
The most effective shampoos for itching and dandruff


Itching on the scalp is a reaction of the body to a stimulus. The frequency of irritation in different cases varies. Addiction is directly related to the cause that provoked this problem.

To eliminate an annoying condition, it is required to find out the reason causing it. It may be:

  • Stress, emotional distress, agitation - itching causes adrenaline that has accumulated in the blood.
  • Muscle tension - worsened blood circulation, causing inflammation.
  • Allergies caused by hygienic hair care products.
  • Dandruff, which is formed after the death of skin cells.
  • Parasites provoke the need to constantly scratch the hearth, which is created by lice, ticks.
  • Dysfunction of the body associated with sebum production - dry skin is formed.
  • Seborrhea caused by excessive salivation.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Infection with fungal parasites.
  • Skin diseases - atopic dermatitis, dermatitis.
  • Diseases of the internal organs: problems with the liver and kidneys.

Note! The causes of itching can be concealed both in response to changes in the surrounding parameters, and to be harbingers of serious diseases requiring immediate treatment.

Use of shampoos

Combing the focus of the itch will not help get rid of the problem, on the contrary - it can aggravate it. Get rid of annoying combing can be a normal hygienic procedure.

For simple pollution, use a suitable shampoo. If the skin is scratched immediately after the hygienic procedure, it means that you need to change the detergent.

The appearance of dry skin is a signal to abandon the use of agents provoking the problem. That is, do not dry your hair with a hair dryer, do not use curling iron, choose a gentle shampoo, use medical masks.

Allergies usually appear from improperly selected shampoo, inappropriate paint. When choosing cosmetics, you should carefully read the composition - you should stop using products containing ammonia and perhydrol.

In case of serious illnesses, expert advice is required and in this case complex treatment is used. Usually, immunomodulators, diet and medical shampoos are used for treatment, except for medications.

To get rid of pediculosis using special tools. Their composition should contain: sulfur, zinc oxide, streptotsid. For example, shampoo Veda-2 can get rid of lice in half an hour.

Identify fungal infection can be in the laboratory. Usually in the course of treatment include antifungal medicines, therapeutic hygiene products, for example, Ketoconazole containing selenium sulfide.

To eliminate dandruff, you need to eliminate the cause that caused it. For this treatment, a diet is selected, vitamin-containing drugs and therapeutic detergents are prescribed.

Overview of funds

Only an expert can select an effective remedy for the treatment and care of hair and scalp. All hygiene products differ in their action:

  1. Antifungal - relieve peeling and itching, effective against fungi and spores.
  2. Nourishing and toning - regulate the function of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Bactericidal - used for seborrheic dermatitis and inflammation.

All remedies are available in pharmacies. The range of drugs includes:

  • Nizoral contains ketoconazole. Able to remove pathogens problems. Removes fungus and dryness. Stops hair loss. The cost per bottle of 60 ml - from 650 to 700 rubles.

  • Sulsena with selenium disulfide component, effective against dandruff. The cost in pharmacies from 270 p.

  • Dermazole contains ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione. Promotes the regeneration of damaged skin. Price per bottle of 100 ml - 550 p.

  • Sebosol acts as an antiseptic, antifungal and peeling agent. The cost of a bottle of 100 ml - from 380 to 400 p.

  • Mycozoral used if yeast-like fungi, dermatophytes, staphylococci are found. Price 60 ml - 450 p.

  • Fitoval based on nettle, sorrel and lecithin extracts. Use with hair loss and severe itching. Cost - from 150 p.

  • Tarry contains birch tar, oak bark extract. Normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, disinfects the epidermis. Price - from 70 p.


At the end of the treatment process, preventive measures are required. Usually, after removal of the exacerbation, they are cleaned every two weeks. For prophylaxis use the hygienic means recommended by the attending physician. Choose a shampoo should, taking into account the type of skin and Ph index.

  • Dercos-Micropeel 3-B-1 VICHY. In its composition salicylic acid and octopirox. Effective against fungus, accelerates cell regeneration, reduces dandruff. Used to prevent dandruff.
  • Dandruff Shampoo KIEHL’S. It contains aloe, rosemary oil, zinc pyrithione. Used to prevent itching, peeling.
  • Legendary olive GARNIER contains olive oil, helps to moisturize and nourish the hair roots and skin.
  • Dandruff Control prevents the reappearance of foci of irritation.
  • Keto Plus is suitable for the treatment and prevention of yeast-like bacteria.

When choosing shampoos for the prevention and treatment of products should be selected, which include:

  • Tar, sulfur - substances that can enhance exfoliation.
  • Substances that inhibit the action of pathogens - ketoconazole, pyrithione.
  • Nettle, chestnut, chamomile - extracts of these plants strengthen the hair roots, heed irritation.
  • Octopiros, klimabazl - have a bactericidal effect.

In order not to aggravate the unpleasant situation, it is advisable to seek help from a dermatologist or trichologist. Hygiene products can remove the appearance. But getting rid of the cause requires serious treatment.

Self itching does not go away, dandruff does not disappear. Ignore the appearance of dandruff, burning is not worth it. Such problems are removed with the help of modern drugs. Treatment will be effective and effective if it is carried out on the recommendation of a doctor. In many cases, it is difficult to determine the cause of itching and choose the right treatment on your own.

It is better to buy medical shampoos in pharmacies. Treatment and prevention of traditional methods can be used on the advice of a doctor. For prophylactic purposes, only individual hygiene products should be used.

Useful videos

How to get rid of dryness and itching of the scalp.

8 main reasons why the head itches.

Why is the right choice of shampoo?

In diseases of the scalp there are redness, rash, peeling. In combination with the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, this creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. When itching, the patient often injures the skin, combing the places of concern. At the same time, against the background of the activity of various bacteria, inflammation foci may occur.

Specialized head skin care products can minimize the risk of further progression of the disease. But to achieve this beneficial effect, it is necessary to choose the shampoo for itching and dandruff.

The use of therapeutic shampoos for itching and dandruff is necessary for symptomatic treatment. It is not able to affect the cause of the pathology, but it has all the possibilities to facilitate a speedy recovery.

This effect of symptomatic treatment is due to a range of beneficial effects. specialized hair and scalp care products:

  • antifungal,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antipruritic
  • peeling,
  • antibacterial.

Dandruff and itching shampoos are full-fledged remedies, therefore they are not intended simply for washing the head. Specialized drugs are used after washing your hair and head. Therapeutic shampoos are recommended to use. no more than 3 times a week. If the condition of the scalp requires frequent washing, then not every one of these hygienic procedures should be performed using specialized means.

Shampoo "Nizoral"

Nizoral shampoo is a remedy, and consumers rightly expect a quick therapeutic effect from it. In fact, not everyone can achieve this result, which is disappointing to many. This happens because people confuse improvement with recovery. A noticeable effect from the use of shampoo in one person occurs after the first procedure, in another - after several.

You can find many reviews that after the abolition of "Nizoral" dandruff and itching reappear.

The composition of the drug includes substances that have fungistatic and fungicidal effect (inhibit the development of harmful microorganisms and destroy them). The effectiveness of the shampoo as an exfoliating and antipruritic agent is noted. For prophylactic purposes, it is sufficient to carry out no more than 2 healing procedures per week. The shampoo is applied to the scalp, massaged for 2-3 minutes and washed with warm water.

Shampoo "Sebozol"

Therapeutic shampoo "Sebozol" is sold mainly in pharmacies, it is indicated for dry seborrhea, dry dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. The drug enters the distribution network in bottles of 100 and 200 ml. According to the manufacturer, the shampoo is a concentrated therapeutic agent. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to apply it once a week for dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis and itching of the scalp. In order to prevent - 1 time in two weeks.

The drug is produced in the form of a translucent reddish liquid that foams easily. There are no contraindications, but the manufacturer pays attention to the fact that it is necessary to become familiar with the composition of the shampoo and find out if there is hypersensitivity to its components.

The method of application is simple: a small amount of a therapeutic agent is applied to the clean scalp, foaming it with massage movements and leaving it for 3-5 minutes. Then wash off with warm water. It is not recommended to keep the drug for longer, as it may cause a burning sensation. It passes quickly after washing the head. B5% D0% B1% D0% BE% D0% B7% D0% BE% D0% BB

Shampoo "Home Institut against dandruff with nettle"

French Home Institut shampoo is an excellent choice for the prevention of dandruff and itching. The preparation includes natural ingredients, including nettle extract. It is recommended for dry scalp, as it has the effect of moisturizing and normalizing acid-base balance. Lipid and protein complexes have a beneficial effect on the structure and hair growth.

According to reviews, many consumers like the pleasant delicate smell of this cosmetic product and its good foaming.

The drug is applied to the scalp and hair, lightly massage them and leave for 3-5 minutes. This is enough time for the shampoo to complete its task. At the final stage of the procedure, the healing agent is washed off with warm water. ContraindicationsIn addition to increased sensitivity to the components of the composition, no.

Shampoo "Bioderma Node DS"

Shampoo "Node DS" is included in the line of products "Node" company "Bioderma". Designed to provide a healing effect on sensitive scalp. It is indicated for itching, dandruff, seborrhea, dry and oily. The composition includes glycerides, propylene glycol, lactic acid, antifungal substances.

At the beginning of the application and during periods of exacerbation of dermatological diseases, the shampoo must be used at least 3 times a week. With the achievement of positive results of treatment, the frequency of procedures is reduced to 2 per week. As a prevention of dandruff and itching, it is enough to apply a revitalizing agent 1 time in 7-8 days. Mode of application similar to the use of all specialized shampoos: applied to the scalp, foam and leave for 3-5 minutes. Then carefully wash off under running water.

Dercos series from Vichy

Vichy company offers a line of drugs of healthy action - Dercos. To combat dandruff and itching are intended 3 types of shampoos:

  • for sensitive skin
  • for greasy,
  • for dry.

It is important to determine the type of scalp and select the appropriate drug. A lot of reviews that the cosmetics of this line of "Vichy" spoil the hair and scalp, overdrying it. The manufacturer claims that this effect is possible with the wrong choice of drug.

Anti-dandruff shampoos "Decor" is applied to the skin, trying not to distribute over the entire length of the hair. Foam and incubated for several minutes. For therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to carry out at least 2 procedures per week. For prophylaxis - 1 procedure.

Shampoo "Sulsena"

Amalgam Lux Sulsen shampoo is among the best pharmaceutical drugs against dandruff and itching. It contains selenium disulfide, which effectively suppresses yeast-like fungi, the activity of which is the cause of dandruff and itching. Shampoo is an excellent addition to the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis "Pasta Sulsen". In combination, these two therapeutic agents can quickly eliminate the manifestations of dry and oily seborrhea.

The use of shampoo has no age limit. It can be used for the improvement of the scalp in children and adults.

In the process of treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, the drug should be used 2-3 times a week. Upon reaching a stable improvement, the frequency of use can be reduced to 1 time in 7 days. One of the advantages of this cosmetic is the absence of the effect of drying the hair after carrying out the well-being procedures.

When using medicated shampoos as a means of preventing dandruff and itching, you need to remember that the skin tends to get used to the action of the same drug. Therefore, its effectiveness is temporarily reduced. In order to avoid this, you can alternate the use of shampoos from different manufacturers. This is one of the recommendations of cosmetologists and trichologists for those who, for whatever reason, often have dandruff and itching.

Prerequisites for itching and methods of its elimination

The circumstances of the occurrence of itchy scalp are many, among the more common are the following:

Lice are one of the causes of head itch

  • Parasites. Such a parasitic infection, like pediculosis or demodicosis, can affect even the most careful and clean person, so if you notice suspicious movements in your hair and itching, then ask your close people to inspect your head for lice and nits.
  • Seborrhea. Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic disease that is characterized by the release of excess fat with a modified composition. Often accompanied by dandruff and severe itching.

Seborrheic dermatitis is usually accompanied by severe itching.

Pay attention!
Seborrheic dermatitis - a severe disease, with healing that cope without the help of others is almost impossible.
Therefore, if you suspect that you have reached this very fault, go to a doctor without fail.

  • Allergy. Sensitive skin can react differently to the introduction of all hair products. In this case, it is important to carefully select the caring cosmetics, while it is better to switch to neutral products that do not contain sodium lauryl sulfate and other brutal components.
  • Dry skin Itching and dryness of the skin of the head are interconnected.Specialists in this case are advised to use moisturizing shampoos, balsams and masks.
  • Lack of vitamins. If the body has a lack of vitamins and minerals, then it begins to react to it. Itching is one of the reactions.

Vitamin deficiencies cause a number of health problems, including hair and epidermis.

  • Fungal diseases. Various fungal diseases of the scalp require comprehensive and long-term healing. In this case, the healing antifungal shampoo must be used in an inevitable order.

An overview of dandruff and itching shampoos

Shampoo against itch of the scalp can also have a number of additional parameters, because such funds can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Bactericidal.
  2. Shampoos, cleansing sebum.
  3. Antifungal consistency.
  4. Exfoliating shampoos.

You can buy such products in a pharmacy, if it is a healing shampoo or in any cosmetic store. The cost depends on many reasons - brand, type of product, function. The table describes the most popular shampoos that help cope with the itch.

Fun and ease of use of the product - first you need to wash your hair with everyday shampoo, then apply "Nizoral".

Hold for about 5 minutes, then rinse everything under plenty of water.

Fundamentally, after using Nizoral, do not use any more hair cosmetics.

If you use the shampoo several times a week, after a month you can get rid of the problem.

In the upcoming "Nizoral" can be used for prevention once every two weeks.

With continuous use of shampoo in a month you will forget about itching and fungal diseases of the scalp.

The healing course lasts 30 days, the product must be used twice a week. In order to prevent the head it is necessary to wash "Sebozol" once every three weeks.

Abstract application is very ordinary: apply the product to wet curls, lather, throw for 5-7 minutes and rinse under running water.

Healing shampoo with ketoconazole

If you want to achieve a speedy cure, the manufacturer advises to use shampoo paired with the paste of the same brand.

"Sulsena" - shampoo, which in a duet with pasta can work wonders

Being engaged in the elimination of the problem, be careful with how you use the purchased funds, because their erratic use can worsen the problem. With all this, be sure to listen to the advice of the doctor (if you consulted him), and not to the loud marketing slogans.

To get rid of itching, mix the introduction of shampoos, as the body gets used to them.
Also choose very natural formulations that do not contain harmful substances.

Traditional recipes

In addition to purchased products, there are plenty of recipes for natural products that will also help cope with itching, dandruff, and problems of dryness, brittleness and hair loss.

In addition, to prepare such a consistency with your own hands will not be an enormous effort:

Onion juice fills hair with useful elements and affects the condition of the epidermis in the best way.

  • Onion juice. Crush one huge onion through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice, put it on the roots and wash off after a few hours.
  • Nettle decoction. Pour 4 tablespoons of nettle with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Rinse the head with a decoction every two days.
  • Onion Husk Broth. Peel 3-4 onions. Pour the husks with a liter of boiling water, boil on low heat for 50 minutes. Rinse with a decoction of the head after each wash.

Pay attention!
Broth onion peel is able to dye hair in brown color, so if you are a blonde and do not plan to transform into a brunette, then this method is not for you.

  • Dandruff oil. Rub castor oil or olives into your scalp. Wrap your head in cellophane and hold for 20 minutes.

Olive oil will help to cope with dandruff and itching, will also give the curls a healthy glow and elasticity.

  • Vinegar lotion. Mix a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a liter of water. Rub liquid into the scalp five to seven minutes before washing. Healing course - 5 days in a row.
  • Linseed oil. Daily intake of one tablespoon of flaxseed oil on an empty stomach contributes to the speedy healing of dandruff.

Flaxseed oil not only cope with dandruff, but also cleanses the body

  • Egg mask. Beat two eggs well and distribute over the roots, throw for 20 minutes, then rinse. The mask perfectly moisturizes the skin and cleanses it.
  • Sea salt. Dissolve one tablespoon of sea salt in half a liter of water. Moisten the head in the solution and leave for 10 minutes. Wash your hair in pure water.

Sea salt is a simple method to heal the scalp

  • Calendula mask. Pour about, 5 liters of boiling water one tablespoon of dry calendula. Let it brew for half an hour, then process the roots with liquid. The function is repeated three times a week.

Natural remedies will work perfectly only if they are always used.

Only a complete and systematic approach to the dilemma is the key to getting rid of it successfully.

Itching of the scalp may indicate a serious illness. Many of us underestimate this symptom, thinking that there is nothing terrible in it. In some cases, this is so, because you can cope with the trouble without the help of others, starting to use a special shampoo or natural mask.

But if you suspect that everything is much more serious, then by all means seek help from specialists who will appoint the necessary healing. We want you good health! The video in this article will tell you more about additional means to eliminate itching.

Types of shampoos

One of the ways to get rid of unpleasant manifestations is to use medicated shampoo. Depending on the components that make up it, it can be antiseptic, antiseborrheic, nutritional and firming.

  • The purpose of antiseptics is to get rid of the organism that triggered the itch. They consist of ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione, sulfur, tar, clotrimazole, miconazole, streptocid. Representatives of this type include:
  1. Nizoral,
  2. Sulsen,
  3. Dermazole,
  4. Mycozoral

Nizoral is a drug used to treat dandruff, lichen, and seborrhea. This is possible due to ketoconazole contained in it - a strong antifungal component. Its main feature is that the remedy does not hide the symptoms of the disease, but eliminates the root cause. Its direct counterpart is Dermazole.

Under the brand name Sulsen in pharmacies 3 products are sold: shampoo, paste and fortified oil. Their joint use allows you to get rid of the fungus, slow down the peeling process, and also improves hair growth.

Their main component is selenium disulfide. It can accumulate on the surface of the skin. This property prevents the reappearance of dandruff after completion of treatment.

Mycozoral is a healing shampoo that allows you to get rid of pityriasis, mycosis of hair, seborrheic dermatitis. It is a viscous liquid of red-orange color. Its main component is ketoconazole. The drug is able to fight not only fungi, but also with staphylococci, streptococci and eumiceta (higher fungi). It is contraindicated for persons suffering from acute or chronic kidney and liver diseases.

  • Anti-seborrheic drugs are used to treat seborrheic dermatitis. Their main active ingredients are: zinc pyrithione, tar, ketoconazole, ciclopirox. They are part of Sebosol, Keto Plus, tar shampoo and others.

Sebozol - a drug based on ketoconazole. It acts just like Mycozoral or Nizoral. Difference from them is that it has many side effects: headache, dizziness, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, urticaria or itching, baldness, an increase in the blood of enzymes and proteins produced by the liver (their excess causes yellowing of the skin and eyes ), sexual dysfunction in men (impotence, decreased libido, oligospermia).

Keto Shampoo Plus contains 2 active ingredients: ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione. The second component reduces peeling of the skin and inhibits the activity of 2 types of fungi: Pityrosporum orbiculare and Pityrosporum ovale. The contents of the bottle - pink viscous liquid with a pleasant aroma.

  • The third type includes cosmetics that support hair and scalp healthy. To do this, their composition, in addition to antifungal components, include vitamins of group B, A, C, E and extracts of various herbs: nettle, bamboo, chamomile, chestnut and others.

These include Decos line of products for different skin types from “Vichy”, Node DS from Bioderma, Fitoval shampoo.

The main components of Fitoval are extracts of sorrel and nettle, wheat protein, panthenol and lecithin. Due to this combination, it has 2 effects: nourishes the skin and strengthens hair follicles, prevents dandruff.

In addition to shampoo, Fitoval is available in pill form. They provide the body with B vitamins, iron, zinc and copper.

It should be remembered that the effect of each of these drugs is temporary, that is, after cessation of use, unpleasant symptoms may return.

How to apply

The order of application for all funds is the same:

  • Wash your hair in the usual way.
  • Apply a special shampoo.
  • Rubbing it into the hair and skin to achieve an even distribution.
  • Wait 5 minutes and rinse.

The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a week for a month.

Selection of funds

Self-select tool is not recommended. If only because the true cause of itching and dandruff cannot be determined without experience and knowledge. It is better to contact a dermatologist or trichologist who is competent in this matter. He will select the appropriate tool, based on examination of the scalp and analyzes of scraping from its surface. He can also prescribe drugs that eliminate the root cause of itching.

Folk methods

In the piggy bank of traditional medicine there are many recipes that are not inferior to special shampoos in terms of speed. The ingredients for them are in every kitchen or in the nearest pharmacy. Here are a few of them:

  • Nettle decoction. 4 tablespoons of dried nettle pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse hair with the resulting solution every 2 days.
  • Onion decoction. Take husks from 4 medium onions and add a liter of boiled water to it. Then simmer for an hour. Use as a decoction of nettle.
  • Acetic lotion. To do this, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted with a liter of water. Application: 10 minutes before shampooing the solution is rubbed into her skin. The procedure is repeated every evening throughout the week.
  • Egg mask. 2 eggs are beaten, and the resulting mass is applied to the hair roots. After 20-30 minutes, it is washed off with warm water.

Possible causes of itchy scalp

Intolerable itching of the scalp can be the result of both nervous tension and existing disease, against which itching is only a consequence. The most common reasons doctors consider the following:

  • Seborrheic dermatitis. This is a fungal disease that medical shampoos do not heal. Manifested in the form of a rash near the temporal zone, also on the line of the beginning of the hairline of the forehead. Accompanied by burning, rash and redness of the skin. After scratching, bloody stains may appear, and contact with any shampoo will be painful.
  • Metabolic disease. Most often, the scalp begins to itch at the time of dysfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands in women. This is quite a serious disease that causes complex rashes in the form of peeling on the scalp. Often the patient can not control the process of scratching, and the symptoms are complemented by weight gain, hair loss.
  • Stress, nervous tension. It is not necessary to think that one experience can provoke serious health problems. But prolonged stress can cause itchy scalp. This condition is also accompanied by carding of other areas of the body - arms, legs, neck, and chest.
  • Diabetes. Often this disease causes not only itching, but also the appearance of a large amount of dandruff. Depending on the degree of the disease, the symptoms on the scalp also appear. There is no treatment as such. It is necessary to take drugs to eliminate the underlying disease - diabetes.
  • Psoriasis. A skin disease with an unexplored cause also causes itching of the scalp. Accompanied by itching on the rest of the body, red spots with dry, peeling skin also appear. Itching is strong, after scratching a red stain appears with streaks of capillary blood.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. These processes are accompanied by constant fluctuations in the level of hormones throughout the body. Everyone can react in different ways, and flaking of the scalp is the most common symptom. In this case, you must choose a shampoo with non-aggressive plant components that will not penetrate the scalp into the blood. Consultation with a doctor is required.
  • Lack of calcium and zinc in the body. These elements contribute to the normalization of hair and nail growth. It is impractical to use drugs without a prescription. Excessive vitamins also contribute to flaking of the scalp. It is important to choose the necessary medical shampoo along with preparations of vitamins of this group.
  • Incorrectly selected shampoo and cosmetics for the care of the scalp. In some shampoos, there are additives, dyes, preservatives and drying foaming components. Such compositions have a strong effect on the condition of the delicate scalp. Even a person with oily skin may experience discomfort and increased dryness of the scalp. This burning is accompanied by the occurrence of abundant dandruff, slight redness. Treatment involves choosing the right hypoallergenic shampoo with medicinal ingredients. In the future, after reducing the level of discomfort, it is necessary to constantly carry out preventive methods in order to avoid aggravation of the condition.

In case of itching of the scalp, it is necessary to initially establish the problem and the cause of burning, peeling. Shampoos that eliminate the symptoms, can only temporarily eliminate discomfort. The very reason nothing eliminates. Therefore, along with the exacerbation of the disease will be aggravated and burning skin. The first thing that needs to be done is to consult a specialist, if necessary, pass the necessary tests, conduct a full examination.

Treatment involves the initial diagnosis, drug treatment and the choice of the necessary shampoo. At the same time, the shampoo itself is only an additional, auxiliary agent that temporarily helps to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. If desquamation is the result of a metabolic disorder, then treatment should be planned in such a way as to eliminate the main problem - the resumption of normalization of metabolism.

Shampoo for itching of the head with dry skin

Often, itching and dryness are interrelated: the second is the cause of the first. If the hair is too brittle, naughty, and the ends are actively split - this indicates a lack of fat production by the glands, which is necessary for moisturizing the scalp. In this case, it is recommended to use nutrients (masks, special creams, balms). In this case, the frequency of washing hair is reduced.

A person suffering from excessive dryness of the skin should supplement the diet with foods rich in vitamins E, C, A, and going out into the street should not forget about the headdress.Shampoos containing various oils, soothing ingredients (zinc, extracts of chamomile and burdock root), vitamin complexes help in the treatment of itching caused by dryness and increased sensitivity of the skin.

Shampoo against itchy scalp with seborrhea

The head may itch for seborrheic dermatitis, a disease that affects men more often than women. Various factors can cause dermatological pathology, ranging from allergies to certain products / cosmetics to hormonal imbalances. Shampoo for itching of the scalp caused by seborrhea should include components that normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. To eliminate the disease, use funds based on:

Medical shampoos for the scalp with parasites

Sometimes the cause of the itching of the skin are lice and demodicosis - both diseases cause parasites (in the first case - lice, in the other - subcutaneous mites). Since pathology is difficult to diagnose, a qualified physician should be involved. Confirm the presence of demodicosis can only be by scraping followed by microscopic examination. Shampoos for itchy scalp for parasites should contain the following components:

  • sulfur,
  • zinc oxide,
  • streptocid
  • tea tree oil.

Shampoo for itching and dandruff

It can cause itching and white flakes, a skin fungus that requires special treatment. Effective to combat the disease will be means containing:

  • substances that enhance the exfoliation of dead particles - tar, sulfur,
  • components that are aimed at suppressing the pathogen of pathology - ketoconazole, clotrimazole, pyrithione, miconazole, etc.,
  • plant extracts - bamboo, lichen, nettle, chestnut, chamomile,
  • ingredients with bactericidal properties - octopyrox, climbazole.

How to choose shampoo

Only dermatologists or trichologists are able to accurately determine the cause of the problem and find effective means for treatment. Depending on the factor that stimulated the itching of the skin, prescribe a healing shampoo. The means by action and the components in their composition are classified. So, there are several groups of shampoos:

  1. Antifungal. They contain various substances, including antibiotics. Effective against fungal spores, quickly eliminate itching and desquamation. These tools also help with lichen and seborrhea.
  2. Nourishing and toning. Used to regulate the sebaceous glands. As a rule, such products contain salicylic alcohol or zinc, due to which the condition of the epidermis improves.
  3. Bactericidal. The basis of the means - an effective antibiotic. It is advisable to apply a bactericidal shampoo for itchy scalp with seborrheic dermatitis and serious inflammatory processes.

Prices for itch shampoo

It is better to buy any medications in pharmacies, but shampoos can also be ordered online. Sometimes it is cheaper to buy goods from an online store, but the virtual seller will not be able to show you a quality certificate for the products offered in his catalog. The most popular remedies for head itch are:

  1. Nizoral The basis is ketoconazole, quickly eliminating pathogens. Nizoral helps to stop the process of hair loss at the places of peeling. Approximate price for 60 ml - 650-700 rubles.
  2. Dermazole In addition to ketoconazole, it contains zinc pyrithione, due to which it is able to restore damaged skin. The cost of a bottle of 100 ml is about 550 rubles.
  3. Sebosol It has an antiseptic, exfoliating, antifungal effect. The main component of Sebozol is ketoconazole. The drug, unlike analogs, is inexpensive: for a bottle of 100 ml you need to give 380-400 rubles (the price for 200 ml is 550 rubles).
  4. Mycozoral Effective against yeast-like fungi, dermatophytes, staphylococci and other pathogens of skin pathologies. The price of 60 ml of the drug - 450 rubles.

Video: anti-dandruff shampoo and hair loss

My head stopped itching after applying the Headn Sholders shampoo, I didn’t use more serious drugs. If I switch to other means, dandruff and itch come back, so the problem has not gone away - only the symptoms have gone. I plan to visit a dermatologist to find out what the problem is.

For any problems with hair, I use Sulsen (paste or shampoo) - it always saves me. Of the benefits of the drug, I will highlight the relative cheapness compared to other medications, my lack of side effects and versatility. Sulsen can even be used as a prophylaxis for people with chronic seborrhea.

Recently, for the first time I ran into an itch problem and decided to change my cosmetics in order to rule out an allergic reaction. Started using Vichy shampoo (Derkos series). After about 1.5 weeks, the skin itching stopped. Slippers smeared wounds from scratching, they healed completely within 5-6 days.

Causes of illness

  • Allergy.
  • Seborrhea.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Dry skin
  • Fungus.
  • Stress.
  • Pediculosis.
  • Demodecosis.

For more information about the symptoms of itchy scalp, click here

Shampoos for itchy scalp

In order to choose the right shampoo, it is necessary to take into account not only the type of hair (oily, dry, normal), but also its composition (glucosides and glutamates must be included in the washing base). In order to determine whether this tool is suitable or not, they should wash their hair for two weeks. If you want to know what else you can do, if your scalp is itchy then read this article.

On the shelves of many medical shampoos. Depending on the problem of means for washing the head are as follows:

  1. dandruff and peeling products,
  2. fallout
  3. itch
  4. parasites,
  5. for brittle and splitting hair,
  6. for dry and greasy hair.

Each of them has a certain composition and properties. For example, the composition of the exfoliating shampoo (dandruff) includes sulfur and salicylic acid, which enhances the exfoliation of dead skin cells.

Anti-fungal shampoos - contain zinc, ketoconazole and clotrimazole. They are aimed at eliminating the fungus symptoms and its death.

And on the healing properties of shampoos for oily scalp, we will discuss in this article.

Vichy dercos

The most popular tool today. Its action is aimed at restoring Ph of the skin, as well as the elimination of the fungus. Vichy Dercos contains keratin, salicylic acid and vitamin E.

Indications: dry skin, dandruff, itching, peeling, fungal diseases.

Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding period, children up to 14 years. The product is suitable for daily use.

The price in the Russian Federation of such a shampoo for itching skin is 900-1000 rubles.

Many may be confused by the price of the aforementioned shampoo, and if you are not ready for such costs, we advise you to read this article and learn about other means for dry scalp.

Estel Aqua Otium

Professional moisturizing shampoo. It provides intensive cleansing and moisturizing hair, while they become soft and silky. The shampoo contains amino acids and betaine..

Indications: dry skin, dandruff, dull hair.

Contraindications: intolerance to some components. Suitable for daily use.

The average price of such a shampoo in Russia is 600 rubles.

Instant Clear by L’Oreal Professionnel

Contains salicylic acid, glycerin, zinc pyrithione, thermal water. Shampoo has antifungal and antibacterial effect, normalizes the sebaceous glands. Eliminates itching, peeling and dandruff.

Indications: dry skin, itching, dandruff.

Contraindications: intolerance of components, children under 3 years old. Suitable for daily use.

The average price of shampoo for head itch 650 rubles.

Natura Siberica "Protection and nutrition"

Natural remedy. It contains glycerin, coconut oil, licorice, vitamin E, cedar milk.. Well cleans, moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis of the head, promotes hair growth.

Indications: dry hair type, itching, split ends.

Contraindications: component intolerance. Suitable for daily use.

Price in the Russian Federation 300-400 rubles.

Nizoral - no less popular shampoo, which quickly kills mushrooms and their spores, causing itching. Indications: seborrhea, lichen, dandruff, peeling. Contraindications: intolerance to the components of the shampoo. Apply 3 times a week. The cost of medical shampoo in the Russian Federation from 600 to 900 rubles.

Keto plus - also therapeutic antifungal agent. It quickly relieves itching and flaking of the scalp. It contains ketonazole and zinc pyrithione. Indications: treatment and prevention of depriving, seborrhea. Contraindications: sensitivity to components. Also suitable for daily use. The price of shampoo 500-800 rubles.

Dermazole - medicinal shampoo based on ketoconazole. It has antifungal and antimicrobial effects. Indications: lichen, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, mycosis. Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, intolerance to the components. Apply daily for 5 days. Dermatozol price in the Russian Federation is 400-600 rubles.

Bioderma Node DS - the main effect of the medicinal shampoo is directed to the normalization of the microflora of the scalp, also has antifungal effect, prevents dandruff and eliminates itching. Contains salicylic acid, betaines, oils and natural extracts. Indications: seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis. Contraindications: intolerance of components, children up to 3 years. Suitable for daily use. The average price is 350 rubles.

Based on castor and olive oils


  1. It is necessary to mix castor and olive oil in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Massage the mask into the skin, wrap the head with a towel.
  3. You can wash off such a mask in an hour.
  4. Oil mask can be used every other day.

  • 1 tbsp. nettle,
  • 1 tbsp. chamomile
  • 1 tbsp. plantain.


  1. Herbs pour 1 liters of boiling water, insist 1.5 hours.
  2. Then, in this broth, soften a piece of rye bread.
  3. Then apply this mixture on the head, wrap it in a plastic bag and a terry towel.
  4. Hold this mask for 45 minutes, then rinse.


For her need:

  • 30 ml of baby cream,
  • 1 ml of vitamin A and 1 ml of vitamin E.

Preparation of a mask for the scalp from itching and flaking at home:

  1. All ingredients mix and rub into the scalp.
  2. Leave the mask on the head for 25 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Such masks do no more than 2 times a week.


It includes:

  • 1 egg
  • 50 ml of sparkling water
  • 5 drops of lemon juice.


  1. All mix and apply on the head.
  2. For better effect, you can wrap a towel over your head, and leave the mask for 50 minutes, then wash it off.

You can use it once a week.

Against hair loss


  1. Mix 1 egg.
  2. 50 ml of strong tea.
  3. 2 tsp. dry mustard.
  4. Mask applied to the roots and leave for 40 minutes.
  5. Then rinse hair well.


  1. Melt 2 tbsp. honey
  2. Add to it a 1st.l. lemon juice.
  3. 10 ml burdock oil.
  4. The mask is applied to the hair roots, then wrapped with a towel.
  5. After 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

You can make a honey mask for itching and flaking 3 times a week.



  1. Mix 100 ml of kefir.
  2. 25 ml of cosmetic oil and 1 egg.
  3. Apply to the hair roots, wrap your head in a towel for 1 hour.
  4. Then rinse thoroughly.

You can do this procedure 3 times a week.



  1. In mayonnaise add lemon juice, aloe juice, castor oil.
  2. Everything is mixed in a 1: 1 ratio.
  3. Rub the resulting mass into the scalp and leave under the bag for 60 minutes.
  4. After shampooing your hair.

You can use 2 times a week.

From redness


  1. Brew 2 tbsp. dry lime in 1 liter of water.
  2. Insist broth 20 minutes.
  3. Then, with a cotton swab, rub the infusion into the hair roots.
  4. Rinse under running water.

Suitable for daily use.


  1. Mix until smooth 100 g of cottage cheese, 1 glass of beer and 1 egg.
  2. Apply the finished mask evenly on the scalp and leave for 1 hour.
  3. Then wash it off.

Use 1 time per week.


The problem of head itch is a very common occurrence. One solution to the itch problem is to choose the right shampoo.. Of course, it should be remembered that if, in addition to itching, other symptoms bother you, you should immediately consult a doctor. Restoration of the epidermis is a painstaking and lengthy process that can take a whole month.

Only comprehensive care will help improve the condition of the scalp and hair.

Compliance with manufacturers recommendations

The treatment regimen is based on the recommendations of the shampoo manufacturer. The use of therapeutic shampoo from itching is no different from the usual cosmetic. The difference is perhaps a somewhat low amount of foaming. However, the effectiveness of this tool is not reduced. Shampoos are designed to affect for a certain time: for example, the therapeutic substance begins to act only five minutes after application. Therefore, most manufacturers recommend keeping the product for at least five minutes on the hair and only then thoroughly rinse with water.

Peeling and severe itching of the scalp is not a problem if you contact the experts in a timely manner and get professional advice. The treatment may last for several weeks. The most important thing is to conduct a thorough examination of the main cause of discomfort in the head, because sometimes the cause of the disease are allergic reactions to medicines, drugs and food.


Watch the video: Dandruff. How To Get Rid Of Dandruff 2018 (July 2024).