
Hair extension methods and features of their care


Hair extensions are a universal procedure that allows not only changing the length of your curls, but also their volume, thickness, color and structure.

There are a number of problems that the hair extension procedure can handle:

    In the presence of thin and sparse hair by increasing the strands, you can increase the volume several times.

If you want to change the image.

With the inability to grow their long hair.

To change color without harm to natural hair (highlighting, coloring).

  • To create an original hairstyle for any celebration - building rhinestones, afrokosichek or dreadlocks.

  • As for contraindications for hair extensions, there are possible side effects of the procedure:

      It is not recommended to build up with seborrhea, psoriasis and fungal diseases.

    In case of allergy to the materials used in the procedure. Before you start building up, it is recommended to test all means for an allergic reaction.

    It is worth to wait a little with hair extensions for pregnant women and girls under 16 who have had a hormonal failure. In this case, the hair is already fragile and weakened due to restructuring in the body, and the attachment of donor hair is a very serious burden for them.

    If the length of their hair is less than 5 cm, it may turn out poor-quality hair extensions, and the spike - non-durable.

    Hair extensions for brittle and damaged hair are not recommended.

    This procedure is not suitable for people who are prone to baldness.

  • If the scalp is damaged, it is recommended to wait until they are fully healed and only then do hair extensions.

  • Varieties of hair for extension

    For extensions, there are several types of hair used:

      Slavic hair. These are the highest quality curls, which is why the most popular and expensive. They have a smooth cuticle and look amazing without any treatments. By production of such ringlets the scaly layer is completely kept. Slavic hair can be straight, curly and curly. This type of strands is perfect for beauties of Slavic appearance. They are easy to dry, styling and creating original hairstyles.

    European hair. Curls of this type can be imported not only from Europe, but also from India or Latin America. Their pricing policy is much higher than Asian, which can not be said about quality. The process of creating extensions for hair extension consists in preliminary acid treatment of hair, dyeing and processing with silicone. In this case, the top flake layer can be completely or partially removed. Such hair is suitable for women with their hard, thick and voluminous hair.

  • Asian hair. Curls from China and Korea. This type of hair can be described as the cheapest and low-quality. The production technology of such curls consists in cleaning the upper scaly layer, grinding, dyeing and coating with silicone. At first glance, such hair looks very attractive, but only before the first wash. After they lose their luster, entangled and electrified.

  • Features of hot hair extensions

    The essence of the process is to use a pre-heated adhesive composition (keratin or resin), which is applied to the hair strands and fixed at the roots with a special gun or thermal tongs. A special capsule acts as a fixative. It is completely invisible, but it is able to securely hold a strand of hair. The hot hair extension method has many benefits. The main ones are the rapid increase in length and the creation of volume and density.

    Advantages and disadvantages of capsular hair extensions

    Recently, among professional stylists, capsular capacity has been gaining special popularity, which several times improves the aesthetic characteristics of hair. The technology of this process is to attach donor strands to the natural hair using a melted keratin capsule. The number of capsules depends on the desired effect and the number of attached curls.

    The main advantage of capsular extension is the ability to create original and complex hairstyles. This is because the process uses thin strands, and the fixing capsules are almost invisible. Curls can be straightened with an iron, expose them to a chemical perm, make hairstyles, twist on curlers and papilotki, dye and tint.

    It is possible to increase hair by capsular hot method on a bang, a parting, temples. At the same time, extended strands are not combed out and are worn for a long period. With such hair, you can freely visit the sauna, solarium. Capsules will not deteriorate due to high temperature.

    Also, hairs grown on the capsules are quite unpretentious in the care. To maintain the natural beauty of the curls, they can often be washed, combed and even blow-dried. In addition, capsular extension allows not only to increase the length of the hair, but also significantly add to the volume. After all, capsules strands can be attached all over the head in the necessary places, and not by one line.

    Despite a number of advantages, hot hair extensions also have their disadvantages:

      Capsules can sometimes crawl.

    If the capsules are large, a few days after the build-up they will cause inconvenience when lying down.

    In girls with too oily scalp under the influence of fat capsules will gradually break down.

  • You can not apply balms and masks directly on the capsules themselves, it can damage them.

  • It is worth noting the contraindications of this method of building. It is not suitable for girls with thin hair or for those from whom they fall heavily.

    Hot hair extension methods for capsules

    Hair extensions, however, like any other cosmetic procedure, requires preparation. Therefore, before proceeding to the lengthening of the strands, it is necessary to thoroughly wash and dry the hair. When washing the head it is forbidden to use additional hair care products, such as conditioners, rinses or masks. It is recommended to be patient, because the procedure lasts about 3 hours.

    Hot build-up is performed using two main technologies:

      Italian hair extension technology. The safest and most reliable procedure, produced in a hot way. For building are used strands with already applied keratin resin. They are successively attached to natural hair with the help of thermal double-sided forceps, which are adjusted to a certain temperature. An inconspicuous transparent color capsule forms at the junction, which immediately takes on the shade of hair. Italian technology capsules are so strong that they are able to withstand chemical perm, hair dyeing, bath and water treatments. Also, donor hair on the capsules is not combed out during the process of wearing and does not have a negative effect on natural hair. If necessary, removing the extensible hair is used gel means, which instantly soaks the capsules. The durability of hair extensions with Italian technology is 4 to 6 months.

  • English hair extension technology. As well as the previous technique, refers to a number of procedures carried out by the hot method. Its essence lies in the growth of curls with the help of a refractory resin based on organic substances. Capsules for this process are formed under a certain temperature and are squeezed out by a special gun. English technology, unlike Italian, is less practical. The whole thing - in capsules for strands that are several times larger and more noticeable. The duration of the effect of hair extensions is no more than 3 months.

  • Features of cold hair extensions

    The technology of this method eliminates the use of thermal heating of a special adhesive composition. Strands securely attached to natural hair and do not fall out when combing. Cold curls can be washed using conditioners, balsams and masks. They are completely harmless to such compounds. As a rule, cold buildup implies a tape method of fastening hair.

    Pros and cons of tape hair extensions

    Ribbon type of attachment of curls refers to the cold method of hair extensions. For its implementation uses a special adhesive tape and strands of donor hair. Tape building is the fastest way, because it does not need the use of special thermal equipment. The adhesive composition is absolutely safe for hair and scalp and, if necessary, is easily and completely removed with a special solution.

    The main advantage of tape building is the use of non-toxic substances and the absence of high temperatures. The duration of the effect of this method depends on the correctness of hair care. On average, it is about one year.

    With hair extended by the tape method, there are no restrictions to actions. With curls you can visit the solarium, swimming pool, sauna, without fear that the strands will disappear.

    Also cold buildup more gentle than hot. Hair is amenable to minimal adverse effects during the extension procedure. The capsule, which consists of surgical glue, is as strong as keratin, used for hot build.

    A significant disadvantage of this method is the visibility of the lines when creating hairstyles. There may also be such disadvantages:

      If you improperly build up in a cold way, donor hair can start to fall out. The same can happen with your own curls.

    If the capsules are not positioned correctly, mats may constantly form.

  • Own hair can negatively react to the chemical effect of the adhesive composition.

  • However, all the disadvantages of this method are more related to the features with improper hair extensions. If the procedure was carried out correctly, then problems, as a rule, do not arise.

    Hair Extension Technologies with Ribbons

    Cold hair extensions can also be carried out by various technologies:

      Spanish hair extension technology. This is a cold process. For it uses an adhesive composition, which includes glue, activator and dye: for blond hair - white, and for dark hair - black. A small capsule is applied to the connection of the donor strand, which provides a strong fixation with natural hair. The term of wearing the extension hair by the Spanish method is about 4 months. Upon expiration of the curls require correction or removal, which is carried out using a special solvent.

  • Japanese hair extension technology. Refers to the cold way. This technique uses special metal beads, clips or clips. Donor strands are fixed with accessories at the roots of the hair. Through a small hook, the curls are threaded into clips or a clip and held together with special pliers. Glue in this technique is not used, and the clips are selected in accordance with the hair color. 2 months after the extension, it is recommended to make a correction.

  • Types of hair extensions using braids

    In addition to the widespread cold and hot types of extensions, types of hair extensions by means of braids have recently gained popularity. This method was designed specifically to maximize the protection of natural hair from the negative effects of chemicals and hot temperatures.

    Advantages and disadvantages of hair extensions on pigtails

    The hair, which is made in such a way, keeps quite tightly, and the attachment points of the curls are practically invisible. With this method, a very thin pigtail is woven across the back of the head. After she is ready, strands are attached to her in the form of tress. The latter is hair treated and joined at the base in such a way that it looks like a narrow strip. One tress stitched to each pigtail.

    Usually correction should be carried out once every couple months. At the same time, tress is removed, and the pigtail needs to be twisted closer to the scalp. After that, the tresses are re-sewn. You can use them repeatedly.

    It is possible to increase hair in this way regardless of their structure, color, volume, thickness. Pigtails, braided at the base of the hair, does not cause inconvenience. This method of building is completely harmless. There is no heat and chemical effects on the hair. And the procedure is carried out much faster than all other types of capacity.

    With regard to the disadvantages of this method of hair extensions, it can be noted only that the use of braids limits the use of certain types of hairstyles. So, it is necessary to refuse high hairstyles, even partings.

    Also building on tressy attributed to short-lived methods. Depending on the intensity of hair growth, it will be necessary to re-build in 2-3 months.

    Hair extensions using braids

    Basically, the method of hair extensions for braids is produced using two technologies:

      Brazilian build-up. This is the newest and most gentle way. The procedure involves weaving overhead strands with their own hair. In this case, one of the three strands - their own hair, two - artificial. Braid weave up to 1/8 of the total length of hair.

  • African build-up. This technology uses stitched hair tress. In the process, the master weaves an African braid on the back of his head and sews tresses onto it.

  • How to increase hair - look at the video:


    Hair extension has a number of undoubted advantages:

    • They can be tinted to the tone of their hair, cut, curl and expose other types of processing.
    • The service life of artificial curls is from several months to a whole year.
    • Hair extensions easily solve the problem of their "fluid".
    • You can get rid of the extended strands with the help of special chemical compounds (the procedure is carried out by the master).

    Modern technologies make it easy to expand hair. If a girl doesn’t like her natural color of the strands, they can be painted in a brighter color, and the artificial curls can be matched to the colored one.

    Many women are embarrassed that hair extensions are carried out using tapes or capsules. They ask themselves: will this make combing the strands more difficult? In no case, since the attachment occurs at the roots, and many types of building are carried out using tiny capsules. Comb with large teeth freely passes through natural and artificial curls, creating the effect of a rich and natural hairstyle.

    This is a great alternative to wigs if you have your hair on your head, even if it is very rare. But since its own strands have to withstand the weight of artificial curls, and the adhesive itself contains chemical components, it is better to use hair extensions on healthy and strong hair. Otherwise, not only without artificial, but without your curls, you can stay.

    Ribbon extension method

    This method involves the use of special adhesive tape, with which the artificial strands are firmly attached to the natural, with no need for thermal treatment of hair.If you take care of the curls in strict accordance with the instructions given by the specialist, then there is every chance to keep the lush hair in its original form for a whole year.

    With this hairstyle, neither tanning salons nor baths are terrible. A woman who is confident that the strands do not come unstuck in front of the amazed public feels comfortable and surrounded by her friends and in a company where there are representatives of the stronger sex. And yet, among so many advantages, there is a small spoon of tar: the number of styling with such hair is limited.

    English way

    To glue the strands, a special gun is used, which easily melts the organic resin. And that, in turn, is easily removed with a special chemical agent. As your locks grow, you can take off the extended hair and re-glue it closer to the roots. The problem of correcting the hairstyle is solved in a short time. The only disadvantage of this method is that artificial hair very soon "surrender" under the pressure of the comb.

    Italian method

    On each of the artificial strands is a tiny resin capsule. A device with a heating element quickly softens it, and now it remains only to attach a thin strand to natural hair. The resin is easy to shape or stretch horizontally. The Italian way is preferred by girls seeking to create the maximum possible effect of a natural hairstyle.

    The method allows combing hair extensions without difficulty from the very roots, and with respect to them, non-native strands serve their mistress for up to six months. The disadvantages of this method include a limited number of hair shades (about 60), of which it is sometimes difficult to choose a color that perfectly matches the natural one.

    Spanish method

    Light glue, with the help of which the hair extensions make the hairstyle spectacular and incredibly feminine, unfortunately, it is imperceptible only on light strands. On the hairstyle of a brunette, capsules made of glue create an unpleasant impression, so girls with dark curls, after a little thought, prefer other ways of extension.

    French way

    The French, having borrowed their idea from the Spaniards, began to add coloring matter to the glue, thanks to which both brunettes and blondes readily use this method of female reincarnation. This hair extension is also good in that it allows you to remove an excess amount of hair from non-natural strands and regulate their density.

    Clip building

    The method is very popular because of its complete safety and the lack of need to use adhesive composition. At the end of each strand there is a special clip, which, when snapped into place, unites native and artificial hair into one strand. Hair extension is good because with a certain skill it can be used independently. Strands with clips can be removed at any time and immediately attach them closer to the roots.

    Care features

    New hairstyle requires:

    • use of special shampoos,
    • regular visits to the master, who performed the procedure of extension (for the correction of growing hair),
    • observance of the special technique of washing the head, in which the hair should be washed under a gentle stream of warm water.

    You should carefully comb the extensions before washing. Weighed down with moisture, they fall out much faster. Especially when the comb teeth pull them down.

    Use shampoo can be only 3 days after the procedure extensions. The adhesive composition should firmly fasten the curls - it takes several days.

    Washing the strands, it is necessary to ensure that the water was moderately hot and ran down from top to bottom. Curls, released in the free "swimming" in the bathroom, tangle with each other and then combing them will be much more difficult.

    To provide your own and artificial strands full care, it is better to use a professional shampoo. If this is not possible, you should buy a greasy hair care product. The sebaceous glands secrete fat, which from the beginning of the roots is distributed along the entire length of the hair. Special shampoo will wash away sebaceous secretions from the roots, preventing them from getting on the capsules. Thus, extensions last much longer.

    As well as natural curls, hair extensions need additional nutrition, which can give high-quality balm. Water with increased stiffness and adverse weather conditions make the ends of the hair weak and brittle, and a caring agent based on natural ingredients gives them strength again.

    After the shampoo has been washed off, apply a balm from the line just below the roots along the entire length of the strands, without touching the tape anchorages and capsules. Flush out the entire nutritional composition is not necessary. To do this, the ends of the hair "squeezed" fingers, and the remains of the balm are distributed comb. It will reliably protect hair from harmful external influences until the next washing procedure.

    While drying the curls, the head should be wrapped with a towel for a few minutes. It is necessary to comb strands starting from the tips and gradually moving to the roots. Do not use metal combs with fine teeth.

    Finding chic long curls in a few hours is no longer a miracle. Unfortunately, poor environmental conditions, lack of free time do not dispose modern women to patiently let go of long tresses. Hair extension is in this case an excellent alternative. And if it becomes difficult to care for artificial ones, then it will not be so pitiful to part with this wealth as with relatives.

    Tape hair extensions

    About the tape hair extensions reviews can be read sometimes the most enthusiastic. What is this technology and what is it? This type of extension refers to the "cold" methods, and it was developed by Arcos (Germany). The main point of the procedure is to secure new strands on your own with glue tape.

    The method of tape hair extensions, reviews of which so attract many, has several advantages. This is the rate of growth (it will take about 30 minutes), and safety (neither high temperatures, nor harmful substances are used), and a long-lasting effect (provided that the maintenance rules are followed).

    As for the negative aspects, it is only one, but rather substantial. The places where the strands are connected at a certain position of the curls will be visible, and this significantly limits the woman in choosing her hairstyle. But the fact that tape hair extensions are mostly positive reviews only proves that this limitation is not a problem.

    Capsular hair extensions

    More harmful, but also more effective is capsular hair extensions. Own strands are extended by attaching additional ones with special capsules. This procedure will allow you to lengthen the curls, and increase the volume, and even increase the temporal, occipital zones, as well as bangs. For the procedure using the device with tongs and thermostats. The keratin capsule strand is attached to the natural strand, and the junction is fixed using forceps that heat the connecting keratin.

    Like any other, capsular hair extension has pros and cons.

    The advantages include the uniform distribution of the strands, their reliable fastening, as well as lasting results. So, curls after such extensions can be dyed and curled. Nothing will prevent their owner from going to the pools and saunas. Correction is not required very often.

    However, if you read reviews about such hair extensions, you can make sure that there are also disadvantages.

    During the procedure, the curls are subjected to severe stress due to temperature effects, which can not but affect their health and beauty. In addition, the session itself lasts long enough - about four hours (it is just hard to sustain physically). It is impossible to ignore the fact that after the capsular hair extensions, some strands may loosen or fall out.

    There is this method and a number of contraindications. If the client has a loss of curls, a tendency to allergies or have cancer, the capsule method should be forgotten. Sometimes reviews of such hair extensions may not be the most flattering, and in order not to replenish the ranks of those who are dissatisfied with the result, one should remember: this method is rather complicated and requires special skill in implementation. Only professionals in a good cabin will make capsular capacity really high quality.

    Hair extensions at home

    Looking about hair extensions video, many people understand that this procedure can be done at home. And this is true - you can not give a tidy sum in the cabin and do it yourself.

    The main condition for a good result will be the purchase of quality materials. They need to be sent only to a professional store, but not to the market, otherwise there is a high probability to spoil the hair.

    To produce hair extensions at home, you will need to purchase the strands themselves, a separator for them, a special razor to align the joints, resin, fastening the strands, as well as forceps to fix them. It should be understood that this procedure is time consuming and requires a lot of patience, and if you have doubts about your own abilities, it is better not to risk it. Before you start the action, you need to look at the hair extensions video to draw attention to all the nuances of technology. And only after that you can begin to prepare.

    Preparation for the procedure is not difficult, special events in this case is not required. It is enough to wash the hair with a soft shampoo and dry them. If there are split ends, you will have to visit the hairdresser, because you need to get rid of them. Coloring hair, if it is planned, is also best done before hair extensions at home.

    Technologies for home procedures should be chosen more simple (descriptions of specific steps are easy to find on thematic resources). For example, you can stay on the tape hair extensions, reviews of which indicate that such extensions are available even to those who have no experience in this matter. It is better not to experiment with more professional ways, because it can end badly. And, of course, we must remember that at home the ideal result is not achieved, although it is possible to make a high-quality build-up.

    How to care for hair extensions

    It doesn’t matter whether hair extensions are done at home or in the salon, you should be serious about their subsequent care. So, curls need to constantly comb to avoid tangling. Especially carefully have to do it before washing. You should wash your hair in the shower, in running water, and after the procedure you should use a special balm for hair extensions.

    If you look at the hair extension video, then it will be said that going to bed with wet strands is also prohibited. In the presence of artificial strands, care products that include alcohol should not be used. In general, the care of such curls is not difficult, just requires increased care in some cases. But even the existing inconveniences do not in the least detract from the merits enjoyed by the elegant long curls.


    Watch the video: Overview of our hair extension methods (July 2024).