufacturer.

It produces therapeutic agents, taking into account the characteristics of each skin type and hair structure.. In its line of shampoos are products that can eliminate any hair problems.
You might be interested to know what elos hair removal is - here, about choosing between shugaring and waxing here.

About the Dercos series

Brand Vichy launches a series of hair care products. Some manufacturers in the range there are several dozen types of such products for hair. But after all, it is not the amount of shampoos that can be used, but their quality that is important for hair. True? Because I like the approach of Vichy - every tool is needed to solve a specific problem.

Derkos line includes:

  • Hair loss remedies Aminexil Pro,
  • Means for the growth of new hair Dercos Neogenic,
  • Anti-dandruff shampoos for all hair types
  • Means for restoring damaged and dry hair.
  • Daily shampoos for all hair types.

All products fully perform the task assigned to it. And reviews of satisfied consumers are the best proof of this.

I will begin the description with specialized tools aimed at solving the problems of loss and growth of new hair. And I will continue shampoos with nutritious masks.

Amine and shampoo Amineksil from hair loss

If one beautiful morning you saw on a pillow a fallen strand, do not leave the situation to chance. So you can bald. However, if you decided to change the image, then, of course, 🙂 But if this is not in your plans, buy Amineksil Pro for women 18 ampoules.

The main active ingredient in these ampoules is Aminexil. It fights against the seal in the connective tissues that surround the hair bulb. The product also contains SP94 ™, which penetrates the root of the hair and nourishes it. And Aminexil pro contain vitamins and amino acids.

Vichy Neojenik - new hair for 3 months

In the "casket" brand Vichy there is a tool for the growth of new hair. These are ampoules of Dercos Neogenic. The main active ingredient in their composition is Stemoxidin 5%. This active substance has an amazing power - the ability to "awaken" the hair follicle. This substance is highly effective. According to numerous reviews, after such an ampulla therapy, curls grow like mushrooms in the forest after rain.

DERCOS NEOGENIC 1st means for new hair growth 28pcs, Vichy

The composition of the ampoules, the principle of the means, the features of its use, read the detailed article ampoules Dercos Neogenic.

Plus, another innovative product was created. This is Vichy Dercos Neogenic shampoo for thick hair and creating a dizzying volume 🙂

The main component of this tool, as well as in ampoules, is Stemoxidin.

Effective Dandruff Treatment

Unfortunately, owners of any type of curls are not protected from dandruff. If you notice white flakes on your head, do not panic. Vichy brand for you created shampoos Dercos dandruff and Dercos anti-dandruff Sensitive.

The active ingredients of such therapeutic shampoos are carefully selected by Vichy specialists. Therefore, these cosmetic products will not only relieve dandruff. But they will carefully take care of the hair, giving it strength and beauty. By the way, I already wrote to you about Dercos against dandruff. Composition, how to use with reviews tried, you will find in the article "Vichy shampoo for dandruff."

System for dry and damaged hair

The Vichy brand also took care of naughty dry and lifeless damaged curls. For such hair, a nourishing balm and masks + Dercos restoring shampoo are created.

Experts advise to buy these tools to those who regularly conduct experiments on their curls. She dyes strands, curls, uses a hair dryer or ironing, etc.

As part of these cosmetic products are present:

  • pink, almond and safflower oils,
  • 5 amino acids: cysteine ​​+ serine + arginine + proline + glutamine,
  • ceramides, etc.

A shampoo also contains UV-filters that protect the hair from aggressive sun. By the way, it is perfect for daily care.

To curls become silky, and strands radiate a healthy sheen, you need to use this product regularly. So, if the hairs are too brittle, a mask can be applied 2-3 times a week after washing the head. And in other cases, I advise you to use balm.

Apply the balsam on slightly wrung clean strands and leave for 1-1.5 minutes. And then rinse with cool clean water.

The Derekos hair mask is applied on clean, slightly pressed locks. But do not apply to the roots - retreat that way by 5 or even 7 cm. Leave the product for 4-5 minutes, and then wash it off.

Family Shampoo "Gentle Minerals"

This tool is universal and will suit all family members, regardless of their hair type. It has a healing effect. It gives hairs amazing strength (and, from the roots and to the tips) and health.

Gentle minerals, soft firming shampoo, Vichy

The magic effect of the shampoo on the hair is understandable - it contains active minerals of the Valky thermals:

  • iron, which actively nourishes the tissue cells of oxygen,
  • manganese (it is considered one of the strongest antioxidants),
  • cell regenerating magnesium,
  • calcium protects tissues
  • silicon helps hairs become stronger and stronger.

Derkos “Gentle Minerals” contains no dyes, parabens and silicones. Therefore, this tool can be used for adults and even for children. Experts recommend using it for hair care from the age of three.

Like other cosmetic products of the Vichy brand, Gentle Minerals has a pleasant aroma. In addition, this shampoo perfectly foams and well washed off.

Regulatory shampoo care, Vichy

In the composition of this remedy are present:

  • Thermal Vichy - known for its beneficial effects on the scalp,
  • salicylic acid - possessing anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity,
  • exclusive complex anti-sebum - which regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Means do not contain silicone, and also parabens. And this is very important for the fat type of hair. After all, these components make the hairs heavier, which makes them grow fat even faster.

This cosmetic product has a pleasant, unobtrusive fragrance. In addition, he has a light, gel texture. Shampoo pretty well foams and washed off. After washing the strands are not confused, easy to comb.

Series for sensitive scalp

This type of skin should be especially carefully protected from aggressive external factors. This could be air pollution, improper paint, heat from a hair dryer, or too tight hair. They disturb the balance, causing irritation and itching.

Therefore, soothing shampoos were created. They strengthen the structure of the curl, reduce itching and burning. Plus, they resist external aggressive factors, increasing the resistance of the skin.

The main components: Panthenol - strengthening the fabric of the hair and scales. SENSIRINE molecule - softens the effects of harmful factors, soothing the skin.

In the line there are 2 tools for any type of curls. For dry hair, apricot oil and glycerin are added. And for fat - vitamin C, which helps reduce the appearance of dandruff and better cleansing.

Types of Vichy Shampoo

The French company Vichy for several years engaged in the creation of a drug that in a short time could cope with hair loss. While still in the development stage, the tool was thoroughly tested and showed excellent results: about 80% of the subjects after the application noticed positive changes in the state of their hairstyle.

The entire line of "Vichy" is represented by several means shown in baldness.

  • Vichy shampoo for oily hair. It will be an excellent option for owners of curls prone to the appearance of fat. The drug will help regulate the sebaceous glands, not forgetting about nutrition and hydration. Manufacturers guarantee the appearance of the result in a month, and the appearance of the hair improves after the first application.
  • Vichy dandruff. Unfortunately, the problem of dandruff is familiar to many. But thanks to a special therapeutic formula, Vichy shampoo helps to fight this ailment. In addition to getting rid of the problem, the tool can make the strands more shiny and well-groomed.
  • The famous shampoo "Vichy" from hair loss. The use of active ingredients in the composition not only struggles with the cause of alopecia, but also eliminates its external manifestations and helps to avoid the recurrence of the disease.
  • Vichy product for hair growth. It will be an ideal option for partially dropped hair. If the problem was serious and the density of curls has noticeably changed for the worse, the shampoo will help restore the vegetation on the head. Ingredients in the composition stimulate the active growth of new hairs and restore the structure of damaged. In addition, the cosmetic product will give the hair volume without weighing it down.
  • "Vichy" for thick strands. Created on the basis of minerals, each of which has its own unique property and therapeutic effect. It is used both to restore problematic hair and for prevention.

Operating principle

Shampoo Derkos Neojenik, as well as other products belonging to the company of Vichy, belongs to the treatment. It is designed to combat one of the main problems of hairline - baldness. The appearance of alopecia to a varying degree is influenced by many factors, which are not always amenable to correction. Therefore, the French brand with a world name has developed a unique range of products, whose effectiveness has been confirmed by many users around the world.

Composition and benefits

The formula of Neojenika shampoo is enriched with a molecule of stemoxidin - the so-called hair sealer. Stemoxidin is able to simultaneously saturate with nutrients and strengthen existing hair, and to provoke "dormant" bulbs to grow. In Derkos Neojenik, this substance is included in 5% concentration, which is sufficient for successful treatment of patients with curls.

In addition to stemoxidin, the composition of the shampoo is supplemented with vitamins B5, B6, PP, as well as healing thermal waterwhich is taken from the source of the eponymous French city of Vichy. Cosmetics, created on the basis of this water, is much more effective than similar means of other manufacturers.

Note, Vichy water is extremely rich in trace elements and minerals, which tend not to decay after a certain period of time.

Advantages of shampoo:

  1. Passed clinical studies and various testing, being absolutely safe and hypoallergenic means.
  2. Actively restores the state of the curls, giving them a well-groomed and healthy look.
  3. It is a product of the famous concern, famous for its reputation.

The use of this shampoo is shown in the following cases:

  • hair loss, much higher than the daily rate,
  • thin weak hair
  • sparse hair with small bald spots and bald patches,
  • lack of volume
  • porous hair structure
  • Seborrhea.

The cost of Vichy cosmetics is fully consistent with their quality and effectiveness. The remedy Neojenik can be purchased at a price - an average of 800 rubles per 200 ml bottle.

The manufacturer recommends to buy shampoo only in pharmacies or on trusted Internet sites., since the risk to buy a fake and be disappointed, thus, in the product is quite large.


Stemoxidin is not rejected by the human body, on the contrary, it is a natural component of human hair. Its discovery is a merit of the concern L’Oreal, to which the Vichy brand belongs. L'Oreal conducted thorough research that proved the absolute safety of stemoxidin and the absence of side effects when using it. Contraindications to the use for the treatment of alopecia Derkos Neozhenikom was not identified.

Rules of application

The use of shampoo will significantly affect the state of the curls, if the treatment they begin in the correct period. It should start in the phase of inactivity - the time when hair loss occurs most actively, and new hairs do not grow. This phase tends to last on average up to a year, and during this time the appearance of the hairstyle may deteriorate markedly. Read more about the phases of hair growth on our website.

Derkos shampoo can be used both in conjunction with ampoules that are in the Neojenik range, or independently. With a single use of shampoo significant hair growth does not occur. But they become much softer, more obedient, and, importantly, more voluminous and denser. There is also a beneficial effect on the scalp: prevention of diseases of the integument, prevention of dryness or excessive greasiness, stimulation of the follicles.

Important! Damaged weak strands, due to the penetration of stemoxidin into the very structure of each hair, literally come alive and filled with power.

Hair washing with shampoo is carried out according to the standard scheme: apply to damp hair, lather, leave for 1 minute for a deeper effect, rinse thoroughly. It is a hypoallergenic product and is approved for daily use.

Effect of use

Using shampoo, together with capsules for hair growth, you can achieve the maximum effect in just 3 months, dramatically transforming the appearance of the hairstyle. The disadvantage of Vichy Dercos Neogenic can be considered its value. However, given the fact that shampoo is a professional tool for hair restoration, it can hardly be considered essential.

Learn more about hair regrowth products thanks to the following articles:

Useful videos

Vichy hair care.

Shampoo that heals.

Composition and properties

One of the advantages of Vichy hair loss remedies is the absence of parabens and other harmful chemical compounds. In addition, the effectiveness of the medication is explained by the many important minerals and vitamins for the hair. In order not to be unfounded, we suggest analyzing the composition.

The basic ingredient of shampoo is thermal water. This healing liquid of exclusively natural origin has a beneficial effect on curls from their roots to the tips. It is a unique patented product of Vichy Corporation.

Sodium laureth sulfate is the most beneficial for the scalp of a number of sulfates. It is added to a preparation for formation of foam and high-quality washing of hair.

Amineksil molecule is a kind of innovation in the world of cosmetics. This invention of the French company Vichy was not previously used in the composition of detergents.

The well-known citric acid regulates acidity and gently cleanses the hair.

The substance Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate neutralizes the negative effects of other substances and improves the consistency of the shampoo.

Sodium chloride is a well-known table salt. It is no secret that the product is part of many masks and scrubs for the skin, and therefore it is absolutely harmless to the body. The composition of the drug "Vichy" is included to impart density.

Ammonium hydroxide is also absolutely safe for the scalp and hair. Carefully and thoroughly cleanses the skin, thereby opening access to beneficial substances to the hair follicles.

The complex of vitamins positively affects the hair, improving both its condition and appearance.

Who is shown the means

Manufacturers of goods recommend using it during the initial stages of alopecia, as well as for preventive purposes. Everyone knows that with timely and high-quality treatment, an unheard-of disease can be completely cured.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that the tool for drop-down strands should be used on a regular basis, and not from time to time. It is a systematic and high-quality therapy in most cases that guarantees complete recovery.

The developers of the Vichy shampoo made sure that the product fits different people. There are separate types of the drug for almost all types of hair: oily, normal and prone to dryness. Moreover, the drug does not contain dyes and does not have a strong odor, and therefore will be a good remedy for hair loss for women and for men in equal measure. Due to its composition, suitable for daily use.

It should be borne in mind that sometimes the curls can come out, especially at certain times of the year. Not always dropped hairs are a sign of beginning alopecia. But the number of lost curls should not exceed one hundred pieces per day.

In order not to doubt and not worry in vain, you can do a kind of test that will show whether there are serious reasons for concern. It is necessary to collect the hair with your hand, as if you are going to make a tail hair, and then hold your hand along it, sliding down to the tips. If after the procedure in the hand there are five or more hairs, then this is a reason to visit the doctor.

Ampoules vichy

In order for those suffering from the loss of hair to successfully cope with the disease, pharmacists have invented a great addition to shampoo: ampoules against hair loss. They contain the molecule amineksil and argenin, carefully caring for the hair and providing them with decent care.

The drug is universal and suitable for all skin types, includes a separate option for men and women. Included - 18 ampoules and a special massage applicator. With the help of the necessary elements in the composition of the ampoules and a pleasant massage, the blood rushes to the head. This stimulates the growth of new hair and strengthens the roots of the existing one.

Unlike Vichy shampoo, which is also suitable for the prevention of baldness, ampoules are used exclusively to combat the disease.

How to use

As for the Vichy shampoo, its method of application is extremely simple and does not differ from most other similar products.

It is necessary to apply some amount of shampoo on wet hair. It should not be too much, because the substance foams well. It is necessary to thoroughly rub the soapy liquid in the hair and scalp, simultaneously massaging it with your fingers. Then it is better to leave the soaped hair for a couple of minutes so that the nutrients are better absorbed and absorbed. And after abundantly wash off the foam with water.

If we are talking about ampoules against baldness, then there is no great difficulty. On the dry or wet curls need to apply the contents of one ampoule and rub into the hair roots. This dose of funds should be enough for the whole head, so we use the substance carefully and economically. After application, it is not necessary to rinse the head.

We use one ampoule per day for about two months with a pronounced disease. If the problem is just beginning, three ampoules per week will suffice.

Holders of sensitive scalp need to be careful, as the drug may cause allergies. It is better to test the substance before use.

Review Analysis

Remarkable shampoo "Vichy" from hair loss customer reviews. Many of them praise the tool, which in a short time helped to cope with the loss of hair. Of its merits, they note efficiency, cost effectiveness, and a fairly quick result. Almost all consumers were satisfied, because the drug coped with the problem.

For some users, the result appeared only after applying Vichy shampoo in combination with other means aimed at combating alopecia. But we reliably know that in case of a serious disease it is better to enhance the effect of the drug with additional medicines and cosmetics.

Also, some of the people counted a sharp smell as a disadvantage. At the same time, it seemed pleasant to some of the customers and was noted as one of the merits of the product.

It is worth saying that, despite the effectiveness of the shampoo, many consumers complained about the high price. But often the cost figured as the only drawback of the product.

Vital minerals of creams and shampoos for sensitive skin

The brand owes its name to the small town of France - Vichy, which is known far beyond the borders of the state for its mineral springs. Many centuries ago, active volcanoes were located on this place. Since then, underground sources that have absorbed gases and volcanic rocks have become saturated with useful microelements.

One of the components of the global brand of cosmetics is this thermal water. Years of research have shown that the minerals contained in Vichy cosmetic products have a healing effect on the skin.

Curative effect for hair and scalp

Nourishing Shampoo Vichy Dercos Neogenic to increase hair density

In mineral water there are about 18 mineral salts and about 30 microelements. They have a beneficial effect on the growth and condition of the hair, helping to get rid of many ailments:

  1. dandruff
  2. increased greasiness
  3. irritation and itching of the head,
  4. inflammatory processes
  5. hair loss.

Cosmetic products of the company play an important role in raising the immunity of the scalp and in the fight against aggressive environmental factors. Due to the unique composition of any Vichy shampoo will make your hair healthy and beautiful.

Cosmetic products of the company raise the immunity of the scalp

Price for sulfate-free anti-dandruff and oily hair shampoo

The company's specialists have developed a wide range of hair shampoos:

  • From the increased fat content of the hair. The caring complex consists of active substances that limit the contact of hair and sebum. The shampoo does not contain silicone and significantly affects the reduction of dandruff.

The caring complex from the increased fat content of hair

  • From seborrhea. Vichy Derkos shampoo is available separately for dry and oily hair separately. Special technology Kalmoxin gently cares for the skin, helps to eliminate itching after 1-2 applications and improves the hair structure.
  • From falling out. The formula of toning shampoo with amineksilom productively affects the hair shaft in the follicle and does not allow the collagen to harden. Vitamin complex protects the hair cuticle from negative factors. Vichy hair loss shampoo is saturated with ceramides and provides elasticity, elasticity and flexibility of curls.

Dercos dandruff and sulphate free

  • For growth. The special molecule stemoxidin acts on the structure of the hair, and the medicinal substance, penetrating deep into the bulb, has a strengthening effect. The complex of these substances thickens the hair, gives it shine and makes the hair much thicker.
  • For frequent use.Vichy Dercos Shampoo "Gentle Minerals" contains a complex of five trace elements that have a certain effect on the hair structure: manganese, iron, silicon, magnesium, calcium. The formula of the product provides reliable nutrition, gentle care, quick recovery of damaged tips. With daily use, there is a rapid growth of hair, and the hair gets natural shine.

Enhance the effect of Vichy shampoos can be combined with masks and rinses of the corresponding action. The entire product line is available in pharmacies. Average prices for Vichy shampoos are offered by online stores and specialized boutiques. Price without sulfate, good shampoo, ranges from 500 to 1000 rubles.


Watch the video: Top 5 Best Shampoo for Hair Loss - Best Hair Loss Shampoo 2017 Review (June 2024).