
Popular recipes lighten hair with honey and the benefits of this procedure


Summary of the article

Honey is not only a delicious food, but also a source of vitamins, with a mass of healing and beneficial properties. But honey has its hidden talents and properties! One of them is a natural hair lightening with honey.

With the help of special honey masks, they do not just lighten the hair, but also nourish it and restore it from damage. How to lighten hair with honey by yourself at home? What are the most beneficial honey hair masks? You will learn all about hair clarification with honey in this article!

The benefits of lightening hair with honey

  • Giving your hair shine and a shining, presentable look,
  • Elimination of dryness and brittle hair,
  • Hair structure improvement
  • Preventing and preventing hair loss,
  • Wash away old paint from your curls,
  • Restoration of damaged hair,
  • Removal of unnecessary split ends,
  • Eliminating annoying dandruff
  • Cure seborrhea and other unpleasant diseases
  • Improving the sebaceous glands,
  • Strengthening the structure and roots of hair,
  • Directly natural hair lightening,
  • Deep cleansing of hair from various impurities and impurities,
  • Improving the condition of hair,
  • Using a natural product without any poisons and chemicals
  • Pleasant honey smell of hair after the procedure,
  • Beautiful golden shade of hair.

As you can see, lightening hair with honey will not only help you find a new color of curls in the most natural way, but also improve their overall condition. Moreover, honey is also able to cure certain diseases of the skin in the area of ​​the head.

Why is it worth lightening hair with honey? The answer is simple! This is not only an effective method, but also the most useful.

Who is suitable for brightening hair with honey, and who does not?

There is no particular contraindication to lightening hair with honey, because honey is a non-toxic, natural substance that is completely safe. The only concern with honey brightening will be an allergy.

To avoid the unpleasant effects of allergies, it is worth testing the reaction to honey on a small area of ​​the skin before starting to lighten hair. To do this, apply a small amount of honey on the bend of the arm near the elbow. In this area of ​​the body, the skin is not much thinner, so an allergic reaction, if it occurs, will manifest itself most quickly.

After applying honey on the skin, record the time for 15 minutes. After the time expires, check if you have any redness on the part of the body where the honey was applied. If no reaction followed, then you also have no allergies, so you can safely try out the hair lightening with honey.

IMPORTANT! If, however, for some reason you have an allergic reaction after lightening your hair with honey, be sure to consult an allergist in time for help!

The main rules for lightening hair with honey

Rule number 1. Do not skip the important stage of lightening - preparing the hair. Be sure to thoroughly wash your head before lightening the hair with honey. It is not recommended to additionally use masks and hair conditioners. Hair should be washed with ordinary shampoo or soapy water with the addition of a small amount of soda (0.5 tsp).

Rule number 2. Carefully select for the procedure. So that the procedure of lightening hair with honey is successful, leaving behind a qualitative, lasting result, you should carefully choose honey. It is important that honey is not candied and without obvious lumps.

Rule number 3. Prepare a honey mask to lighten hair. This stage is a lot important, on how well you prepare yourself a honey mask, the whole result depends.

To make paint, it is necessary to melt the honey, not bringing it to a boil. It is important that the honey was well mixed and did not have lumps.

IMPORTANT! In order to melt the honey is not recommended to use a microwave. In it, honey will lose some of its useful qualities and healing properties. You can always dilute honey with a few drops of hot pure water.

Rule number 4. Evenly distribute the honey mass over the entire length of the hair. Apply honey evenly on clean, dried hair. Particular attention should be paid to the roots and tips of the hair.

After applying honey on your hair, massage your head with light, non-pressing movements. This will enhance the effect of the procedure.

Put the hair in a plastic bag or cap. And leave it for the next 10 hours. You can go to bed with such a design on your head, but only if you create all the conditions so that your hair does not come out from under the cap and do not stain everything around.

Rule number 5. Thoroughly wash hair after the procedure. It is especially important how to wash your hair after the honey mask. Hair should be rinsed under warm water with regular shampoo. And then rinse herbal infusion of your choice.

As an infusion, brewed chamomile flowers or a solution of lemon juice (in a 1: 1 ratio with water) are perfect. It remains to dry your hair and implant the first results of lightening hair with honey!

We lighten hair with honey on our own at home

You must understand that it is worth remembering when brightening hair with honey - there will be no instant result. Do not be afraid that after the first procedure you did not become a blonde, this is normal! To achieve a more noticeable result, it is necessary to repeat the procedure at least 4-5 times.

There are no special contraindications for the amount of rest time between honey clarification procedures. Therefore, you can repeat the following procedure for lightening hair with honey already tomorrow.

Usually honey masks lighten hair by 3-4 tones. So do not think that you, after self-lightening hair with honey, something did not work. Surely you did everything right, just in this procedure, the result appears gradually and requires several procedures.

What honey is used for natural hair lightening?

For lightening hair with honey, any product is suitable in principle. It is important that it is completely natural.

Most often it is used flower honey to lighten hair for 3-4 tones. The main thing is that honey is not candied. Otherwise, the lumps of sugar in the honey mask will not evenly distribute through the hair and harm the result of clarification.

And most importantly, remember that the most effective masks from honey for lightening hair are prepared with the addition of spices and additional ingredients. For example, using kefir or cinnamon.

Recipes honey masks to lighten hair:

  1. Mask, brightening hair, made of honey and cinnamon. Lightly melt the honey and add cinnamon to it. The ratio of ingredients should be one to one. Stir the mixture and apply evenly on dried hair.

This mask according to statistics is most often used when it is necessary to lighten hair with honey. Perhaps this particular combination is given more preference because of the pleasant smell of cinnamon.

  1. Honey-lemon mask for high-quality lightening your hair. Here we need a little more ingredients: absolutely any oil of natural origin, liquid honey and lemon juice. Mix these components together in a one-to-one ratio and gently apply to the hair. The effect of such a mask will definitely please you!
  2. Brightening mask with honey and chamomile extract. This mask will take a little more time than the above listed. First you need to brew chamomile extract. Best used proportions: 2 tbsp. on a cup of boiling water. Let the broth draw out and cool most importantly so as not to burn the scalp.

Then mix chamomile decoction with liquid honey. Also added lemon juice for a better effect. It is necessary to mix in standard proportions one to one. Then put a mask on your hair and wait for the results!

  1. Mask for clarification with egg and liquid honey. Beat well and mix 2 chicken eggs with 3 tbsp. liquid melted honey. Then apply the resulting mask on dry hair and enjoy the result!
  2. Honey with cognac to lighten hair. Such a honey mask will not only lighten your hair well, but will also have a preventive effect against hair loss. Not everyone chooses this mask because of its sharp smell.

Stir until smooth one egg yolk, 1 tbsp. cognac, 1 tsp liquid honey. And our mask for lightening hair with honey is ready!

  1. Honey and kefir mask. We need 15 ml of liquid honey, one egg and 50 ml of kefir. We mix all the ingredients and get our mask to brighten hair with honey.

There are a great many different recipes of masks for lightening hair with honey, and you can always choose the one that suits your hair.

IMPORTANT! Before applying any of the honey masks, make sure that you are not allergic to its components. In case of an allergic reaction, immediately contact a specialist for help.

The benefits of hair when brightening honey

With the help of honey, you can make your hair a few shades lighter and significantly improve their appearance. What is the use of this product for hair?

  1. Honey remedy will help restore the structure, strengthen the root bulb.
  2. The substance successfully relieves dandruff and fills the hair with natural volume, for which vitamin E is responsible.
  3. Bee sweetness and directly folic acid restores fat metabolism of the scalp.
  4. The composition is used for deep cleansing of the scalp.
  5. After use, the hair is filled with a pleasant aroma, which is not the case with ammonia dyes.

At home, honey can lighten any type of hair. However, it should be remembered that the presence of an allergic reaction to a beekeeping product is a reason for refusing to use it.

Some nuances of application

Despite the fact that so-called non-ammonia hair dyes are currently available, their harmlessness is questioned. How to lighten hair and restore their health? For these purposes, suitable bee treat. However, there are several important points to consider. Honey is able to give hair its color only a couple of tones lighter than natural, so it is suitable only for those who by nature are not endowed with dark hair.

And the presence of allergic reactions to sugar-containing or beekeeping products in general is a contraindication for the use of natural brightener. It is important to remember that only natural product lightens hair. If an artificial formulation was used for the procedure, then the desired result is not achieved at all. Therefore, before using you need to check the naturalness of honey in any way possible.

What causes the staining? The composition of honey in large quantities contains hydrogen peroxide. It is the result of a chemical reaction of several substances: iron, oxygen, glucose. Non-dark hair with a porous structure is best brightened. This type of hair is able to quickly assimilate the chemical composition of the beekeeping product.

Clarification procedure

Honey for lightening hair as a natural natural remedy has been used for a long time. Such popularity is due to its availability and beneficial effects on the state of hair. To achieve a good result, you must perform the following steps in the clarification procedure:

  • in order to maximize the lightening effect, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo with a pinch of soda before applying the honey. The use of other cosmetics is strictly prohibited. Soda will help to carry out a deep cleansing of each hair, so that the nutrients can easily penetrate inside,
  • for the preparation of coloring composition, you must use warm honey. It must be heated in a water bath, but not boiled, or diluted with hot water. The second option will facilitate the application of wet strands. Is it possible to warm sweetness in the microwave? This is not recommended because there is a risk of losing all the nutrients and elements
  • the procedure should be carried out at night, as the time of exposure means - at least 10 hours. Washed hair should be slightly wiped off and spread on strands. A heated honey hair mask is applied to each strand, especially carefully on the roots and ends. When the application is complete, massage your head, put a plastic cap and a towel on top. Instead of a cap, you can use a regular cellophane bag,
  • after 10 hours, wash your head with warm water, and use chamomile decoction or an aqueous solution with a few drops of lemon juice as a rinse.

How it works?

How to lighten hair with honey? The whole secret is in hydrogen peroxide, which is formed in the natural product under the influence of the enzyme glucose oxidase. Iron in the composition of honey oxidizes oxygen free radicals, releasing hydrogen peroxide.

When this substance interacts with colored pigment in the hair, a special chemical reaction occurs. As a result, the melanin pigment changes its structure, and the shade of the hair becomes lighter. Of course, you will not be able to achieve complete bleaching of hair with honey. But even brunettes can lighten the tone a little.

In addition, high-quality honey significantly improve the condition of your hair. The product contains all the vitamins necessary for perfect hair:

  • Vitamin A - normalizes the degree of oily skin of the scalp, activates hair growth, strengthens their structure and prevents hair loss
  • B vitamins - improve blood flow in the head, reduce the level of brittle hair, stimulate hair follicles, provide a healthy shine
  • Vitamin C - provides complete nutrition to the hair follicles, takes part in the synthesis of provitamin A
  • Vitamin E - is responsible for the transport of oxygen through the circulatory system, with which it nourishes the hair with nutrients, stimulates their luster and growth
  • Vitamin PP improves head microcirculation, stops the process of hair loss, activates their growth, prevents the appearance of gray hair

For this reason, it is recommended to carry out procedures for applying honey masks regularly - and not only in order to lighten the shade.

Masks for lightening hair with honey

The main ingredient of all masks is honey. It is recommended to lighten hair for a still bee-liquid product in order to facilitate the absorption of its constituent components. To this end, you can buy acacia honey, which retains its viscosity throughout the year, or melt candied bee nectar in a water bath.

Honey mask for lightening hair

To prepare the mask according to the classic recipe, you will need natural pcheloprodukt, apple cider vinegar and any hair balm:

Honey diluted with apple cider vinegar in a 4: 1 ratio. Mix the honey base with balm or hair conditioner in proportions of 1: 2. Mix thoroughly until smooth. If necessary, increase the percentage of balsam in the recipe to make the mask more thick.

Interesting fact: If you want to enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to the above recipe for a hair mask with honey for lightening. The tool will lighten curls at once in several tones. Please note: this procedure is recommended only for fair-haired girls, brunettes risk turning into redheads.

Advantages and disadvantages

Honey mask allows you to lighten hair without chemistry, and at the same time have a therapeutic and cosmetic effect on them. The advantage of such masks is: absolute harmlessness, pleasant aroma, availability of the procedure, ease of preparation. The only negative is an allergy to the bee product.

Honey mask in some cases is the only way to dye hair, when exposure to chemical dyes is contraindicated - this is pregnancy, chronic diseases, damaged, brittle strands.

With the help of the natural components of the honey mask, you can make the curls lighter by 2–4 tones, the degree of clarification depends on the original hair color, in addition, the mask washes away the old color from the strands without causing harm.

Lightening hair with honey will suit not all the fair sex. Owners of chestnut, dark brown or black curls, the procedure on the basis of honey will end in complete collapse. But whom nature has awarded light brown, dark blond, light brown or blond locks, you can safely take advantage of the natural composition.

Mask for lightening hair with honey and cinnamon

Cinnamon is a natural peroxide agent. It will help lighten the hair for a couple of tones, improve their condition and give a spicy aroma.

Mix liquid honey and ground cinnamon in equal proportions - 4 tablespoons will be enough. Mixture with 100 ml conditioner or hair balm. Stir until smooth. To enhance the effectiveness of the mask, you can also add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

Interesting fact: cinnamon in combination with honey provides a warm hue, not cold. If you do not like this - then you should resort to another recipe.

Hair mask with honey and lemon

Lightening the hair with honey and lemon is the most popular method to achieve a spectacular color. Citrus contains acid, which changes the pigment and gives a lighter shade.

Liquid honey and lemon juice combine in proportions of 3: 1. Add to the mixture the same amount of balm or hair conditioner. Stir until smooth. Since the mask dries the hair a little, it is recommended to add 50 grams of glycerin to the recipe.

Interesting fact: honey and lemon hair mask is most effective when combined with exposure to UV rays. Citrus is a kind of catalyst in the burning of curls. However, this procedure dries the hair, so it does not suit everyone.

Lightening hair with chamomile and honey

Chamomile will not only give the curls a golden shade, but also significantly improve the condition of damaged hair. In the preparation of such a mask is very simple:

Dried chamomile inflorescences pour boiling water at a ratio of 1: 3. Insist 4-6 hours in a thermos. It is also recommended to add auxiliary ingredients to the recipe: lemon juice, glycerin, saffron or turmeric.

This decoction is recommended to use as a rinse every time after washing the hair. But do not hide curls under a towel, let them dry themselves. Then more dyes fall into the hair structure.

Mask for lightening hair from honey and kefir

Kefir penetrates the hair structure, slightly washing out its pigment. Thus, it gradually provokes the bleaching of the curls.

Preheat ½ cup of kefir to room temperature. Add 1 egg, lemon juice 3, 3 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of brandy or vodka. If the mask turns out to be too liquid, add a small amount of balm or hair conditioner to the recipe. Stir the mixture until smooth.

Articles in the subject:

According to reviews, honey and kefir hair clarification is an ideal procedure for those who have suffered from poor-quality dyeing or want to get rid of a shade of yellowness. This mask is only suitable for fair-haired girls, returning them a natural light shade.

How to lighten hair with honey at home?

Brightening hair masks with honey will be effective only if you have performed the procedure correctly. We offer you a detailed step by step instructions:

Step 1 : Wash hair, but do not dry them, but only get wet with a towel. The mask is recommended to be applied on clean and wet curls.

Step 2 : Apply the mask gradually with light massaging movements: starting from the roots, gradually spreading over the entire length using a comb. And so, until the entire surface is covered by the medium.

Step 3 : Put a plastic swimming cap on your head or wrap your hair with cling film. You can use the usual towel, but it is guaranteed to remain stains.

Step 4 : Leave the mask on the hair for at least 1-2 hours. The longer the components of the mixture are in contact with your curls - the more noticeable the effect. It is best to leave the mask on your head for 6 hours or overnight.

Step 5 : Wash off the mask with plenty of warm water. As a rule, after that, wash the hair again is not required. The only exceptions are those masks that contain oils.

Step 6 : Repeat the procedure every time after washing the hair, leaving for 5-10 minutes. It is necessary to maintain a light shade.

How many procedures are needed?

If you have not seen the effect after the first time - do not despair! In order to achieve a noticeable result of lightening - the hair must absorb a natural product in sufficient quantity. Depending on the degree of porosity, this can take from one to several procedures.

Owners of blond hair on average require about 8-10 procedures to see what is expected in the mirror. To lighten dark hair, masks will need to be applied much more often - get ready for 15 coloring sessions.

Interesting fact: It is best to combine the use of honey masks and chamomile infusion. The first you will be applied for several hours. And the herbal infusion will successfully replace your rinse - it can be used after each hair wash.


This procedure has certain contraindications, which depend on the chosen mask recipe - from honey, lemon or other components.

The first thing you should do is make sure that you are not allergic to honey. To do this, apply a small amount of the prepared mixture on the skin in the wrist area. There, the skin is the most delicate and sensitive, so the result is not long in coming. If within 20-30 minutes you do not have redness, itching, burning, rashes or other dangerous symptoms - you can apply a mask on your hair.

Please note: the use of a mask with cinnamon can cause a slight burning sensation, therefore owners of very sensitive skin are not recommended to resort to this recipe.

Useful properties of honey for the body

This product is often used in recipes of traditional medicine as the main component. And it is not just like that. After all, he has a number of useful qualities.

Before using honey for medicinal or cosmetic purposes, make sure that you are not allergic to this product.

The tool has regenerating properties, so it is often used in folk recipes for the treatment of lesions on the skin and mucous membranes.

Also, it is recommended to use honey inside those people who suffer from a stomach ulcer or gastritis. The tool is able to restore and strengthen the body, increase its immune strength. In addition, it normalizes the nervous system.

Honey is often used to treat all sorts of pathologies, for example, varicose veins, heart and vascular diseases.

In addition, honey is often used and for cosmetic purposes. It is part of a large number of face masks. Honey is widely used in industrial production to create organic cosmetics.

If you use honey regularly, the risk of oncology will decrease.

We should also talk about the effect of the product on the hair. Masks based on this component strengthen hair follicles, relieve dandruff and add shine and volume to curls.

Due to the fact that the product contains folic acid, regular use of honey allows you to restore fat metabolism of the scalp. Bonus you get a pleasant aroma on the hair after the mask. Thus, we can conclude that with the help of honey you can not only lighten curls, but also make them healthier. This procedure is suitable for any type of hair.

What folk remedies to lighten the strands can be made from honey?

Lightening hair with honey is very effective, but a good result can be achieved only if the procedure is performed correctly. It consists of 5 stages, namely:

  • preparation for the procedure,
  • cooking mask
  • application of the hair and the period of holding,
  • washing of honey.

The composition should be applied to clean and well-combed hair.

Lemon mask

To make it, you will need ½ lemon juice. Add 3 tbsp to it. l honey

For ease of preparation and application of the mixture to the strands, honey can be preheated in a microwave or in a water bath so that it becomes liquid and warm. (but not hot!). If the honey is not heated up, then add some hot water to it.

If you want to improve the effect of the mask, you can add 1 tbsp to it. burdock oil. Apply the resulting mass to your hair, put a shower cap on top and wrap your head with a towel. Keep the composition can be no more than 7 hours. It is possible to carry out clarification in such a way not more often than once a week.

Brightening hair with honey and cinnamon

This recipe allows you to make the hair lighter, but the procedure will take a lot of time. The components of the mask have a positive effect on the structure of the curls, restore them, give a healthy shine. The first procedure already allows you to lighten the strands into several tones. But to make it happen follow the rules below.

For the mask, take 1/3 cup of honey. It must be liquid. Mix it with 2 tbsp. cinnamon and 1 tbsp. hair balm. The result should be a homogeneous mixture. Apply the mask on wet hair, carefully rubbing. Do not flush for 3-4 hours.

Honey can also be rubbed into the roots of the head. This will awaken the hair follicles.

Why honey can lighten hair?

To achieve lightening hair through honey is obtained due to some of its ingredients. First of all, it is hydrogen peroxide, it is formed as a result of a chemical reaction of iron oxidation with free oxygen. Also in the composition of the product is present in large quantities of glucose oxidase - a substance that accelerates oxidative processes.

Thus, the formation of hydrogen peroxide occurs, which is responsible for the brightening ability of honey. But this compound is contained only in the fresh product.

Lighten the hair completely with honey will not work right away, its effect is several times weaker than that of chemical dyes. We'll have to show patience and conduct a whole course of procedures. However, the main advantage of this method of discoloration is that the curls do not deteriorate from the impact of the beekeeping product on them, but are restored, become stronger, acquire a healthy appearance and shine. The usual chemical dyes do not have this effect.

The result of the clarification of honey

Honey can be used to lighten hair almost everything, this product is suitable for owners of curls of any type. But the effect of the procedure is difficult to predict. Each time the hair lightening with honey occurs in different ways, the result depends on many factors:

  • density and structure of the hair (how porous hair),
  • the ability of hair to absorb and absorb ingredients from honey,
  • original shade
  • the quality of the product itself (how fresh is the honey).

In some cases, it is possible to achieve an excellent result in 3-4 procedures, in others it will take much more time to clear the hair with honey — more than 10 sessions.

The easiest way to achieve the effect of the owners of light-brown strands, honey will give them a golden pleasant shade. Brunettes, on the other hand, change their color much more difficult, although they may lighten the pigment a little in their hair, they are recommended to use acacia beekeeping. If the curls were previously discolored, honey will help eliminate the ugly yellowish tint, giving them a spectacular wheat or ash blond.

In addition, after performing such procedures, the hair acquires a pleasant honey aroma, rather than the smell of ammonia, as from ordinary dyes.

The technology of the procedure for clarification

Lighten hair with honey at home is quite simple, but there is a certain algorithm that is important to follow.

  1. Before toning strands need to be washed with shampoo. For maximum effect, a small amount of soda (1/4 tsp. Per wash) can be added to the detergent. Then curls you just need to dry with a towel, without treating them with any styling products, balms or sprays.
  2. Honey must also be prepared to lighten hair. It needs to be slightly heated by means of a water bath. You should not use a microwave oven for these purposes - the product will lose some of its healing properties as a result.
  3. Prepared honey should be carefully distributed along the strands, will facilitate the task of using a comb with rare teeth. At the same time, some of the mask can be rubbed into the skin and root part of the hair, this will contribute to strengthening the bulbs and improving their nutrition.
  4. To keep the honey from flowing, it is necessary to wrap the head tightly with a film and wrap it with a soft towel to create a thermal effect.
  5. It will take a long time to hold the mask - at least 8-10 hours, so it is advisable to lighten the hair with honey in the evening before bedtime.
  6. After the allotted time, the honey composition should be washed off the head, first with warm water and then with shampoo. At the end, you can rinse the strands with a decoction of chamomile or a weak solution of lemon juice.

After 3-4 days you can carry out the procedure again.


Lightening hair with honey is not suitable for everyone, this method has several contraindications. This product of beekeeping is an allergen, and is quite strong. Those who first decided to resort to this method of changing the color of the hair, you must first test the product. To do this, a small amount of honey mixture should be applied to the wrist or behind the ear and wait 20-30 minutes. After removal of the product from the skin should suffer another day and observe the reaction of the body.

Anxiety symptoms are:

  • burning,
  • redness and swelling,
  • itching and irritation.

If one or several signs appear, then it is forbidden to brighten the hair with honey at home.

You should also be careful with the use of honey masks for people with diabetes, even penetrating through the pores of the skin, this sweet product can increase the level of glucose in the blood. In this disease, it is worth consulting with your doctor about the possibility of using cosmetics with honey.

The classic recipe for clarification

In order to lighten the hair at home with honey, it is enough just to dilute it with water and apply it on the strands. To prepare the lightening agent, it is necessary to take 4 parts of a beekeeping product and 1 part of water. If in this recipe water is replaced with apple cider vinegar, the effect will be higher. Apply this composition on the curls and hold it for 8 hours, and then washed all with shampoo and water.

Honey with cinnamon for clarification

Cinnamon will speed up the process of lightening hair with honey, as this spice is able to destroy the natural pigment in the strands, but it does not harm their health, on the contrary, it activates blood circulation in the capillaries of the epidermis of the head, and strengthens the power of the bulbs. The result is usually noticeable after the first application, but to clarify the curls into several tones, you will have to perform at least 3-4 procedures.

There are some simple ways to lighten hair with cinnamon and honey:

  • need to 1/3 cup of honey pour 2 tbsp. l cinnamon and add 1 tbsp. l balm, mix everything,
  • combine honey and cinnamon in equal volumes (depending on the length and thickness of the hair), mix everything well,
  • should be diluted half a glass of honey with a glass of water, add 2 tbsp. l olive oil and 3 tbsp. l cinnamon powder, mix everything well.

One of the selected masks must be applied to the strands and withstand at least 3 hours. Cinnamon irritates the skin, so a slight burning sensation is a normal reaction. If the irritation intensifies, the composition should be immediately washed off and after that you choose another recipe.

Honey composition with lemon

Lemon, or rather its juice, can also be a wonderful helper for changing the tone of the curls, as it has a decolorizing effect.

It is necessary to prepare such a mixture: 1 tbsp. l fresh lemon juice must be combined with the same amount of liquid honey, dilute all 1 tbsp. l oil (suitable burdock, olive or castorca). To achieve lightening hair with the help of such a composition of honey and lemon, it will take at least 2 hours. The mask is applied to the curls, spread over the entire length, wait for the allotted time and wash off with soft shampoo and warm water. Repeated procedure can be carried out only after 7 days, but not earlier.

This recipe is not suitable for use in case of allergy to citrus fruits.

Honey Kefir Mask

A mixture of kefir and honey is the fastest - just 1 hour is enough to notice the clarifying effect. Do it this way: mix 2 tbsp. l fermented milk product with 3 tbsp. l honey The composition is impregnated strands along the entire length. After half an hour, you can already remove it.

This mask is completely safe, and kefir will help moisturize the skin on the head and curls, prevent their fragility and dryness, relieve dandruff. The only drawback of this bleaching agent is that after the procedure there is a not very pleasant sour-milk smell on the hair. It is easy to get rid of it, for this it is enough to rinse the hair with acidified water (with the addition of lemon juice or vinegar).

Honey and chamomile decoction for clarification

Healing decoction of chamomile flowers is able to give the curls a beautiful golden hue, eliminating yellowness, and the lemon juice and honey will remove the dark pigment from their structure.

In order to make a lightening agent, you must take 3 tbsp. l heated honey, dilute it with half a glass of pre-made chamomile broth and juice of half a lemon. This mixture should be applied to the hair, soaked with each strand of it, hold for 1-1.5 hours and rinse with a mild shampoo.

Honey - an excellent and completely safe means to lighten hair. The decolorizing effect of this product has both independently and in tandem with other ingredients. Of course, with his help to turn from a bright brunette into a sunny blonde is unlikely to succeed, because he does not repaint the curls, but only discolors, removing the dark natural pigment from the composition. The noticeable effect of honey masks will be noticeable among owners of light and blond curls.

Why honey is useful

There are a large number of facts and scientific studies about the benefits of honey. The main and indisputable advantage is that it does not spoil the curls, as happens after the application of chemical dyes. In addition, the vast majority of women noted a more healthy look, softness and moisture after applying masks with honey.

It has a unique chemical composition and contains many useful components:

  • B vitamins help accelerate the growth of your locks,
  • Vitamin E improves appearance, strengthens and heals,
  • Folic acid is not produced in the human body, but is involved in the formation of hair cells.

When to use

Honey for lightening hair is a tasty and safe method of lightening, but it is not suitable for everyone. By fulfilling a series of conditions, one can determine the degree of the visible result:

  1. The product is effective for fair-haired girls. Light brown, light brown, wheat, golden natural color is more susceptible to discoloration.
  2. The change in color will occur only by 2-3 tones. Fully discolored strands to a state of platinum blonde will not succeed due to too low a concentration of the bleaching agent.
  3. Priority is the recovery of the strands, not staining. Moisture and recovery will be noticeable much more than discoloration.
  4. Not the most convenient component to work with. It sticks, flows and soils everything around. Therefore, lack of patience will negate all efforts.

Hair masks with honey

The product can be applied in pure form, and you can prepare a mixture. Such a honey hair mask will give an additional healing effect and nourish the curls. There are many natural hair masks with honey, for example, you can try chamomile bleaching with honey. Let us examine several recipes of the most popular and time-tested masks for use at home:

Honey mask with vinegar

Mix bee product and apple cider vinegar in a 4: 1 ratio, apply a homogeneous gruel to the hair. Optionally, you can add a couple of drops of lemon essential oil. Curls will gain additional radiance.


Based on air conditioner

In fact, it is the enrichment of the usual care products. Mix conditioner and honey in a ratio of 2: 1 and leave for 15 minutes. Then put on curls and hold for 40 minutes. Discoloration will be noticeable after about 4 treatments. A pinch of ground cinnamon or cardamom can be added to the mixture.


Honey and cinnamon should be added to the conditioner. The last two components should be equally. A conditioner - 2 times more. In order not to form lumps in the mixture, it is necessary to grind the composition thoroughly, and add the liquid part to the powder, not vice versa. Apply the mixture on the strands and wrap for 40 minutes. This mask will wash off without shampoo and help discolor the result of unsuccessful staining.

With lemon

In equal parts you need to take lemon juice, honey, olive oil. Juice is better to take fresh. Oil can be replaced with air conditioning or other favorite oil. Withstand the mask for 2-4 hours, rinse with warm water. If you are interested in this mask, read a more detailed article on hair lightening with honey and lemon.

Tip! If the blondes in the coloring mixture add a little henna or ground coffee, the curls will get a red overflow.

If the composition does not work

This is a very gentle clarifier, so you can achieve the desired result with 10-15 attempts. Effectiveness after the first application is unlikely. Although a healthy shine will definitely appear. If the result does not manifest for a long time, you need to check the density of the application of the mixture. With insufficient lubrication, the degree of clarification is reduced.

Tip! If you are interested in a more radical brightening at home, then you can try hydroponic for brightening hair.

Is it possible to use distilled water

Distilled water is preferred., because it helps to create an environment favorable for the reaction of peroxide. Due to the neutral pH of 7, distilled water improves the clarity of the strands. In addition, water is purified from metals that react with peroxide, reducing its effectiveness.

Distilled water will reduce the stickiness of the bee product and will evenly spread the lightening mass. For a more pronounced effect, a little hydrogen peroxide can be added to the mixture. Then the curls will turn discolored faster.

Important! The mixture is undesirable to apply to black or dark blond hair, because they can become orange. Read about black hair lightening.

Any undesirable reactions can be foreseen by performing a test staining of a thin strand in the occipital zone.

Features of preparation for clarification

Starting the procedure of hair lightening with the help of honey, remember: so that the coloring components do not harm, and the procedure becomes as efficient as possible, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. In order to avoid the green color on the curls, it is important to abandon the metal utensils. The metal can react with some components and the result of dyeing hair with honey will be unpredictable.
  2. For the same reason, metallic combs cannot be used.
  3. Between the procedures to observe the interval of 2-3 days.

It is very important to prepare the hair for the procedure. Opened flakes of the hair shaft better absorb the components, discoloration will be more intense. Therefore, the mask should be applied to clean strands. And it is desirable to wash them with the addition of a pinch of soda in the shampoo. Soda helps cleanse and gently exfoliate the scalp. Then the hair should be thoroughly rinsed and dried with a towel.

The useful clarifier is very sticky, it is difficult to wash. Therefore, the place of the procedure must be prepared. You can put on things in advance that it is not a pity to get dirty if the mask leaks. It is better to cover the floor and the nearest objects with plastic, newspapers or cloth to scrub them from random drops. Special care must be taken when adding henna, persistent stains may remain.

It is convenient to wear the bleaching mixture on long strands, gathering them in a not too tight high bun. Shower cap will help keep the strands in place. To avoid leakage, you can pin her invisible in several places. The bed should also be prepared. You can put a towel on the pillow and additionally wrap your head. Keeping a multi-ingredient formulation all night is not recommended. Unpredictable skin tone or irritation is possible.

Hair after clarification, even the most benign and natural, require proper care. You will learn more about this in the following articles:

If bleaching has not led to the desired effect, you can use more radical and gentle cosmetic products: natural white henna and a harmless lightening spray for hair, or give preference to a proven means to lighten Supra.

Useful videos

You can see the procedure for lightening hair with honey on the video below:

Popular recipes

How to lighten hair with honey at home? To do this, you can use the popular recipes.

  1. The most affordable is a remedy made from three parts of a treat and one part of apple cider vinegar. If the latter was not at hand, you can add water. After mixing, the mixture is ready for application.
  2. A tablespoon of honey mixed with half a tablespoon of olive oil and half a banana. The composition should be infused for 15 minutes and applied to the hair for half an hour.
  3. Mix two tablespoons of balsam with a tablespoon of honey and leave for 15 minutes. The exposure time of the mask - 40 minutes, the result becomes noticeable after four application.
  4. To increase the effect against loss, you should spread the hair with honey with the addition of burdock oil. The mask should remain on the hair for at least 8 hours. During this time, the nutrients penetrate deep into the hair structure.
  5. A mixture of honey, balm, cinnamon and olive oil is very healing and gives quick results. When preparing it is important to observe the dosage: take equal parts of each ingredient. After thorough mixing, the composition can be used for its intended purpose.
  6. The following masks contain honey, balsam and cardamom. The mixture must be insisted for at least 15 minutes, and then kept on the hair for half an hour. If you increase the exposure time, the hair may become even lighter.
  7. Bleaching hair with honey and lemon is an effective tool not only for the natural blonde, but also for the blond. For the preparation of cosmetic substances should take one tablespoon of melted sweetness, the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice and a tablespoon of olive oil. Since olive oil is an expensive product, it is not worth buying it especially for lightening masks.
  8. An alternative may be castor or burdock squeeze. From this composition, the hair will become lighter in just a couple of hours. With care you need to apply this tool to those who at least once had an allergic reaction to citrus products. To avoid negative consequences, it is advisable to abandon this composition in favor of other ingredients.
  9. Another tool will help normalize fat metabolism. The main components in equal parts are honey, lemon juice and chamomile decoction.

If the desired result could not be achieved in one application, then do not be upset. It will appear through several procedures. Their frequency only in the most favorable way will affect a condition of a head of hear.

Video: honey mask for growth, lightening and hair restoration.

Women reviews

“Nature has made me the owner of thick, long, light-blonde hair. But I wanted even brighter. The use of cosmetic brighteners was not solved, because they contain ammonia and may worsen the condition of the hair. On the advice of a friend, I tried a honey mask with lemon juice. I confess that I did not completely believe in its effectiveness. What was my surprise when the first time I turned into a blonde, and my curls became more voluminous and filled with strength ”- Maria, 28 years old.

“I have been using honey for lightening hair for more than 10 years. The desired tone is achieved through a couple of procedures, the curls become noticeably stronger, a natural volume appears ”- Alexandra, 34 years old.

“I work as a model, so my hair is often exposed to a hair dryer, curling iron, lacquers and gels. Aggressive bouffants have a negative effect on my hair. In addition, many projects involve tinting in a blond. To restore my braids to strength and brilliance, as well as to make the tone lighter, I use honey-based masks. There are a great many of them in my recipe book, and each one makes me wonder again and again about efficiency ”- Natalya, 19 years old.

Preparation for the procedure

The first thing you need to do before proceeding with the procedure is to be patient. The next day, the miracle will not happen, and your hair will not get the desired shade. It is easier and easier, of course, to surrender into the hands of a hairdresser, but then you need to be ready for lifeless, dull locks.

Conducting a course of lightening hair requires preliminary preparatory procedures. Before you start bleaching should:

  • conduct a series of emollient masks, if the hair is tough and naughty,
  • dry, dull hair should preferably be moistened with banana or avocado masks; honey and burdock or olive oil cosmetics will do,
  • any brightening mask dries the scalp, so washing the hair before the procedure is not necessary, the fatty film on the skin of the head will protect the bulbs from the aggressive actions of some components of the product,
  • Curls can be washed with dry shampoo to lighten the process more intensively.

Basic rules for the preparation and use of masks

The maximum desired effect of the lightening procedures can be obtained only if all recommendations and recipes are followed.Lightening hair at home is a very demanding process, it depends on its result whether you have a thick, beautiful head of hair, or dim bunches in any direction.

To achieve the desired result, you must follow simple rules for the preparation of cosmetics:

  • before you start making homemade cosmetics - make sure there are no contraindications and allergies to each component of the mask,
  • on different types of hair, the effect of the procedure can be unpredictable. Before starting the course, apply a mask on an inconspicuous strand and soak for at least 1-2 hours. This test is necessary in order to avoid negative consequences: a green or bright carrot tone,
  • Mask products are taken only fresh and natural, without chemical treatment,
  • components for the procedure should be warm, but not hot. Bringing the mask to a boil is not recommended, otherwise the useful properties of many products are neutralized. This is especially true of honey,
  • Lime honey is best suited for lightening hair, but if you cannot buy it, you can use other types of nectar,
  • To achieve a faster result, you can include additional ingredients in the product: lemon, cinnamon, green tea,
  • first you need to rub the mask into the roots, and then distribute it in curls,
  • after application, the head must be covered with a wrap and wrap with a towel,
  • The duration of the procedure is from one to ten hours. The duration of the session depends on the tone you want to receive. The best option is to put a mask on all night,
  • the remnants of the mask can be washed off with warm water, but better than chamomile infusion or water acidified with lemon,
  • to obtain a visible result, from 5 to 10 procedures should be performed; the darker the natural color, the more sessions will be required.

Additional components to help honey

To the main component of the mask, you can add other natural products that will not only speed up the process of lightening, but also give the hair the desired shade.

The best results are given by cosmetics with the addition of the following ingredients:

  • Cinnamon - gives the hair an ashy tint
  • ginger - along with lightening removes greasy dandruff,
  • green tea - brightens, strengthens, moisturizes the curls along the entire length,
  • Kefir - along with lightening moisturizes, nourishes loose, dry hair,
  • lemon - brightens, normalizes fat balance, strengthens the roots,
  • decoctions of herbs (chamomile, rhubarb) - give the strands a light ashy tint,
  • onion - strengthens the hair bulbs, prevents loss.

The choice of an additional component for a cosmetic procedure depends on the desired result - which hair should be at the end of the course - light, thick and without oily sheen or ashy and dandruff.

Lightening means for popular recipes

Before you begin the process of lightening hair prepare for the fact that in one procedure can not achieve the desired result.

Masks for lightening hair are not only cosmetic, but also therapeutic, so carefully analyze the actions of all components, so that in the end you will not get a side or negative effect.

Classic option

To prepare the mask will require only honey and soda. Before the procedure, wash your hair with shampoo, after adding a pinch of soda. Apply warm nectar, heated to a liquid consistency, in a water bath to clean, moist curls. Cover the head with a plastic bag or cap and warm with a towel. Mask should be left on all night or at least 8-10 hours. Remnants of the product are washed off with warm water or decoction of chamomile flowers. As a rule, even in one procedure, bleaching occurs by 1-2 tones.

Honey - kefir mask is well suited for dry, weakened hair and to eliminate dandruff.

Combine components and mix thoroughly until smooth. Mass applied to the strands over the entire length and rub into the roots, put cellophane on the head, warm with a towel.

The recommended session duration is 1 hour, after which the head should be washed, then rinsed with chamomile tea or green tea.

Based on mayonnaise

The components included in the mayonnaise (egg, mustard, egg yolks and lemon juice), in addition to strengthening, moisturizing, nutrition, give the curls a lighter shade. The honey in this mask enhances the therapeutic and cosmetic effects of the main product.

For the preparation of funds will require honey and mayonnaise, taken in a ratio of 1: 2. Combine ingredients and mix until smooth. Apply the mask on wet strands over the entire length, warm the head with cellophane and a towel, leave for 3 hours. End the session with a regular shampoo.

With the addition of cinnamon

  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • Cinnamon powder - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • air conditioning - 2 tbsp. l

For cooking means it is better to take the cinnamon in the sticks and grind it independently. Honey should be heated on a water bath and add warm oil and other components to it. Mass carefully stir, apply on the head, warm with cellophane and a towel. The duration of the procedure is 40 - 60 minutes.

Cinnamon, which is part of the mask, has a warming effect, so if itching and severe burning appear, it is better to stop the procedure.

The clarification session is finished by washing the head with warm water, acidified with apple vinegar.

The mask makes the hair color 2–3 tones lighter, gives the locks an ashy tone, improves blood circulation, normalizes the fat metabolism of the scalp. Recommended course 1 time per week for two months.


  • Chamomile flowers - 25 g,
  • honey - 2 tablespoons,
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons,
  • boiled water - 1 cup.

In a strong brewed decoction of flowers, add honey and lemon juice, mix the mixture. First, rub a warm mass into the roots, then apply to the strands along the entire length. Wrap the head with cellophane and a towel, leave for a maximum of 3 hours, then wash off the rest.

Chamomile mask for lightening hair is perfect for owners of blond curls. Under the action of herbal broth strands are lightened by 3-4 tones and will get a beautiful light golden shade. Recommended course - 2 times a week during the month.

Honey citric

To prepare the mask will need a tablespoon of natural products: honey, lemon juice, castor or burdock oil (you can olive). All components should be mixed until smooth. Apply the mixture on the strands and last for at least 2 hours (maximum 3-4). Upon completion, wash off the remnants of warm water with shampoo.

Cosmetic with the addition of lemon juice in addition to clarification, moisturize the curls, strengthen the roots and eliminate shine.

After lightening hair at home it is worth at least a week to avoid visiting pools, where the water has a high chlorine content. Exposure to chemicals can give an unnatural hue to the curls: from greenish to brightly carrot.

Of all the existing methods of bleaching hair - homemade honey-based cosmetic is the most gentle procedure. Bee product perfectly lightens hair and simultaneously heals. After applying masks with honey, the hair acquires a natural natural color, the damaged structure of the strands is restored, dandruff and oily shine is eliminated.

Treatments based on natural products are the perfect way to have beautiful, thick, natural color and shine. Before you give preference to chemical dyes, consider what is more important for you - instant effect or healthy, lively curls.

Benefits of Honey Masks

Honey masks made on pure honey or with the addition of lemon, cinnamon, burdock oil, will give odds to any aggressive chemicals used in beauty salons:

  • Vitamins B, E and K, which are part of the product, fructose, glucose, ascorbic acid, nourish hair with nutrients, activate growth, slow down hair loss and heal them from root to tip,
  • honey does not cause allergic reactions
  • it can be used to partially remove the paint, if the resulting shade does not suit you,
  • honey hair lightening is permissible on all types of hair,
  • the mask can be kept on the strands for a long time, without fear for their condition.

Honey masks do not give a quick effect. Depending on the number and frequency of the procedure, the hair can be lightened by one to three tones. Honey evens out and refreshes the color, giving the strands a luxurious golden hue and eliminates the remnants of the coloring matter.

How to choose high-quality honey

Attention! Honey must be natural and high quality. The low-grade product not only does not solve your problem, but also “bestows” new ones, negatively affecting the health and appearance of the curls. Therefore, before lightening the hair with honey, make sure of its good quality.

Check the quality of the product in three ways:

  1. Light a drop of honey on a spoon or knife edge. A real bee product will only melt a little, whereas its fake will look like caramel or will burn altogether, leaving the smell of burnt sugar in the air.
  2. Add some iodine to the honey mixture. If the color changes (except yellowing), then you have a sugar substitute.
  3. Dissolve a spoonful of honey in a glass of hot water, the appearance of the precipitate will indicate the presence of foreign ingredients in the product.

In detail about all the intricacies of choosing this curative product of beekeeping, we told in the article Choose natural honey: sweep aside fakes and determine who is lying!

Rules for applying lightening agents

Making sure of the naturalness of the product, you can proceed to the application of a lightening mask. It is important to know how to properly brighten the hair with honey, otherwise you will not achieve the desired results.

  • Wash your hair with shampoo and add one teaspoon of soda to the water. This action will help soften and reveal the structure of the hair for the penetration of honey inside the hair shaft.
  • You should not resort to the participation of a softening balm or conditioner - strands will be covered with a protective layer that will become a barrier to the action of the useful mixture.
  • Dry your hair a bit before the procedure so that the mask on your head does not become liquid.
  • Spread the mixture evenly over the entire length of the curls, massaging and rubbing it with light movements.

Important! In no case do not cover your hair with a towel and do not blow dry - the effect of lightening will not be achieved.

The duration of exposure of the mask is determined by its ingredients. For example, lightening hair with honey and lemon is produced for 6-8 hours, while other masks last up to 10 hours. After which they are thoroughly washed off with warm water and shampoo. Completes the lightening procedure conditioner or balm.

Attention! The noticeable effect of the mask is manifested only in the second or third stage of honey coloring. Since the product does not cause any damage to the hair, the procedure can be repeated 10-12 times with a time interval of 3 days. Only in this case, you will be able to achieve a light shade.

Classic blend

Dissolve honey with water to facilitate application of the mask. Instead of water, you can use natural apple vinegar. Alternately, strand by strand distribute the mixture throughout the head. Hold for 8-10 hours. Frequent use of the classic mask will provide a light golden shade to brown-haired women and blondes.

Cinnamon Duet

Lightening hair with honey and cinnamon will give the strands a beautiful, reddish color. This shade will look especially luxurious on light-brown hair. For the mask you will need a teaspoon of crushed cinnamon and 2 large spoons of bee products. Maintain it is necessary for 8-10 hours.

Tandem with kefir

By itself, kefir has excellent lightening qualities, and in a duet with honey, this effect doubles. To create a mask, take: a glass of kefir, a teaspoon of yeast and 2 spoons of honey. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, gently put on curls (the mixture will be very liquid) and rinse after 3-4 hours.

Dark hair lightening

This procedure is carried out only with the use of acacia honey (and no other), which should be pre-melted using a water bath. No need to breed it. Acacia product is endowed with a strong lightening effect, and only this variety is able to “eliminate” the dark paint and lighten the hair by 1-2 tones.

Honey mask with lemon

To prepare the mixture, squeeze the juice from half a lemon and mix it with 3 tablespoons of honey. For better effect, you can add a spoonful of burdock oil. Hold the mask on your hair for no more than 7 hours. Bleaching hair with honey and lemon produce no more than once in 7 days.


Watch the video: How To Lighten Your Hair Naturally! no bleach required - took me from brunette to blonde! (June 2024).