Eyebrows and eyelashes

5 ways to pluck the eyebrows if there are no tweezers


This method is very ancient and long held in high esteem among Muslim women.

This way you need to see! The video that we offer to watch will teach you to pluck your eyebrows in an unusual way. Tweezers, which need to be treated patiently and carefully, is not for everyone. Women who have tried the epilation thread instead of tweezers claim that it is a less painful method. In addition, after hair removal with the help of a thread, there is no ugly irritation and they grow extremely slowly. This method is very ancient and long held in high esteem among Muslim women. Stock up pretty strong thread and start to practice. In this case, the main thing - training! Care for the eyebrows with a thread takes very little time and will help when the tweezers were not at hand.

Hand movements with thread resemble small scissors - you grab the hair and pinch it against growth. Of course, you need to get the hang of it, but the idea is very good! Adjust your eyebrows gradually, so that they are symmetrical, with smooth edges. This detailed video will help any woman to master this useful technique - show her friends how to use epilation at home with a thread!

Advantages of the method

Triding is very popular in Europe and in the East, but still not very well known in Russia. Meanwhile, this is one of the easiest and most affordable ways. Consider the pluses plucking thread.

  1. Budget. If you master the technology yourself, you can save a considerable amount of money, because no consumables are required.
  2. Versatility. The thread can remove hair anywhere on the body, and those who have mastered the technique perfectly can use it to adjust the shape of a male beard.
  3. Painlessness Unlike tweezers, the thread does not cause any discomfort.
  4. Performance. The technique allows you to remove most of the hairs, while the thread captures even the shortest ones.
  5. Long-term effect. After such removal, the hairs do not immediately begin to grow.
  6. Peeling. During the triding, dead skin cells are additionally removed, which contributes to its speedy regeneration and renewal.

Of course, in any way you can find the negative side. In this case, it is the duration of the procedure. But here there are some nuances, when you go through all the stages of such plucking several times, eyebrow correction will no longer take up much of your time. It is about these stages and talk further.

Triding technique

Before you start pulling out, you should get the necessary tool. In this case, this is a mirror in a well-lit place and a thread. It is best to take a cotton thread, it captures hairs better and does not slip. Ideal coil with marking number 10.

  1. Wash face and hands, it is advisable to disinfect the skin of the hands and eyebrows.
  2. Powder the area over the upper eyelid, comb your eyebrows from the bottom up.
  3. Cut a piece of thread of the desired length. On average, it is 0.5 meters, but after the first procedure, you will understand the larger or smaller value you need.
  4. Tie the ends of the thread tightly, then stretch the loop that you have created.
  5. Next, do the "eight": twist the thread in the middle in a few turns. The ends of the loop should remain on the fingers of both hands.
  6. Stretch the resulting loops with your index and thumb. If you change the distance between the pads of the thumb and index finger, the center of the "eight" should move.
  7. Practice managing the thread.
  8. Bring the thread to the right eyebrow. Reduce the distance between the fingers of the same hand, the center should also shift to the right.
  9. Bring the left (large) triangle to the place of unwanted hair growth.
  10. Place the corner of the triangle under the desired hair, and then open the fingers of your right hand. The center will shift, and the desired hair will fall into the swirling area.

On the same principle, pull out all unwanted hairs. It is recommended to shape the left and right eyebrows in turn. If you first finish with one side, then there is a chance to make asymmetrical eyebrows.

Also, if you have not encountered this method before, it is worth visiting a specialist. It is better to see all the work in person so that you do not make mistakes yourself.

Tips to help you pull out eyebrows with a regular thread:

Wax depilation

Usually, when a question arises as to how you can pull out the eyebrows, if there are no tweezers, wax immediately comes to mind. It is often used for depilation and has become a familiar tool. That wax helps out when you need to get rid of short hairs.

This procedure has a number of advantages. The most important among them is efficiency. Hair is removed along with the root, so do not grow for a long time. With constant hair removal with a similar method, the frequency and rate of growth decreases, the brow line becomes clearer and well-groomed.

It is also convenient to wax epilation, because with one movement most of the unwanted hair is removed. But there are also disadvantages.

  • You need the skill to perform a similar correction.
  • There is a risk of ingrown hairs.
  • Permanent depilation may thin the brow line too much.
  • Most often, such hair removal leaves irritation on the skin.

Therefore, it is worth thinking before starting a similar procedure, but if you adapt, you can quickly and permanently get rid of unwanted hair.


If you ask a professional beautician how you can pull out eyebrows other than tweezers, he will certainly advise you photo epilation. After all, this method is considered one of the safest and most reliable. To the number of its advantages include:

  • The ability to use for any eyebrow, stiffness and color do not matter.
  • Eyebrows become accurate, I get the necessary outlines.
  • Absolute painlessness and safety for the skin.

But the procedure is complex and perform it at home without equipment will not work. There are also other disadvantages:

  • Before you conduct the first session, you will have to pass tests and consult with a beautician.
  • You can not carry out the procedure, if you have already used other methods of hair removal.
  • Contraindicated procedure for pregnant and lactating girls.
  • Prohibited photo-epilation and those who have built-in electronic devices in the body.

It must be said that in recent years home photoepilators began to appear on the shelves of stores. They are more expensive than their familiar counterparts, but such a device will help get rid of unwanted hair all over the body painlessly.

Laser hair removal

This procedure is significantly different from all of the above, because it allows you not only to temporarily pull out the hairs, but also to permanently adjust the shape of the eyebrows. However, for such a result will have to spend 4-5 sessions, which will be worth the money.

Also from the negative aspects it is worth noting that after the procedure small crusts can form on the skin, they will pass within 3 days. Laser can not be used for dark hair.

Among the arguments for, it is worth highlighting:

  • Painlessness
  • Fast, average time per session is 30 minutes.
  • Security.
  • Long-term result.


A similar procedure is also not carried out at home, but can be considered as an alternative to tweezers. A needle with an electric current is inserted under the skin, the discharge is applied to the hair bulb, which dies. So it turns out that after one session unwanted hair will not grow.

There are cases when the second session is all necessary, some hairs may appear again. However, re-session is the maximum number of procedures. Agreeing to this correction, remember that it is quite painful, so it is advisable to apply anesthetic creams or sprays.

So, you are familiar with the most popular ways to pull out eyebrows without tweezers. Some of them can be made at home, others must be carried out in showrooms under the supervision of specialists. Determine which method is right for you, cock all the pros and cons. When you find a suitable option, plucking eyebrows will no longer be a problem for you.

See also: What is eyebrow laser correction? (video)


Replace the tongs can be waxed. This method is most effective if you need to pull out too short hairs on the eyebrows.

In the list of advantages of waxing:

  • high efficiency - hairs are removed from the root, respectively, grow longer,
  • convenience - one movement can get rid of a significant part of unwanted hair,
  • universality - the procedure is suitable for hair of any hardness and density,
  • prolonged result - with regular waxing of hairs, the growth rate of hairs is significantly reduced, and the eyebrow line becomes neat and well-groomed.

Correctly perform eyebrow correction using wax, preventing the risk of hair ingrowth and irritation, can only be a qualified master.

Thread use

Triding is a cosmetic procedure that involves plucking eyebrows with a thread.

The advantages of this method:

Preservation of effect for a long time - over time, the hair becomes thinner, they have to be removed less often.

The minimum financial costs - the thread will have to spend less money than on quality tweezers.

Epilation causes less pain when compared with other hair removal methods.

With the help of a thread, you can remove not only hairs, but also dead skin cells. Thus, the procedure combines the effect of peeling and epilation.

Each time, the trial will take less time, as a result, you can learn to pull out eyebrows with a thread in 3-5 minutes.

To remove hair, you will need a thick cotton thread 50–60 centimeters long. Its ends are tied together. Next, the thread attaches to the thumb and index fingers of both hands, twists several times to form a loop in the middle. It is in this hole that hairs must be placed. Then the fingers come together and divorce, so that the thread moves, pulling out excess hair.

The video shows the triding at home:

Laser hair removal

Precise laser beam will help to permanently get rid of excess hair. The procedure is carried out quickly, after half an hour you can return to the usual way of life. To consolidate the result, 6–8 sessions are sufficient.

But this method has its drawbacks:

Epilation is not suitable for owners of thin and light hair, the laser will not be able to recognize hairs.

Before the procedure, you can not remove hair in other ways, you are only allowed to cut or shave it.

Some girls complain of severe pain.

How to pull out eyebrows thread

This method is very ancient and long respected. muslim women. Stock up pretty strong thread and start to practice. In this case, the main thing - training! Care for the eyebrows with a thread takes very little time and will help when the tweezers were not at hand.

The movements of the hands with a string resemble the work of small scissors - you grab the hair and pinch it against growth. Of course, you need to get the hang of it, but the idea is very good!

Adjust your eyebrows gradually, so that they are symmetrical, with smooth edges. This detailed video will help any woman to master a useful technique - show her friends how to use epilation at home with a thread!

Other eyebrow correction methods

There are other ways to pull out eyebrows without tweezers, such as shaving. Many girls partially shave them off, drawing the missing hairs on top. This is convenient, but the result lasts only a few days.

Painted eyebrows may look stylish, but this image does not fit all

It is not necessary to pull out excess hair from the root or shave it off. You can gently cut them with scissors, then comb and lay. Beauty stores sell styling gels and eyebrow brushes. With their help, you can give your hair a well-groomed appearance, even without hair removal.

Regardless of the chosen method of hair removal, you need to take care in advance of good lighting and a magnifying mirror.

In order not to be painfully painful, you can just leave everything as it is. But it does not always look appropriate.

Reduced pain

You can continue to pluck the eyebrows with tweezers, but this outdated method has a lot of disadvantages:

Difficulties of choice - it will take a lot of time and money to find the perfect tweezers. Otherwise, it will quickly deteriorate, stop pulling out fine hairs.

Many women have increased pain thresholds, so they experience the strongest discomfort during plucking, some even begin to cry or sneeze.

After hair removal, redness and irritation may appear on the skin, sometimes they disappear only after a few days.

There are secrets that help make ordinary plucking less painful. In beauty salons masters always prepare the skin for plucking, you can follow their example at home.

Moisturizing and nutrition

After cooling, apply a moisturizer on the eyebrows. It is better to prefer fatty baby cream. You should wait until it is completely dry, otherwise the tweezers (or thread) will slide. After soaking up the cream, you can additionally blot the skin with a tissue or towel to remove residues.

Cleaning leather and tool

Before tweezing, tweezers must be sterilized. In beauty salons it is treated with alcohol, you can do it at home. Some girls wipe with an alcohol solution and face to degrease it.

For other tips on homemade eyebrow plucking, see the article How to pluck eyebrows at home.


If you talk with makeup artists, you can hear a lot of tips about the correct form of eyebrows. But only through trial and error can one find an image in which a person will feel comfortable. Even if we are talking about the shape of the eyebrows.

Model Cara Delevingne made a career thanks to her unusual eyebrows. And she feels comfortable even in the strangest images.

Types of eyebrow tweezers

Such tweezers are an important tool in every girl’s arsenal, since eyebrows require special attention and meticulous care. It is important to choose an option that will meet all the requirements for it and not cause discomfort when using.

The following are the main types of tweezers:

  1. A tool with a straight and fairly wide working surface is the most common and classic option. The design features allow it to capture not one, but several hairs at once, which is why it is very convenient when working with rather thick eyebrows. In most cases, it is used by specialists in salons, since the peculiarities of the form of the working part make it difficult for them to work independently.
  2. A tool with a sloping working part is no less common and popular, since such features make it much more convenient for independent use, individual hairs are captured much easier. This option is ideal if the procedure is to remove individual hairs with a coarse structure.
  3. A tool that has sharp ends requires certain skills to use.Working with eyebrows becomes more difficult, given the design features, such tweezers will not allow more than one hair to be captured at a time. One of the main advantages of this option is the fact that it actually does not cause any pain during the procedure.
  4. Tweezers, made according to the type of scissors, have not gained such popularity as other varieties. This is largely due to the complexity of use and the fact that the final result often does not meet expectations. Such scissors in most cases make the eyebrows rather narrow after the corresponding procedure to correct their shape.
  5. The automatic type tweezers are also very difficult to call a popular variety, since its operation is rather complicated, and it will most likely take a long time to get used to such an instrument. All models of this type have a complex structure, in essence the tool consists of twin tweezers of the internal and external types. During the procedure, the inner tool captures and fixes a hair that slides inside the outer forceps. Despite all the difficulties of use, this option has one very significant advantage: the complete absence of pain when working with eyebrows.

Criterias of choice

In order to acquire the most convenient and suitable tool, it will not be enough to determine its particular variety, since there are other selection criteria. Their full list is given below:

  1. The shape of the surface of the working ends. It is desirable if it is as rounded as possible, since this will eliminate the possibility of accidental scarring of the skin during procedures with eyebrows.
  2. The behavior of the tool when closing. It is necessary to make sure that the working ends are tightly pressed to each other, otherwise they will poorly capture the hairs.
  3. Surface features. A quality tool has an absolutely smooth outer surface and is sharpened from the inside. If these rules are not observed, it will be quite problematic to get rid of recently grown hairs with a small length.
  4. Sharpening tool from the outside. Not all models meet this criteria, but it is good if this rule is observed, as it provides additional security during eyebrow correction.
  5. The convenience of use. Before making a purchase, you need some time to support the tweezers in your hands in order to make sure that it does not cause any inconvenience during operation.

An important role is also played by the place of purchase, it is recommended to make such purchases exclusively in specialized stores and professional cosmetic departments. Their staff will help you choose the most suitable option for specific needs and sharpen tweezers if you need to.

Review of the best options

In order to make it easier to navigate a wide range of modern devices of this type, the following are brief overviews of tweezers that fully meet all the requirements for them:

  1. Dolly Collection is an inexpensive tool with a sloping work surface. Stainless steel was used as a material, so the tool is not susceptible to corrosion and can last for a very long time. Both working end tightly to each other, which allows you to easily remove even the finest hairs. The release is carried out under the Divage brand, which has managed to establish itself on the positive side of the cosmetic market, consistently demonstrating a high level of quality. The approximate price is 240 rubles.
  2. Solinberg 251-G77 is made of high-grade steel and has a special shape: the working ends are sharpened on both sides and are located at an angle, the edges are very clear and make it easy to grab any hairs. The tool is tiny and light, making it comfortable to hold in your hands, which ensures ease of operation during the procedures. Approximate cost is 220 rubles.
  3. TOUCHBeauty is an innovative version of tweezers, which is additionally equipped with a backlight. This innovation allows you to manipulate eyebrows anywhere, regardless of the degree of coverage. The diodes included in the design direct the light in the exact direction. Working forceps have a curved shape, designed to remove even the thinnest hairs. The cost of such a tool ranges from 650 to 800 rubles.
  4. Premax 250-1819 is a modern model of tweezers, for its manufacture used steel of the highest quality. The tool has a convenient form, light weight, carefully thought-out design and remains sharp for a long time after sharpening. In many respects thanks to the listed advantages, many professional cosmetologists choose this option. You can buy such tweezers for 1000-1100 rubles.

How to use

Before using tweezers, you must consider the desired shape of the eyebrows, and then regularly correct them. If this rule is observed, the systematically removed hairs gradually begin to grow much slower.

The procedure itself is as follows:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to wash your hands with soap and water, after which the skin area around the eyebrows is exposed to the disinfection process. By the time the procedure starts, the entire instrument must also be clean.
  2. Movements of one hand should be carefully and gently pushing the skin in different directions, and the other to remove excess hair using tweezers. If you follow this rule, the pain will not actually be felt.
  3. Each hair is removed only separately, because otherwise there is a risk of disrupting the intended shape of the eyebrows.
  4. After removing all excess hair, the surface of the skin near the eyebrows is treated with a special soothing gel. You can attach a small piece of ice or make a cold compress, which will allow to calm the irritated skin process a little.
  5. If there are ingrown hairs in the eyebrow area, then the procedure can be started only after preliminary steaming of the skin and using scrub. For removal in this case, tweezers-scissors or tools with pointed surfaces are best.
  6. Exfoliation of the dead upper layers of the skin and correction only in the direction of hair growth will allow you to get rid of this problem in the future.

Care, storage and handling

Eyebrow tweezers are not an eternal tool, it has its own operational life. You can increase it by following certain rules that are listed below:

  1. Storage is carried out only in a dedicated case.
  2. The tool must be protected from falls that could damage it or significantly reduce the service life.
  3. After each use, tweezers must be treated with any disinfectant, before starting the procedure, you must do the same. The most popular treatment for this care is Miramistin.
  4. Timely sharpen the tweezers and do not use a tool that has become blunt.

Sharpening tweezers

Timely sharpening is an integral part of the compulsory care for this type of tool.

It is carried out in two cases:

  1. Tweezers blunted. This can easily be determined by the fact that with its help it has become much more difficult to capture a single hair, the removal also begins to take much more time and effort.
  2. Preventive sharpening, which is carried out once every six months.

You can also sharpen tweezers in two different ways:

  1. Contact the professionals working in the relevant workshops or beauty salons.
  2. Conduct self-sharpening, there is nothing difficult, you only need to gently rub the ends of the working parts of the sandpaper.

How to pull out eyebrows without tweezers

There are many different ways to correct eyebrows without using a special tool for this, here are some of them:

  1. Using the thread to give the eyebrows the desired shape, but this method has a significant drawback: to carry out a similar procedure with your own hands, while not possessing certain skills and experience, is not possible.
  2. Trimmer haircut is a very good option because it does not require special skills and does not irritate the skin at all.
  3. The use of a special eyebrow epilator is a common method, but the abuse of this method can lead to the ingrowth of individual hairs, besides, the pain when choosing this option is much stronger than that of most analogues.
  4. The use of wax strips is another well-known method, but it is not recommended to practice at home, because without the help of a specialist it is very difficult to apply the product correctly to the eyebrows.

How to choose tweezers

Today in the cosmetic market you can find many different tweezers. Before buying it is necessary to determine the material from which the tool is made. There are metal and plastic tweezers. Beauticians advise choosing stainless steel tweezers. This material does not contain harmful impurities, is convenient for disinfection and durable. Even good plastic tweezers will fail quite quickly.

The shape of the tool can be two soldered to one end of the plate or scissors. The latter is not convenient for long plucking, but it may be practical if you need to remove only a few regrown hairs.

Now pay attention to the working edge of the product. In its form, the following tweezers can be distinguished:

In this case, the choice depends entirely on the thickness of the hair and the characteristics of their structure. If the hairs are coarse and difficult to remove, it is worth stopping the choice on a straight or beveled instrument. It not only copes with the most stubborn hairs, but also helps to create the perfect shape of the eyebrows.

Tweezers with pointed edges are recommended for owners of thick eyebrows. With it, you can easily grab a small growing hair. Also, such tweezers will be convenient for those who are just starting to learn how to self-plucking eyebrows.

If you need a detailed eyebrow correction or you want to remove ingrown hairs, choose tweezers with thin edges (the so-called “needle-shaped” tweezers).

Automatic eyebrow tweezers are becoming increasingly popular. He has a rather tricky mechanism: working tweezers are inside the design, which pushes him after the capture of the necessary hair. This makes plucking faster and less painful. But such a design of tweezers is not suitable for everyone. For successful work requires preliminary practice, otherwise the process of plucking can be very long.

Often inside the instrument is a backlight. At first glance, this seems very convenient. It is assumed that an additional light source will facilitate the process of plucking and help to identify individual hairs that need to be removed. But in practice, such tweezers are convenient only for detailed correction. During a long procedure, the eyes quickly get tired of the bright light.

Having decided on what tool you need, use the following tips.

  1. Take the tweezers in your hand and try to squeeze it. Make sure that it fits comfortably in your hand and does not cause any discomfort,
  2. Look carefully at its surface. It should be absolutely smooth and even
  3. Purchase tools in professional stores, where they give detailed advice and there is the possibility of subsequent sharpening.

There is no consensus on how the best eyebrow tweezers look. Every woman should make an effort to find her perfect tweezers, based on the features of her eyebrows and her own wishes. Practice shows that in most cases you need several tweezers: one straight or beveled to give shape and the second with sharp and thin edges to remove individual hairs.

How to use tweezers?

After learning how to choose tweezers for eyebrows, you can proceed to the correction. Wash your hands before starting the procedure. Also, do not forget to disinfect your skin and instrument with alcohol lotion. Work with both hands: one gently tighten the skin, and the other tightly squeeze the tweezers. This technique allows to reduce the pain of correction.

Do not try to grab a few hairs. This will not only increase the pain, but also make the unwanted result more likely.

If you are faced with a problem with ingrown hair, blow the skin and scrub it. Then use sharp-edged tweezers and gently pick up a hair. In order to avoid a repetition of this situation, always remove the hair only in the direction of their growth and regularly exfoliate the skin.

If you pull out hair with tweezers regularly, you will soon notice that individual hairs have slowed down. For this reason, it is important to immediately select the appropriate shape of the eyebrows. Since the change in shape usually takes a long time and requires a lot of effort.

Tweezers life and possible damage

The service life of quality tweezers is not limited. In order to avoid breakage, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • Do not drop tweezers,
  • Keep it in special packaging,
  • Wipe after each use with Miramistin or any other disinfectant.

But even with proper care, tweezers for plucking eyebrows eventually fail. If he cannot grab individual hairs or pull them out, then he is most likely blunt. Such damage is easy to fix by yourself. How to sharpen eyebrow tweezers? Gently rub the tips on the emery paper surface. After that the tool will be ready to work again.

If possible, contact a professional tool sharpener. Do not forget to do it once in 6 months, you can use the same forceps for many years.

As already mentioned, the technique appeared in the east. It was there that girls got rid of even the most inconspicuous hair. Before the wedding, the girl had to go through the procedure of hair removal for the whole body, because it was the absence of hair that was considered a sign of cleanliness and innocence. In ancient Persia, this ritual marked the formation of a girl woman at all.

In each country, the procedure has its own name. A generalized triling appeared from the English “stringing”; in Egypt, the procedure is called “futlah”, “abru” in Iran, and “khit” in some other countries of the Arab world.


Watch the video: HOW TO GROOM + SHAPE YOUR EYEBROWS! super easy (July 2024).