
Afropricheska: a variety of options and technology of execution - 3 examples


To look spectacular and not to spend too much time on styling - this is what every woman or girl dreams of. The solution to this problem is not at all difficult. An exotic afro hairstyle will always produce the most vivid impressions on others.

Of course, it’s not quite fast to do such a hairstyle, it takes several hours to weave, but the result will surpass expectations. In the care of such hairstyles are quite unpretentious, and kept for a long time.

How to choose an afro hairstyle

Choosing an afro hairstyle for everybody is not easy enough, because in all forms there is something different that attracts. Curl and corrugation have delicate curls, braids and service jackets have neat cute braids, dreadlocks have flimsy uncontrollable strands, and pony tile has sensual warmth.

However, not everything depends only on the desire to make this or that hairstyle, the length also influences the final choice. For Afro-braids, for example, it is desirable to have a hair length of at least medium. And for a pony tile, 3 cm of your hair is enough.

If you still do not want to part with your hair, then it is better to opt for artificial synthetic hair.

Fashion Afro hairstyles

There are quite a few kinds of afro hairstyles - dreadlocks, braids, corrugations, curls, ponies. Each of them is a whole art that attracts everyone’s attention with its originality and uniqueness.

Dreadlocks are probably the most common of all afro hairstyles. Many straggling strands, throwing a call to others. Daring and catchy hairstyle, suitable for a bright extravagant personality.

Corrugation - insanely romantic hairstyle, consisting of hundreds of curls, beautifully and gently flowing on the shoulders. This hairstyle will certainly impress and bring the most feminine touch to the image.

Curly, unlike corrugation, has more round curls, more dense. It looks no less romantic and delicate than the hair of the corrugation.

How to make an afro hairstyle yourself

There is a way to do an afro hairstyle at home without the help of specialists. The main thing in this business is dynamism, perseverance, and also patience. Consider a couple of options.

The next option is the French braids, blades. For them, you will need artificial hair strands, which can be purchased in a specialized store. For a start, make a parting in the middle, separate a strand of hair of the desired size from the forehead and begin to weave a pigtail, grabbing the hair along the entire parting. You need to take the hair so that next to the pigtail you get another even parting. So braid all the hair first on one side of the head, then on the other.

Afro hairstyles

What can afford the owner of the hair, depends entirely on the quantity and quality of hair. For example, well-known dreadlocks are suitable for strands of a few centimeters, and corrugation or pony require a certain length. Also, experimenters should take into account that the hairstyle in the style of afro requires a long wear - just return the hair the usual look will not work. So.

Popular Dreams

Represent tangled strands. If the hair is long, then to create using basal bouffant. Styling is suitable for young owners of hair with any type of face. Designed to stop combing for a period of 2 months to 2 years, while the head is washed in the usual way without shampoos with bulk effects, but with deep cleansing. How to make an afro hairstyle at home:

  1. The whole mass of hair is divided into even strands and processed with a styling agent.
  2. At the roots hair combed, while twisting into a tourniquet.
  3. The resulting cylinders are treated with wax and a hair dryer so that not a single hair falls out of the strands. Then, as the hairstyle cares, it will become more natural.

If the experiment occurs for the first time, it is recommended to use hair extensions. Do not like - shave.

Gofre for romantic natures

A great option for women who experience retro-romanticism. Suitable for all ages, however, requires an elongated face, as the mass of hair will increase the already round or square types. How to make afro curls:

  1. Clean hair is treated with mousse of medium fixation and divided into equal strands.
  2. Spit-braids - the more of them, the more magnificent the hair will turn out. If there is a desire, the resulting braids wrap around papillotok or small curlers.
  3. Keep the "semi-finished product" on the head should be at least 4 hours, or even all night, if the hair is different disobedience.
  4. In the morning when braiding your hair, the braids cannot be combed - the hairstyle is formed by fingers.

"Fast" corrugation is obtained if a curling iron for afro-wrinkles is used - an iron with a special nozzle. A big plus hairstyle - you can return it to its original state immediately.

Afrokoudri pony tile

Suitable for any person and every occasion. Exquisite combination of curls and braids. By the way, men's afropriches is done on the same principle. Advantages in the duration of fixation - 1 time for several months and a variety of variations. How to do:

  • Combed hair divided into parting - depending on the desire, there may be several.
  • Braids weave parallel to the parting, grabbing strands of it. Thus, the braid lies on the head.
  • Weaving length as desired. Ends are left fluffy, curled or doblet. Finished hairstyle is treated with fixing means.

As a workout, if you have small daughters, nieces, or just acquaintances at your disposal, perform a variety of weaving options for them. On young girls afrokosa without the use of styling look cute and gentle.

The last two examples have a significant advantage over dreadlocks - they are changed at will at any time or supplemented with new elements. These hairstyles are great for evening or special occasions, while dreadlocks are most likely a way to stand out among young people.

We hope our review was helpful and you can easily find the right hairstyle.

African features in hairdressing

Africa is a truly unique continent. As if sewn from colorful patches, he gave the appropriate growth. Bright colors, natural fabrics, natural material as the basis for jewelry, incredible ornaments and, of course, the famous braids and curls - for all this, we thank Africa.

Genetics gives its rationale for the popularity of certain hairstyles among immigrants from sunny Africa. Yes, let's face it, the enviable density and firmness of hair, natural curliness and amazing chocolate shades - all this is inherent in the genes of representatives of some nations. But today, an afro hairstyle can be made available to anyone.

It has the following features:

  • braids of any thickness and design,
  • small curl
  • the use of jewelry in ethnostyle: seashells, wooden and clay beads,
  • prevalence of natural shades.

Do not think that the hair in any case should be painted black or brown. African style for bright colors!

First of all it is worth mentioning curls. Small perms - the most common hairstyle. At the same time it is worn not only by the fair sex, but also by men. As a rule, speaking of the African hairstyle, the masters have in mind a very small curl, making the hair a huge fluffy mass.

For centuries, Africans have braided their hair in braids. On the basis of afrokos today make the most diverse female hairstyles. The photo is a wonderful example of how stylish and modern they can look.

Today, many species of African braids are popular, from the spikelets adjacent to the head to the longest ones flying in the wind. Sometimes the tips of the braids crowned small curls.

Today it is difficult to determine who and when he first thought up to weave pigtails. But, speaking of them, we often use the definition of "African braids" or "Afrokosa", which emphasizes their distribution and popularity among hairstyles in this style.

A new invention, which is often made of artificial strands, - flagella of various thickness and length. Outwardly, they look like braids, but such an afro hairstyle is more difficult to make and requires a certain skill. If you decide to make harnesses - get ready to pay the master more than you would give for pigtails. The harnesses are folded from two lobes, not three. For practicality and durability, African hairstyles with harnesses are not inferior to braids.

Today, dreadlocks are associated with many styles. Once they were chosen by hippies, today they are happy to be representatives of various subcultures. But if we talk about the origins, the influence of Africa is undeniable. What is only one Bob Marley with his stunning hairstyles, rastaman beret and white-toothed smile in half a face!

Once the weaving of dreadlocks was tantamount to signing a death sentence to the hair. Recover them after unwinding the regrown dreads is almost impossible. Today, artificial materials are often used to preserve hair.

Dreadlocks allow you to make a variety of women's hairstyles, photos of which are striking in brightness and beauty. Hairdressers look at them differently, let's face it: not everyone likes them. And some indecisive mods remain secret admirers of dreadlocks, not daring to try this hairstyle on themselves. In fact, dreadlocks go to people with any skin color, of any age and gender.

Aphrodiet do it yourself

It so happens that the time for cardinal changes has not come, but the soul is asking for something new. Is it worth it in such cases to experiment with a perm, or even more so - with weaving dreadlocks, plaits, braids? Of course not, the effect of these procedures will last for a long time, and the cost is rather big.

If you are going to a theme party in the African style or you want to change the image for the holidays, you should not take a step towards global changes in appearance.

Use the old proven method: weave on the night a few small braids from wet hair, grease them with wax, and the next morning carefully disassemble into strands. This hairstyle will last perfectly from one to three days.

To create a heightened effect, you can use accessories. To make the afro hairstyle look more expressive and brighter, it is possible to weave in it an artificial boring or even a few. These are special hair accessories, resembling dreadlocks, woven from colored threads.

You can emphasize the style with hairpins with an ethnic design made from clay, wood, sea shells or leather.

Popular dreadlocks

Well-known dreadlocks

Represent tangled strands. If the hair is long, then to create using basal bouffant. Styling is suitable for young owners of hair with any type of face. Designed to stop combing for a period of 2 months to 2 years, while the head is washed in the usual way without shampoos with bulk effects, but with deep cleansing. How to make an afro hairstyle at home:

  1. The whole mass of hair is divided into even strands and processed with a styling agent.
  2. At the roots hair combed, while twisting into a tourniquet.
  3. The resulting cylinders are treated with wax and a hair dryer so that not a single hair falls out of the strands. Then, as the hairstyle cares, it will become more natural.

If the experiment occurs for the first time, it is recommended to use hair extensions. Do not like - shave.

1. With the help of braids

For owners of long or medium hair, this option is the simplest and not burdensome. All you need is to braid as many small braids as possible and leave them for several hours or overnight. After that, the braids need to gently stitch and fix the result with hairspray. For extra volume, you can comb strands at the roots of the head. To speed up the formation of curls, you need to go hot ironing on each pigtail.

Making afro curls

Consider how to make an afro hairstyle with curls at home. The main task is to curl curls with a small curl. Then it will be possible to make different styling on the curled hair (tails, braids, malvina, etc.) or simply wear them loosely.

There are several ways to make African curls. Consider the simplest ones. To get lush wavy hair, you need to braid them in pigtails.


  • impose mousse on clean hair for styling,
  • split the hair into small strands and braid them in braids, securing each rubber band,
  • the smaller the strands will be, the more lush the hair will be
  • keep your hair braided need a few hours, it is better to leave them at night,
  • braid pigtails and comb the hair with your fingers.

If the length of the hair is small, then you can not weave braids, but simply braid the selected strands into flagella.

To get a more rounded curl, you need to wind fine strands on curlers of small diameter. If there are no such hair curlers, then you can wind your hair on paper papilotki. For their manufacture it is convenient to use multi-layer napkins; paper strips are twisted into tubules, then a strand is wound onto them and the ends of the tubing are tied into a bundle.

Even faster option to create small curls gives the use of an iron for the hair with the lining of the corrugation.

Dreadlocks is a popular African American hairstyle. You can make dreadlocks from your hair or from artificial materials. If you do not plan to resort to artificial linings, then you can make a haircut on hair length from 15 cm. In addition, you need to understand that it is unlikely that you will be able to return your hair to the previous look, so you will most likely have to cut it off if you want to change your hair style.

Therefore, it is better to make dreadlocks using artificial materials. In this case, the natural hair is practically not affected, since the strands will be hidden inside the artificial dreadlocks.

If you want to try to make dreadlocks at home by yourself, then you need to act like this:

  • divide the hair with partings to get 2 by 2 cm areas,
  • secure the locks with rubber bands and clamps,
  • take locks one by one, heavily comb along the entire length, at the same time twisting the strand, forming an even cylinder,
  • it is necessary to twist until the strand becomes dense and even (the hairs should not stick out of it),
  • apply wax on the treated hair and dry it with a hairdryer,
  • so treat all areas of hair.

Another afro hairstyle is small French braids, which are woven close to the head. First you need to make an even straight parting and begin to weave a small tight pigtail, picking up the strands along the parting. At the same time, on the other hand, a new part should be formed, which will be parallel to the first. The ends of the braids are fixed with the help of a special fixing means for making afrocrosics. So you will need to braid all the hair.

It is advisable not to do hair on just washed hair, as they will crumble. The best option is the day after washing.


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