Work with hair

We solve 5 problems of long hair


Hair is the pride of any woman. That's only when the hair begins to get confused and cling to the comb, it develops into a tragedy of international scale. This phenomenon is accompanied by a complex styling and the inability to create hairstyles, in addition, this problem grieves and tearing out the hair shreds when combing. In order to correct this phenomenon, it is necessary to study the very reason and only then proceed to solve the problem.

Reason for tangling hair

As a rule, the longer the hair, the more confused they are. At the same time, problems may appear during combing and styling. The main causes of hair entanglement are the following factors:

• Hair is dry and depleted. Due to the depletion of the hair, the hairs start to get confused with each other, thus creating tangles.
• Statistical charge. From a school course in physics, we know that electrolyzed charges have properties to attract. This rule also applies to fluffy hair.
• Reflection of the inner world. Endless problems, muddled thoughts and meditations on a direct effect on our hair. A person is such a creature - what happens inside, soon will be reflected outside.

Of course, if your hair has a tendency to permanent confusion, then you should think about your health.

The main risk factors include the following:
• Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.
• Abuse of bad habits.
• Tendency to stressful conditions.
• Malnutrition.
• Frequent heat treatment of hair (over-drying).
• The effect of a large temperature difference on the scalp (refusal to put a cap on).
• The use of alkaline detergents for hair (leads to destruction).
• Effect of hard (chlorinated) water.
• Frequent use of synthetic dyes and perm.
• Curly hair (congenital), etc.
All of the above factors have a detrimental effect on the overall condition of the hair and hairline in general.

Like any other disease, hair treatment should be started from the inside: proper nutrition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, providing the body with vitamins and minerals as well as giving up bad habits.

Treatment of hair from the outside involves the following actions:
1. Due to the fact that the confusion of hair starts from the tips, it is recommended to have a short haircut or trim ends. Trimming problem areas of hair - and the treatment will go much faster.
2. Regularly need to moisturize and nourish hair through nourishing masks, sprays and shampoos.
3. After washing with the main product, you should additionally use balms and hair conditioners.
4. At least once a week you need to apply a fat mask.
5. At night, it is recommended to braid / collect hair.
6. It is necessary to use hairbrushes made only from natural materials.

For a more productive solution to the problem, it is recommended to consult a specialist, as an independent struggle can only aggravate the general condition of the hair.

Confused hair: 5 solutions

Many women face the same problem, the name of which is matted hair. This brings a lot of discomfort, as they are not just confused, and sometimes they fall down into whole mats, which have to be unraveled for more than one hour. There is no universal solution for such a problem: however, before attempting to use a variety of means, it is necessary to analyze the origins of this problem.

The reasons for this phenomenon may be several

The long ends of the hair on the back of the head and the crown are very tangled: what to do?

After all, if the hair has become very confused, it looks like an alarm of the body, which should not be ignored in order to avoid more serious problems. Why are some of the owners of the gorgeous mop so confused hair?

Too thin hair can be a sign of disease.

Causes of tangling dry and thin hair after washing

  1. The point is in the type of hair itself. Dried, thin and split hairs are most prone to tangling. If the hair is still finely curled, it increases the likelihood of risk.

Thin hair prone to tangling

The internal state of the body. It is influenced by food and lifestyle. Stress makes the whole body weaker, and this problem does not bypass the hair: it becomes thinner and weaker, which is why the thin hair gets confused very quickly and becomes much easier to electrify and stick to each other. Speaking about nutrition, the lack of vitamins and the abundance of unhealthy foods negatively affect the hair: fatty, smoked, fried, spicy and farinaceous.

  • External environment. In urban environments, hair is often confused when hard chlorinated water in swimming pools and water pipes gradually destroys the hair structure, making it thinner and stiffer. Refusal of headgear in both cold winter and hot summer also provokes a negative effect, which is why hair gets very confused.
  • Wrong care. Frequent dyeing, biowaves, aggressive hair cosmetics and heat treatment, including regular use of curls and irons, do their work by weakening the hair and reducing their resistance to external factors.
  • Any hair requires proper care

    How to untangle comb hair extension artificial hair

    Combing mats with a person is not five minutes, and you need to be patient. A few tips on how to untangle hair at home:

    • The easiest and most radical option, if your hair is very tangled: shorten hair. Sometimes attempts to disentangle heavily tangled hair only contribute to hair loss. Much less hair you will lose if you cut at the same time split ends, because most often the hair begins to be confused from the bottom.
    • If you are not ready for such steep measures, then you should work hard to save your favorite curls and unravel the hair after the comb. It will help thorough combing. To do this, you will need a lot of time and comb with wide teeth. It is better to take wood, so as not to conduct static electricity.

    Combing will solve the problem.

    Shampoo and brush D Meli Melo for quick combing mats

    To unravel the hair with a round comb, if they are stuck there, you can use shampoo or oil (vegetable), as well as a different comb, but with occasional teeth, gradually separating strand by strand.

    It is better to start combing from the end, so that the nodes on the top do not accumulate below, which will only complicate the situation.

    • If your hair gets very confused after washing, you should use air conditioning. There are many similar products that not only give softness and shine to hair, but also facilitate the process of combing the strands.
    • When the hair on the back of the head gets very confused during the night, it is better to apply a little balm or fat cream in the morning. This will increase the slip, and strands will be easier to unravel.

    Hair conditioner

    Features care for baby hair

    Multivitamin complexes will be able to help out during periods of spring vitamin deficiency and decreased immunity.

    To protect your hair from external exposure, never forget about a hat and a hat! From this, too, hair is confused.

    Ultraviolet negatively affects hair

    Reduce the frequency of use of the hair dryer, pleyok and irons, so that the hair does not lose moisture and remain strong as long as possible. After each shampoo, apply moisturizing masks, balms. On sale there are many tools for better combing.

    Hair mask will help strengthen the hair

    Cooking tool at home: mask recipe

    Natural hair masks are also an excellent means of tangling. In their composition, as a rule, there are oils: castor, olive, linseed, soybean, argan, walnut ... Any oil can be combined with ingredients such as egg yolk, liquid honey (not candied!) Or vinegar.

    Since these are natural products, in any combination, they can not cause harm, and will only benefit the health of the hair.

    How to untangle hair: solutions

    Most women suffer from various problems with hairstyle, very often the reason is not knowing how to untangle the hair. And when it starts to seem that it is impossible to cope with this, panic thoughts roll in on many, even to the point of whether to wear fine curly locks on? Of course yes!

    Today we will discuss the possible causes of this circumstance and ways to eliminate entangled curls.

    Women's nightmare - matted hair

    Unravel the "mane"

    There are many options for how to get rid of this problem. But before finding a way out, how to untangle heavily entangled hair, you need to identify the reason for their entanglement.

    The following manipulations may be frequent precursors to this:

    • Shampooing is done without combing.
    • Irregular combing curls, in principle.
    • Strands may get tangled from the wind or at night with loose hair.

    Hairbrush - an indispensable device for women's toilets

    The result of improper care may in the future lead to other troubles, such as loss of curls.

    When combing curls should make all movements smoothly and gently.
    If the hair is long - the action must begin with the tips, gradually moving higher.


    We now turn to the immediate question of how to unravel the kolktha in the hair. Depending on how much your hair is tangled, you can use several different methods.

    Consider a situation where the confusion with the hairstyle has the lowest degree of neglect:

    1. Use a wide-tooth comb, preferably wooden, it is great for combing mats.
    2. Untangle the tips only when wetUse indelible means: conditioner, spray or cream. These techniques will help not only to disentangle your strands, but also prevent them from giving away trouble in the future.
    3. When a small section of hair gets tangled, you can take a comb to comb it and spray it on., strands will become smoother, which greatly simplifies the process of disentangling.

    Moisturize tangled ends with plain water if there is no spray on hand

    For more serious problems, when the hair is so tangled that the comb cannot be combed out, the following methods should be tried:

    1. Try to separate your fingers with matted curls into separate small strands. And alternately proceed to their unraveling, starting from the tips, moving upwards gradually. Do not take large sections of strands. This method is universal for all types of hair and allows you to focus on one place. In addition, it is more likely that, in this way, you will be able to save the hair bulb from falling out.
    2. If the hair rolled into a small koltun (the method is very painstaking and requires special patience), a small amount of them should be pulled out of the main confused place with fingers.

    In the photo - a frequent problem after the inept removal of the extensions

    1. Very common cases when the hair is tangled in the comb itself. The main thing is not to pull and not try to pull the comb for hair out of a tangled coil. Moisten the strand with shampoo or oil and begin to slowly rotate the comb. If the curls from the comb are not removed completely, add more oils or shampoo so that they are moisturized and have greater mobility.

    What if the hair is tangled, but alive and not fragile? For starters, forget about the existence of a pile. It gives the hair a good volume, but spoils the structure of the curls, which can not be combed.

    Instead of a pile, the best option is to use a special styling foam that will give the desired volume. Thanks to her, the hairstyle will look good, and the hair will not have to unravel and tear out along with the varnish.

    Hard case: the appearance of curls after a pile

    What is important, so are the small braids, who love to braid a lot of girls, unfortunately which should be avoided, as they contribute to entanglement and lead to the destruction of the hair structure.

    Preventing and preventing tangles

    In order for hair not to be confused, you need to use high-quality shampoo, balsam and conditioner. Such products on the market are presented in a wide range. Surely, you can find the composition, the price of which will triple you.

    When choosing these tools, be sure to pay attention to what type of hair it is intended for. In the process of washing, massage and rinse the shampoo thoroughly. Dry your hair with a towel, blot them lightly. After the curls have dried, gently comb and tie them to the tail.

    Do not rub the curls, enough - get wet!

    The very first enemy in the problem of tangle curls - varnish.
    If possible, do not use this fixer hairstyles.
    If the need for the use of this tool is inevitable, then it is better to choose hairspray based on natural ingredients.

    A modern anti-tangling product is excellent for hair care and easy combing. In any case, if your tips are confused, they are already unhealthy and it speaks of their dryness.

    Before you do the restoration, cut them. And then enjoy nutrition and intense moisture. For this, folk methods are ideal, which you can easily cook with your own hands at home.

    Moisturizing - helping tangled curls

    Ingredients of masks from matted hair and brief instructions for its preparation:

    Crush pear in mush, add apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons + boiled water - 1 liter. Apply the mask to wet hair, spreading over the entire length.

    Cover the head with foil and hold for about 20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash the mask with running water; shampoo is optional.

    Moisturizing masks will help prevent the problem

    At last

    The situation with tangled curls can also be caused by the electrostatic charge of the hair, which your hair can come into contact with: a hat, outerwear (which should be natural), a pillowcase. Do not forget about vitamins, healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

    You can learn more about this by watching the video in this article. It seems that many will agree, hair is our pride, they just have to look great!


    1. If you have hair get tangled up after sleep, apply a little balsam-rinse or hair cream on them. Funds need very little, otherwise hair become fat and weighted in appearance. Take a comb with rare teeth and comb strand by strand. If a hair very tangled, start combing small strands, starting from the very tips. The time for combing depends on the length of the hair and their confusion.
    2. If you are confused hair in a round comb during styling, then take regular shampoo or vegetable oil and wet them tangled strand. After that, with neat circular motions, start rotating the comb, hair must free themselves.

    If you have failed, dry the hair with a hair dryer. Dry hair is easier to comb. If you have a hairbrush for parting, then take it, but if not, use the usual one with rare teeth. Begin to separate the second comb thin strands with a round brush. The process is time consuming and requires perseverance, but saved hair worth the effort.

  • In order to avoid hair tangling, use a mild shampoo and balm. Make masks regularly and try to dry less often. hair hair dryer So they will become healthy and strong, and therefore the entanglement will not threaten them.
  • How to comb very tangled hair?


    Go back to the bath, lower your head down, apply conditioner (hair balm) in large quantities, and without washing it off, gently comb the hair with a wide-toothed comb. After combing, gently, without tangling your hair again, wash the conditioner.
    In general, they are now selling an excellent tool - a spray to facilitate combing hair. Buy it and do not suffer any more.


    Easy spray conditioner suitable for hair of any type and even for children. The tool revives your curls and helps make them more obedient. It nourishes hair with additional moisture, makes it shiny, protects against heat and hot styling methods. link blocked by project administration

    Problem number 1: split ends

    This problem is typical for short hair, but in the case of long hair, it is especially relevant. During its life, each hair experiences a variety of aggressive effects: hot styling, lightening, coloring, the action of shampoos, varnishes, gels, as well as the sun, dust, exhaust gases. The longer the hair, the greater the share of their load falls, the harder it is to keep them in good condition. It is the tips that are the most "adult" part of the hair, suffer the most.

    The solution to the problem can only be comprehensive. Experts recommend to adhere to the following rules:

    1. To give preference to gentle styling, as little as possible when resorting to the help of forceps, ploek, ironing.
    2. Choose products for the care with keratin, natural oils.
    3. Regularly trim the ends of the hair so that they do not split along the entire length.

    In recent years, beauty salons offer innovative methods of dealing with split ends - cutting with hot scissors. When this happens, the hair capsule is soldered, as a result of which nutrients are retained longer in the hair shaft, providing a healthy, beautiful look. Try it, maybe it will suit you!

    Problem number 2: dry at the tips, greasy at the roots

    Long hair gets dirty unevenly. The longer they are, the more unevenly distributed over them is the natural lubricant, which is necessary to ensure moisture. As a result, a few days after washing the roots, the hair does not look too clean, while the tips, remaining dry, become brittle and dull in appearance.

    In order to reduce the manifestation of the problem, experts recommend the mandatory nightly combing using a comb made of natural materials. This procedure, firstly, will help to distribute the lubricant more evenly along the entire length of the hair, and, secondly, it will be an excellent massage to help strengthen the hair follicles, preventing their loss.

    Additional moisture can be provided to dry ends with the help of masks from natural oils (burdock, castor, walnut, etc.), which can be done between washing. Cosmetic oil should be applied closer to the ends, without touching the roots, then braid the hair in a braid and leave the mask for several hours. By the way, you can find out more in our article: "TOP-5 HAIR MASK IN HOME CONDITIONS"

    If the greasiness at the roots occurs very quickly, a day or two after washing, you can try to remove it with a mustard mask. To do this, mix 2 tablespoons of dry mustard with a spoon of sugar, add the yolk of the egg and a few drops of natural oil. The resulting mixture is diluted with hot water to a mushy state. Apply it only to the roots.

    Problem number 3: difficulties with combing

    Combing long hair is not an easy task. They get confused, go astray. Some impatient girls rip them out with whole strands. Need I say that you shouldn't do that?

    Let's start with the choice of comb. For long hair, wood models are best. True, you have to very carefully monitor their cleanliness, every six months, buying a new comb.

    Long hair should be carefully combed in the morning and evening, as well as before washing. To do this, all the hair mass should be shifted to one side, and, separating the small strands, hold them with a brush, starting from the tips, moving to the roots. When all the strands are combed, you need to throw the hair behind his back and walk the whole mass from top to bottom. After that, the strands need to be moved in advance and once again walk along them with a comb.

    All this needs to be done calmly, without sudden movements, paying special attention to confused areas.

    In order not to wake up in the morning with a nest on your head, it is better to braid your braid for the night.

    Problem number 4: washing and drying

    Not only does it take much more shampoo and balm to wash long hair, it also takes a lot of time and effort. And the result is not the one that is expected: often after washing, long hair is pushed, does not follow the comb, and cannot be styled.

    With increased spending on detergents will have to accept: beauty requires sacrifice. But to facilitate the washing process, to make its results more predictable possible.

    It is very important to choose the right shampoo and conditioner. It is better to purchase funds from the same line, since their composition is mutually complementary. Means should be changed every 3 to 4 months, because the hair "gets used" to them, and the therapeutic effect is reduced. New care products are best tested in the form of probes, so that you do not have to send full packages of unsuitable shampoo into the wastebasket.

    In general, the use of shampoos is best minimized, replacing them from time to time with balsams (conditioners).

    It is also important to adhere to proper washing and drying techniques. Hair should be dangled in advance, wet them well, then evenly distribute the shampoo mixed with water beforehand. After having massaged your hair well over the entire length, the shampoo should be completely washed off, so that the hair begins to squeak under your fingers. The same way should be done with the conditioner (its use for long hair is mandatory after each wash).

    After washing the hair should be wrapped in a towel for about 15 minutes. This will become a kind of thermal compress.

    As for drying, it is best to let the hair dry naturally. But the pace of modern life sometimes does not allow to wait so long, and then you have to use a hairdryer. In this case, you should choose not the highest temperature. The hair dryer should be kept no closer than 25 cm from the hair, not to blow for a long time on the same strand, and try not to touch the tips with warm air - they will dry out faster than the whole mass.

    An important caveat: taking a bath with sea salt, it is better not to wet your hair in salty water, which makes them dull and brittle.

    Problem number 5: they climb EVERYWHERE

    Owners of short haircuts do not even know how much painful long hair can deliver, constantly getting stuck in the jacket's zippers, in the car door handle, in the eyeglasses. Inexplicably long hair is wound on the headphones, pinched by the refrigerator doors, climb into the drinks and food. It is necessary to make up lips with lipstick, as a strand of hair sticks to it. And in the process of making love, most of the time has to be spent on pulling strands from various places ...

    Unfortunately, the problem can be fundamentally solved only in one way: by a short haircut. And all there gum and braids are only half measures. However, we have already mentioned: beauty requires sacrifice :)

    Why are hair so confused?

    The main problem of many girls is the inability to properly care for their own hair, not every woman knows even the simplest, but, nevertheless, a very effective rule: you need to comb your hair, the more, the better.

    No, of course, each of us daily brushes the hair in order to bring them to a decent condition, but not everyone knows that this process should last more than a couple of minutes in front of the mirror.

    Remember the famous novel “Gone With the Wind”, where the main character was not lazy to sleep a hundred hairs a day before bedtime, she knew that they would be a hundred times more beautiful, stronger and healthier every day from such a procedure.

    Do not be lazy to give your curls time, so you will carry out a useful massage of the scalp and at the same time prevent tangling of hairs.

    What to do if hair is very confused? First you need to get rid of all the possible causes that can cause such an unpleasant, but very common, phenomenon.

    The beauty, strength and health of our hair directly depends on what you eat, because it is through food that all necessary substances enter our body for the normal functioning of the body. As you know, every hair has a special composition: soft keratin, which is the core, is covered with a peculiar "film" from above.

    This coating consists of microscopic flakes, which, when the hair is in good and healthy condition, fit tightly to each other, and the curls look smooth, well-groomed and, accordingly, easily combed out.

    If the hairs, for some reason, are weakened and damaged, then the scales lose their elasticity and no longer fit tightly to the surface of the rod, rising from different angles, they cling to each other, entangling unhappy curls.

    The structure of the curls can be disrupted due to frequent dyeing, constant use of hair lamination procedures, vitamin deficiencies and important micro or macronutrients, improper or insufficient care can also cause permanent tangling.

    If all of the above problems have nothing to do with you, and your hair is still wildly confused, then it may be a matter of the innate chaotic arrangement of the hair follicles.

    How to help your unhappy head of hair?

    Now that all the “why” have become clear, I would like to figure out how to get rid of such an unpleasant “confused” phenomenon. The very first thing you need to pay attention to is your own tips, perhaps they are heavily chopped and dried, in which case you will need the help of a hairdresser.

    No, of course, you do not have to cut the hair completely, but the sick and weakened ends are still better to cut off, they prevent normal hair from combing, and therefore worsen the condition of your hair as a whole.

    In spite of all the bright and promising advertisements, it is impossible to restore the split hairs, so it is better to cut them and grow healthy curls, of course, with proper care.

    Then go to the shampoo: it must be of high quality and must fit the type of your hair, for example, you should not finish off dry hair with a shampoo for oily hair and vice versa.

    Girls with long curls often have the following problem: fat roots and incredibly dry ends, which makes it difficult to find the necessary shampoo. In such cases, the ideal solution is a shampoo for oily hair and dry ends, which, however, is quite difficult to find on sale.

    But there is another solution - shampoo for oily hair, and after it apply a moisturizing and nourishing conditioner to the ends of the hair, which will gently care for them and facilitate the combing process.

    We must not forget about the masks for hair, they, like no other means, can improve their condition, saturate with vitamins, resist loss and facilitate combing.

    Shop masks also need to be selected in accordance with the type of your hair, you can treat “tired” hairs with special serums, balms and aggregates, which not only put scales in place, but also restore the internal hair fibers and fill it with vitamins and minerals.

    It is not necessary to write off effective folk remedies, they are not worse than the store ones, they are able to improve the condition of weakened hair, and natural and natural ingredients perfectly straighten and moisturize heavily entangled hairs.

    Not bad strengthen, provide general care and unravel the hair with various oils, especially for these purposes, emit castor, olive, burdock, almond, jojoba oil, tea tree or avocado. For example, such a simple recipe for a homemade mask: mixes two yolks, a teaspoon of any oil and a teaspoon of honey.

    Apply the mixture on the scalp and distribute it through the hair, we wrap the head in a plastic bag and a terry towel. In this form, we walk for 30-40 minutes, after which we thoroughly wash our heads, and in order to eliminate the smell of the eggs, the curls can be rinsed in apple cider vinegar diluted with water.

    If you carry out such a procedure on a weekly basis, you will quickly notice the result: shining, smooth and pleasant to the touch curls, which are much easier to comb.

    Choose a comb and learn to comb

    The beauty of our curls half depends on the brush that you have chosen to comb, if you choose them incorrectly, you can turn even the most beautiful and docile hair into a dull and lifeless bundle. This is especially felt when the hair is already very confused, then, the wrong comb will have to be pulled out of the hair nets almost every day.

    It is believed that the safest and most useful are brushes and combs made from natural materials, for example, combs made of wood. Not bad rubber and silicone brushes of the new generation, which easily cope with matted hair, have shown themselves.

    To make hair easier to comb, always start from the tips and gradually rise up, all the curls can be divided into sections, each comb separately. If there are heavily tangled nodules on the way, they can be sprayed with special sprays for thin and tangled hair, so the process will go much faster and safer for your own hair.


    Watch the video: LONG HAIR STRUGGLES. GIRLS PROBLEMS. Relatable facts by 5-Minute FUN (July 2024).